Lies About CRT makes it worse

CRT is dubious to put it mildly.

It’s going the same route as the trans movement with its invented words. Practically need to take a language course to even understand what they are talking about. It’s literally brain clutter and has no business being taught *or applied* in public education.

Dubious on how it's used. Obviously racism over hundreds of years in both Europe and the Americas, much less the rest of the world, has left a mark on local cultures and their laws and practices.

The behavior of police in BBCs* such as LA and Chicago are additional proof of this institutionalization of racism into our cultures.

*Big Blue Cities.
I think that the emphasis upon the North American problem of racism, particularly the European- American and Afro-American differences, has obscured the positive aspects of CRT, namely that our societies have been built upon a misconception and that the healing processes, which are required if we are to progress, demand that we redefine ' race ' to become a term that loosely describes the probable geographical origins of people's ancestors. So ' race ' becomes ' place ' . This seems to me to be a useful tool in undermining racism- which certainly exists even though ' race ' doesn't. Who can hate a place ? ' Placeism' serves to educate ' placeists ' as to just how foolish the misconception has made them appear.
Do you think that the inequalities in law and legal institutions that you describe would survive being viewed in terms of ' place ' ? Where would the lines be drawn when interaction between people and places has become so common ?

there are no positive aspects of crt.

crt is to distract humanity from the only dividing line that matters, the rich and powerful versus the poor and powerless.

crt is perfect for limousine liberals who have sold out and seek to lay blame on all whites, even poor ones.
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Dubious on how it's used. Obviously racism over hundreds of years in both Europe and the Americas, much less the rest of the world, has left a mark on local cultures and their laws and practices.

The behavior of police in BBCs* such as LA and Chicago are additional proof of this institutionalization of racism into our cultures.

*Big Blue Cities.

Big Blue Cities run by Democrats and quite often by *black democrats* lol.
Dubious on how it's used. Obviously racism over hundreds of years in both Europe and the Americas, much less the rest of the world, has left a mark on local cultures and their laws and practices.

The behavior of police in BBCs* such as LA and Chicago are additional proof of this institutionalization of racism into our cultures.
*Big Blue Cities.
such crap. any "systemic racism" has been wiped out by the civil war, Civil Rights Act and a bureaucracy that is hyper sensitive to any type of discrimination

Cops in blue cities get abused, water thrown on them, and general disrespect from the criminals
When something like Floyd happens it's so unusual it makes headlines
otherwise the millions of interactions between cops and populace goes unnoticed/

Thee is room for reform but your understanding of policing is liberal angst, same as your endorsement of CRT
as a viable true theory.
FFS you sound like Biden with this noise
such crap. any "systemic racism" has been wiped out by the civil war, Civil Rights Act and a bureaucracy that is hyper sensitive to any type of discrimination

Jesus fucking Christ, Dookie. Try pulling your head out of Putin's asshole and sniff the real world for a change.

Do you agree Affirmative Action is "systemic racism"? It's certainly institutionalized racism. If so, then try to man up and agree that "systemic racism" still exists, you fucking Russian cocksucker.
Dude, some personal accountability please. You're the one that specifically made a deal out of "*black democrats*". Why?’s ironic that much of the ‘structural racism’ is occurring in cities that are run by blacks and/or white wokies.

You’re thicker than usual this morning.
Jesus fucking Christ, Dookie. Try pulling your head out of Putin's asshole and sniff the real world for a change.

Do you agree Affirmative Action is "systemic racism"? It's certainly institutionalized racism.
you idiot.
AA is a legal remedy to PAST racism, the theory being those were disadvantaged by being part of a community that was under served etc.

It's 100% polar opposite of "systemic racism". it mitigates against such’s ironic that much of the ‘structural racism’ is occurring in cities that are run by blacks and/or white wokies.

You’re thicker than usual this morning.

Cities are almost always Blue. Something about crowds I guess. It has nothing to do with race even though both the Democrats and Republicans love to play the racial identity card as you just did.

I'm thick and throbbing this morning. Open wide, Opie! LOL
I think that the emphasis upon the North American problem of racism, particularly the European- American and Afro-American differences, has obscured the positive aspects of CRT, namely that our societies have been built upon a misconception and that the healing processes, which are required if we are to progress, demand that we redefine ' race ' to become a term that loosely describes the probable geographical origins of people's ancestors. So ' race ' becomes ' place ' . This seems to me to be a useful tool in undermining racism- which certainly exists even though ' race ' doesn't. Who can hate a place ? ' Placeism' serves to educate ' placeists ' as to just how foolish the misconception has made them appear.
Do you think that the inequalities in law and legal institutions that you describe would survive being viewed in terms of ' place ' ? Where would the lines be drawn when interaction between people and places has become so common ?

If race is not real it seems CRT should be including that in its theory rather than saying there is no such thing as race and then claiming there is systemic racism. How can there be racism is there is no race? What it claims about racism is just prejudice toward specific groups. We find extreme prejudice between people of the same skin color.
If race is not real it seems CRT should be including that in its theory rather than saying there is no such thing as race and then claiming there is systemic racism. How can there be racism is there is no race? What it claims about racism is just prejudice toward specific groups. We find extreme prejudice between people of the same skin color.

