Lies About CRT makes it worse

They want people to believe the myth of America because that is easier than coming to terms with the fact that they "didn't build that". "

I stand by this.

It's an easier bill of goods to sell to people than if those same people looked just at you and what you've personally accomplished. Which, apparently, is not a lot...
Why? Because you don't want kids to learn that you had institutional advantages that other people didn't, and despite getting all those advantages you rose to a level of mediocrity anyway, that you think is an achievement.

Since even the most trivial of your achievements aren't owed to your work ethic, then the persona you present on JPP is a load of posturing horseshit.
buzzwords.. Plenty of minorities had the same advantages of same schooling schooling.. you act like blacks are not professionals, entrepeneurs, middle class, management and now POTUS.
There were structural advantages to being white long ago, which is why we had Affirmative action.
That's a good thing, but that' where it needs to stop. provide equal opportunities.

equal opportunity- NOT FORCED EQUAL OUTCOMES ("equity") is the American ideal
Critical Race Theory is based on a massive pile of stupid lies and already credibly debunked by numerous history experts. Only the lowest of IQs thinks there is any substance to it. :palm:

Dinesh D'Souza is not a history expert.

CRT is damaging to you because it ruins the myth of your exceptionalism, which NO ONE -not even your allies- believe you are.
Critical Race Theory Is A Lie

Critical Race Theory is evil, destructive, degenerate, and factually incorrect. It was invented to replace the old defeated economic arguments of communism, when the communists realized those arguments were lost. In the crudest possible ways, the Haves and Have-nots have been replaced with Whites and Not-Whites. It is destroying our Country, our States, our Cities, our Churches, and even our families. Whenever you hear the word privilege, let it ring in your ears like a siren. You’re listening to the mindless jabberings of an idiot college kid who learned some Critical Race Theory in Sociology class and was dumb enough to accept it.

Reject this stupidity.

Critical Race Theory is a lie. Any University that allows it to be taught on their campus should lose all academic accreditation.

No… scratch that… They should be burned to the ground.
buzzwords.. Plenty of minorities had the same advantages of same schooling schooling.. you act like blacks are not professionals, entrepeneurs, middle class, management and now POTUS.

You can keep lying about it, but nothing will change the fact that on a level playing field, you would not achieve the same level of success you wallow in today.

You had every single advantage breaking your way for your entire life, and this shit (aka being someone who lies about mail-in voting) is all you could amount to.

So I totally understand why you don't want to accept the premise CRT; if you did, you'd have to confront the fact that your life has been a disappointment of wasted potential and opportunity.
Well, that's because that's an opinion informed by your actions on JPP.

Basically, the fact that I know you're making shit up about yourself proves exactly what I said in what you quoted above.

You achieved your relative level of "success" not through your hard work or work ethic, obviously, because hard work and work ethic would show in pulling an argument together...which you and your "very fine people" seem incapable of doing.

It's OK to admit that you had's a lot less insulting then trying to convince people that the lazy person you are somehow, someway worked hard to achieve something.

I just don't buy that...I don't see how you could have achieved anything through hard work or a strong work ethic based on your posts on JPP, and how you present yourself here.
and you certainly can't prove any of this: "These people like to pretend that they achieved their exaggerated level of success solely through their hard work and ethic, when it was really due to the structurally racist and misogynist systems that set them up to succeed in spite of all their glaring flaws and laziness."
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

Critical Race Theory…

- believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction and therefore has its advocates look for it everywhere

- relies upon “interest convergence” (white people only give black people opportunities and freedoms when it is also in their own interests) and therefore doesn’t trust any attempt to make racism better

- is against free societies and wants to dismantle them and replace them with something its advocates control

- only treats race issues as “socially constructed groups,” so there are no individuals in Critical Race Theory

- believes science, reason, and evidence are a “white” way of knowing and that storytelling and lived experience are a “black” alternative, which hurts everyone, especially black people

- rejects all potential alternatives, like colorblindness, as forms of racism, making itself the only allowable game in town (which is totalitarian)

- acts like anyone who disagrees with it must do so for racist and white supremacist reasons, even if those people are black (which is also totalitarian)

- cannot be satisfied, so it becomes a kind of activist black hole that threatens to destroy everything it is introduced into
There were structural advantages to being white long ago, which is why we had Affirmative action.

Wells Fargo Discrimination Settlement. Wells Fargo has agreed to make job offers to 580 applicants and pay $7.8 million in back wages and interest to settle allegations of hiring discrimination by the U.S. Department of Labor.

