Lies About CRT makes it worse

I already stated that I know little about race and biology and I am not going to make a conclusion based on one article. My reference to DNA and skeletal remains are just things that popped in my head to question the claim there is no biological basis.

However, assume I accept that race is a social construct. That makes the remaining tenets of CRT no different than if race did have biological foundations. Using race to "to oppress and exploit people of colour" can be done with real or socially constructed categories. If "the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans," those inequalities can be maintained whether race is a biological or social construct.

Why do all those elements of CRT depend on race being a social construct. I can discriminate against a person whether they are biologically different or have no biological differences. We actually do that to white people we don't like (see the JPP prejudice against those from the South or have no college degree).

The Human Genome Project (HGP) was completed April 14, 2003. Even before then geneticists realized there is no such thing as "race" due to human variance. Human beings are over 99.5% identical. Skintone, hair, facial or other outward features are, literally superficial and of no real difference compared to the brain and other internal features of a human being. The primary differences between human beings is cultural and what others assume about each other.

Genetically, two angry Klansmen marching down the street could be genetically further apart than with a group of Jewish protestors on the side.
If race is a social construct then it’s an abstraction.

So, what does it mean if someone self-identifies as another race?

In what way is it an abstraction? Cultures are grown. The larger the population of people, the harder it is to control the culture. The use of force to quell common changes of culture usually ends badly for those applying the force.
In what way is it an abstraction? Cultures are grown. The larger the population of people, the harder it is to control the culture. The use of force to quell common changes of culture usually ends badly for those applying the force.

It’s not my argument that race is a social construct with no basis in objective reality.

Racial distinctions are biologically trivial but are real and easily recognizable. CRT isn’t a coherent theory.
It’s not my argument that race is a social construct with no basis in objective reality.

Racial distinctions are biologically trivial but are real and easily recognizable. CRT isn’t a coherent theory.
Dude, the CRT argument is primarily based upon race in America is a social construct. I tend to agree, but I also believe all human differences are primarily cultural due to genetic similarity where it counts.

Agreed racial distinctions are trivial, which is why the argument of social construct is used to explain the issues.

What, specifically, parts of CRT do you disagree upon or see as incoherent?
Dude, the CRT argument is primarily based upon race in America is a social construct. I tend to agree, but I also believe all human differences are primarily cultural due to genetic similarity where it counts.

Agreed racial distinctions are trivial, which is why the argument of social construct is used to explain the issues.

What, specifically, parts of CRT do you disagree upon or see as incoherent?

Right off the bat, I disagree that race is a social construct. It’s a faulty premise, so anything follows is going to miss the mark. I think it’s also obvious that *class* and not race is the determining factor, in terms of ‘something that needs to be overcome’ to get ahead.

Why this needs to be used in public schools is beyond me.
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was completed April 14, 2003. Even before then geneticists realized there is no such thing as "race" due to human variance. Human beings are over 99.5% identical. Skintone, hair, facial or other outward features are, literally superficial and of no real difference compared to the brain and other internal features of a human being. The primary differences between human beings is cultural and what others assume about each other.

Genetically, two angry Klansmen marching down the street could be genetically further apart than with a group of Jewish protestors on the side.

Does that issue affect the other elements of CRT or do the same issues apply even if there are biological differences? I assumed things like DNA and skeletal structure were considered biological even though I was aware the differences were very small. If anyone suggests there are differences there are always some who mistakenly assume they are referring to intelligence.
Right off the bat, I disagree that race is a social construct. It’s a faulty premise, so anything follows is going to miss the mark. I think it’s also obvious that *class* and not race is the determining factor, in terms of ‘something that needs to be overcome’ to get ahead.

Why this needs to be used in public schools is beyond me.

Dude, "class" is a social construct too. It's famously demonstrated in several "switched at birth" stories such as Mark Twain's "Pudd'nhead Wilson".

My POV is to be more concerned about banning topics in schools. Deem "age appropriate"? Sure. Of course. Ban because some people are sensitive about it? No.
Dude, "class" is a social construct too. It's famously demonstrated in several "switched at birth" stories such as Mark Twain's "Pudd'nhead Wilson".

My POV is to be more concerned about banning topics in schools. Deem "age appropriate"? Sure. Of course. Ban because some people are sensitive about it? No.

There’s too much useless crap being taught in public schools as it is. It’s a big reason that parents who can afford it send their kids to private schools. I advocate state bans on it. Tax payers should have a voice in what their kids are taught.
Does that issue affect the other elements of CRT or do the same issues apply even if there are biological differences? I assumed things like DNA and skeletal structure were considered biological even though I was aware the differences were very small. If anyone suggests there are differences there are always some who mistakenly assume they are referring to intelligence.

CRT is more of a sociological theory about the consequences of sustained racial bias in the population. Consider how Jews conducted themselves for centuries in feudal Europe: they semi-isolated themselves away from Catholics. Some changed their names to seem "less Jewish", essentially passing for Christian since others often just assumed otherwise.

In Europe, a main disdain for Jews 500+ years ago was usury. In modern times it meant the equivalent of loan sharking, but in those days it was simply loaning money and charging interest of any kind. It wasn't "Christian" to charge anything. The Jews filled an important niche yet remained disdained for it.

Run the above scenario for a few hundred years and you'll see a divergence of cultures. Eventually leading to Germany in the 1920s...and Charlottesville, VA in 2017.