For me to give a satisfactory answer to that I'd need to spend time discovering instances of existing laws which favor or disfavor on the basis of ' race '. That would expose the errors of our western society but this isn't really an area that I'd find rewarding . Of course, the inequalities in the Izraeli society are very evident and accessible and that's my area of interest. Izrael actually promotes 'racism' and discriminates on the basis of 'race' as an existential necessity to its national ' character '. There's a lot that we can learn about the workings of CRT- and fascism- by observing the Jewish fascists at work.
It's worth my mentioning that Izraeli fascism is dependent upon the promotion of ' racism ' in America- another facet of the terrible price imposed upon American morality for the Golden Calf of ' Izrael's security '.
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Izraeli fascism, or Neo-Zionism, cannot continue to ethnically-cleanse Palestine without support from America which is rooted in 'racist ' approval- whether that be Islamophobia with regard to Arabs or prosemitism with regard to Jews . That approval, as CRT indicates, stems from ingrained ' racism ' in American society and its laws.

No, Critical Race Theory Isn’t a New Civil Rights Movement. (Just the Opposite)
The difference between the civil rights movement and CRT isn’t one of degree or shade. It’s foundational. Proponents of the former believe America can transcend Her flaws and sins, while the latter presents those flaws and sins as a pretext to destroy its liberal soul. One side pursues equality and progress, while the other makes a fetish of oppression and division. It’s easy to see which path leads to a brighter future for our country.
The title to this OP is instructional.

‘Lying about CRT only makes it worse’. That’s like you’re getting this whether you like it or not so stop ‘lying’ about it. It’s coming, so go pound sand. It reveals the nasty authoritarian streak that’s endemic among leftists.

And the so-called ‘lies’ only amount to critics pointing out CRT’s patently obvious flaws.
The title to this OP is instructional.

‘Lying about CRT only makes it worse’. That’s like you’re getting this whether you like it or not so stop ‘lying’ about it. It’s coming, so go pound sand. It reveals the nasty authoritarian streak that’s endemic among leftists.

And the so-called ‘lies’ only amount to critics pointing out CRT’s patently obvious flaws.
That is not true. The Fox article mislead and lied about CRT. Making assumptions and baseless accusations does not help people make an informed decision.

I get it, many people seem to have their minds made up. The discussion proves this over and over. Personally, I have engaged in a couple traininga related to CRT. As an adult with multiple life experiences, I found them engaging and worthwhile. I appreciate different perspectives even if the overall idea is something I don't support.

Students in local districts have not have this introduced to them. History is taught differently with acknowledgement of Tulsa massacre (not race riot). That is a good thing.

The bottom line, I think we can do a better job of teaching history. Acknowledging the greatness of our ideals while also being honest about our horrific failures to at times remember those ideals.

The bottom line, if you have negative beliefs about public educators you are more likely to oppose any use or acknowledgement of CRT. If you trust public educators, you can see how CRT can be used to encourage critical thinking.

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That is not true. The Fox article mislead and lied about CRT. Making assumptions and baseless accusations does not help people make an informed decision.

I get it, many people seem to have their minds made up. The discussion proves this over and over. Personally, I have engaged in a couple traininga related to CRT. As an adult with multiple life experiences, I found them engaging and worthwhile. I appreciate different perspectives even if the overall idea is something I don't support.

Students in local districts have not have this introduced to them. History is taught differently with acknowledgement of Tulsa massacre (not race riot). That is a good thing.

The bottom line, I think we can do a better job of teaching history. Acknowledging the greatness of our ideals while also being honest about our horrific failures to at times remember those ideals.

The bottom line, if you have negative beliefs about public educators you are more likely to oppose any use or acknowledgement of CRT. If you trust public educators, you can see how CRT can be used to encourage critical thinking.

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Some of CRT’s assumptions are baseless lol.

It *assumes* ‘structural racism’ is an actual thing, for example. That’s just a start. It belongs on college campuses—as an elective.
The Amazon driver’s attack on an older woman is an important warning

On Friday, a very disturbing video emerged and instantly went viral. It showed a young Amazon driver viciously punch an older woman who had been unhappy with a slow delivery. While the video is shocking on its own, it’s also a loudly clanging warning about the dangers of Critical Race Theory (“CRT”), especially when allied with other leftist doctrines commonly taught to the young, including the claim that words are violence. As CRT expands throughout America, expect more attacks like this one.
Given that Ramirez is part of a generation trained to think this way, you can expect that there will be other, similar attacks. This is where CRT inevitably leads, and societal degradation will happen fast. Just think of the speed with which Hitler perverted German culture. He assumed power in 1933 with less than 30% of the popular vote, at which time he ended all future fair elections. Within two years, his Brownshirts and Hitler Youth were routinely attacking Jews. (My Dad escaped from Berlin in 1935 after a brutal beating from some Hitler Youths.)

CRT needs to stop yesterday. Otherwise, culturally, we’re heading into a dark alley from which there is no escape.