That was last year, and it was the SECOND TIME Wells Fargo had to pay these claims in 5 years:

Conciliation Agreement Between the US Dept. of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

So what were you saying about Affirmative Action curing racism in America?
Dinesh D'Souza is not a history expert.

Dinesh D'Souza has more intelligence in his big toe than you do. It's apparent there is nothing between your ears. :palm:

CRT is damaging to you because it ruins the myth of your exceptionalism, which NO ONE -not even your allies- believe you are.

WRONG again; it is damaging to America because it is based on race hustling lies and Marxist distortions. Try to be less of a massive cunt and moron. :palm:
And that's the crux of the problem; you want us to take your word for it, and I simply won't because you've given me absolutely no reason to trust you.

So if you want to use personal given circumstances as your argument, the expectation is that you'd be verifying those personal given circumstances, or just don't use them at all.

You should be able to argue your position without making shit up.

If you can't, then you shouldn't be engaging in the debate at all.
You cannot prove that they're not telling the truth....there's no reason not to trust them. Prove that something about their claims that you're alleging to is not the truth...If you can't, stop posting...;)
You can keep lying about it, but nothing will change the fact that on a level playing field, you would not achieve the same level of success you wallow in today.

You had every single advantage breaking your way for your entire life, and this shit (aka being someone who lies about mail-in voting) is all you could amount to.

So I totally understand why you don't want to accept the premise CRT; if you did, you'd have to confront the fact that your life has been a disappointment of wasted potential and opportunity.
ad hom garbage.
I just showed you there isn't any inherent advantage to being white anymore.
Anymore then there is "systemic racism" -you are living in the past pre-CR Act and trying to say today is Jim Crow
Nobody but Progs and Biden believes that. we see eyes wide open the equal opportunity America offers
I'm A low grade calling others low IQ

True! But you're also a repugnant, race hustling, lying, low IQ, worthless piece of human filth. :thumbsup:

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats

and you certainly can't prove any of this: "These people like to pretend that they achieved their exaggerated level of success solely through their hard work and ethic, when it was really due to the structurally racist and misogynist systems that set them up to succeed in spite of all their glaring flaws and laziness."

It's proven in your lazy posts.

It's proven in your lazy attempt to pretend you're something you're not.

The only reason you pretended to be a teacher was so that your argument against public education would have credibility.

Strip out your fake "experience" and you got nothing.
Wells Fargo Discrimination Settlement. Wells Fargo has agreed to make job offers to 580 applicants and pay $7.8 million in back wages and interest to settle allegations of hiring discrimination by the U.S. Department of Labor.

That was last year, and it was the SECOND TIME Wells Fargo had to pay these claims in 5 years:

Conciliation Agreement Between the US Dept. of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

So what were you saying about Affirmative Action curing racism in America?
no admission of guilt
Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 deal with DISABILITIES not race
The Vietnam vet part is also obviously not about race.

But you make my point. where discrimination IS found it's rooted out, and mitigated.
i.e. there is no "systemic racism"
You can keep lying about it, but nothing will change the fact that on a level playing field, you would not achieve the same level of success you wallow in today.

You had every single advantage breaking your way for your entire life, and this shit (aka being someone who lies about mail-in voting) is all you could amount to.

So I totally understand why you don't want to accept the premise CRT; if you did, you'd have to confront the fact that your life has been a disappointment of wasted potential and opportunity.
You'll have to prove you know all this to be true, you know. Which, of course, you cannot...
I just showed you there isn't any inherent advantage to being white anymore.

You ignored my response to that stupid post, where I pulled TWO instances of Wells Fargo, one of them having to pay racial bias claims on hiring within the last 5 years.

Anymore then there is "systemic racism" -you are living in the past pre-CR Act and trying to say today is Jim Crow

Systemic racism explains why you are able to post on JPP today, when by all accounts you should have drowned in a bowl of soup decades ago.

Nobody but Progs and Biden believes that. we see eyes wide open the equal opportunity America offers

So much opportunity that more black men are in prison today than were in bondage 170 years ago, at the height of slavery in the US.
no admission of guilt

Oh, then why reach a Settlement?

But you make my point. where discrimination IS found it's rooted out, and mitigated.

This discrimination had been happening for 20 years, and if it wasn't for these plaintiffs, nothing would have changed.

And you just said right above that they didn't do anything wrong.

So how could they have not done something wrong, but what was wrong was rooted out and mitigated?

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth, and you know it.
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