Consider second generation immigrants or Dreamers. Regardless of appearances, they're Americans because they grew up as Americans culturally.
There’s too much useless crap being taught in public schools as it is. It’s a big reason that parents who can afford it send their kids to private schools. I advocate state bans on it. Tax payers should have a voice in what their kids are taught.

Agreed. So focus less on banning shit and more on priority subjects.
CRT is more of a sociological theory about the consequences of sustained racial bias in the population. Consider how Jews conducted themselves for centuries in feudal Europe: they semi-isolated themselves away from Catholics. Some changed their names to seem "less Jewish", essentially passing for Christian since others often just assumed otherwise.

In Europe, a main disdain for Jews 500+ years ago was usury. In modern times it meant the equivalent of loan sharking, but in those days it was simply loaning money and charging interest of any kind. It wasn't "Christian" to charge anything. The Jews filled an important niche yet remained disdained for it.

Run the above scenario for a few hundred years and you'll see a divergence of cultures. Eventually leading to Germany in the 1920s...and Charlottesville, VA in 2017.

Consider second generation immigrants or Dreamers. Regardless of appearances, they're Americans because they grew up as Americans culturally.

Bitch. Fuck you and CRT and Critical Pedagogy and woke and all the other stupid ass bullshit that is making people useless retards in the modern times.

People like that are not prepared to handle real life at all. School is supposed to prepare people for real life, and if they're teaching any of that shit? They are failing at their purpose.

These fuckers go apoplectic if you tell them we're out of Froot Loops n shit.

The stupidity has to stop.
Bitch. Fuck you and CRT and Critical Pedagogy and woke and all the other stupid ass bullshit that is making people useless retards in the modern times.

People like that are not prepared to handle real life at all. School is supposed to prepare people for real life, and if they're teaching any of that shit? They are failing at their purpose.

These fuckers go apoplectic if you tell them we're out of Froot Loops n shit.

The stupidity has to stop.

One day your head is going to pop like a zit and you'll be convulsing on the ground foaming at the mouth. LOL

One day your head is going to pop like a zit and you'll be convulsing on the ground foaming at the mouth. LOL


You're a POS. You just posted someone having an epileptic seizure.

One day I'd like to pop your head like a zit with my fist. Waste of flesh.
There’s too much useless crap being taught in public schools as it is. It’s a big reason that parents who can afford it send their kids to private schools. I advocate state bans on it. Tax payers should have a voice in what their kids are taught.
it's a pack of lies, it teaches the very opposite of what our anti-discrimination laws are about.
Ban it, flush it. I
dont want kids being exposed to racist hate because some Marxist whackjob has some hate filled theories

Kids should be taught inclusiveness, not racist separatism
You're a POS. You just posted someone having an epileptic seizure.

One day I'd like to pop your head like a zit with my fist. Waste of flesh.

ROFLMAO Mr. Tough Guy has a fit about a GIF?** :laugh: <---see what I did there? :laugh:

**It's a simulation, dumbass.
ROFLMAO Mr. Tough Guy has a fit about a GIF?** :laugh: <---see what I did there? :laugh:

**It's a simulation, dumbass.

Waste of flesh. So it's an insult to all people with epilepsy? I just cannot see a scenario where that shit's cool.

What kind of asshole reposts some shit like that?

Oh, the uh..sociopathic kind like Dutch Uncle.
Waste of flesh. So it's an insult to all people with epilepsy? I just cannot see a scenario where that shit's cool.

What kind of asshole reposts some shit like that?

Oh, the uh..sociopathic kind like Dutch Uncle.

Now tell me I'm dismissed before running back to me. You should just be honest, Matt, and tell me "I can't quit you, Dutch." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I already stated that I know little about race and biology and I am not going to make a conclusion based on one article. My reference to DNA and skeletal remains are just things that popped in my head to question the claim there is no biological basis.

However, assume I accept that race is a social construct. That makes the remaining tenets of CRT no different than if race did have biological foundations. Using race to "to oppress and exploit people of colour" can be done with real or socially constructed categories. If "the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans," those inequalities can be maintained whether race is a biological or social construct.

Why do all those elements of CRT depend on race being a social construct. I can discriminate against a person whether they are biologically different or have no biological differences. We actually do that to white people we don't like (see the JPP prejudice against those from the South or have no college degree).

I think that the emphasis upon the North American problem of racism, particularly the European- American and Afro-American differences, has obscured the positive aspects of CRT, namely that our societies have been built upon a misconception and that the healing processes, which are required if we are to progress, demand that we redefine ' race ' to become a term that loosely describes the probable geographical origins of people's ancestors. So ' race ' becomes ' place ' . This seems to me to be a useful tool in undermining racism- which certainly exists even though ' race ' doesn't. Who can hate a place ? ' Placeism' serves to educate ' placeists ' as to just how foolish the misconception has made them appear.
Do you think that the inequalities in law and legal institutions that you describe would survive being viewed in terms of ' place ' ? Where would the lines be drawn when interaction between people and places has become so common ?
it's a pack of lies, it teaches the very opposite of what our anti-discrimination laws are about.
Ban it, flush it. I
dont want kids being exposed to racist hate because some Marxist whackjob has some hate filled theories

Kids should be taught inclusiveness, not racist separatism

CRT is dubious to put it mildly.

It’s going the same route as the trans movement with its invented words. Practically need to take a language course to even understand what they are talking about. It’s literally brain clutter and has no business being taught *or applied* in public education.