Lies About CRT makes it worse

The oppression and exploitation of Palestinians- as Arabs- is a social construct, without a doubt.
Further, it's so deeply ingrained that it's likely that nobody here will want to move beyond the premise of CRT and accept it as fact.

moon wants to teach critical palestinian theory......

Right, there's no such thing as institutional racism, and Conservatives were never racist towards Barack Obama:




???.....which do you need proved to you......that racism is less than it was in the 50s or the 80s?.........or that racism exists more strongly in the imagination of lib'ruls......

Methinks that you have missed the point

racism (which the dims have distorted out of proportion) is not the issue

In the OP you discussed at lenght the THEORY of CRT. The problem is that we are NOT teaching children about a theory ... but rather they are being INDOCTINATED ... and ... IT IS BY LAW

In the past dimlibs complained about theories being taught in public school ... ie, creationism. And the godsend alternative was evolution. Even now evolution is being replaced with the transplant theory (life existed else where and it was brought to earth either by meteorites or in the extreme, spaceships). Even the big bang theory is under attack with the multiple universe theory. Let us not forget dark matter, neutrino's, gravity waves, black holes, white holes, pulsars, quasars and every other thing 'SCIENCE' dishes out.

But the one thing they all agree on is that ENERGY is the cause/source of it all.


So when it comes to CRT ... what makes it correct ??? And more importantly ... why is it mandated ??? If it is correct and mandated ... how about mandating ALL the 'SCIENCE' theories I mentioned above ???
The oppression and exploitation of Palestinians- as Arabs- is a social construct, without a doubt.
Further, it's so deeply ingrained that it's likely that nobody here will want to move beyond the premise of CRT and accept it as fact.

wow ... you bring you palemuzzie stuff here, yet REFUSE to allow counterpoints on your multiple ME hate threads ... wow
wow ... you bring you palemuzzie stuff here, yet REFUSE to allow counterpoints on your multiple ME hate threads ... wow

Take the posts by this dumbass, Grumpy. He's institutionally racist. He's an Islamophobe , warped by the social construct of oppression of Arabs as an aid to Israeli hegemony.
He's stumbled in where others have feared to tread, mind. Now watch his ingrained racism in action. We'll start with " palemuzzie "

Haw, haw..................................haw.
Take the posts by this dumbass, Grumpy. He's institutionally racist. He's an Islamophobe , warped by the social construct of oppression of Arabs as an aid to Israeli hegemony.
He's stumbled in where others have feared to tread, mind. Now watch his ingrained racism in action. We'll start with " palemuzzie "

Haw, haw..................................haw.

grumpy is a major moron. I ban him from my threads
Wrong. Critical pedagogy is about indoctrination and propagandization of education. The central defining tenant of it is All education is political indoctrination. That is what it's creator, Paulo Freire stated. It is supposed to do this through making the student critically conscious. From that beginning it has been adopted by Marxists--the hardcore sort--internationally as a means to radicalize and mobilize students into radical Leftist thinking and action.

In the US, the primary early adopters and the ones who spread it through universities are "academics" like Peter McLaren (UCLA), Bell Hooks (USC and others), Antonia Darder (Loyola and Univ of Chicago), Henry Giroux (Boston College, Univ of Penn). They, and other adherents are all dedicated Marxists. They all teach in colleges of education at their respective universities or related fields.

Critical pedagogy has nothing to do with teaching actual critical thinking skills and everything to do with radicalizing the student into being a good Leftist and Marxist.
Marxist movements gave us the New Deal. The reason we have militarized police is to protect the status quo. Young people need to know they have a constitutional right to protest our corrupt government. They need to know capitalism has gone bankrupt 4 times in the last 30 years, and that the upcoming bankruptcy will be as bad or worse than the great depression. And they need to know that Biden and Harris belong to the establishment that designed the school to prison pipeline.

Those weren't Marxists who stormed the capitol.
Take the posts by this dumbass, Grumpy. He's institutionally racist. He's an Islamophobe , warped by the social construct of oppression of Arabs as an aid to Israeli hegemony.
He's stumbled in where others have feared to tread, mind. Now watch his ingrained racism in action. We'll start with " palemuzzie "

You ignored this ...

wow ... you bring you palemuzzie stuff here, yet REFUSE to allow counterpoints on your multiple ME hate threads ... wow

If you were actually interested in genuine intercourse on the subject ... then the thread would be open ... however ... you are ONLY interested in having a muzzie circle jerk with your dimlibs buddies

grumpy is a major moron. I ban him from my threads

THANK YOU ... I was totally afraid that I might ONLY be a minor moron ...... I feel like a hero now
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Marxist movements gave us the New Deal.

Prove that.

The reason we have militarized police is to protect the status quo. Young people need to know they have a constitutional right to protest our corrupt government. They need to know capitalism has gone bankrupt 4 times in the last 30 years, and that the upcoming bankruptcy will be as bad or worse than the great depression. And they need to know that Biden and Harris belong to the establishment that designed the school to prison pipeline.

So protesting the government is a "constitutional right" hum?

Those weren't Marxists who stormed the capitol.

No they weren't. But I assume you support their "constitutional right" to protest and the police were there to protect the status quo...
If you start with the premise that public educators are liberals looking to indoctrinate children then nothing can really be taught other than agreed upon fact.

I completely disagree with that premise, so yes, I believe critical thinking is the goal, not indoctrination.

My experience supports this despite the propaganda out there that provides limited examples of the opposite.

Good teachers will acknowledge it as theory. The few exceptions will not.

If you start with the premise that public educators are liberals looking to indoctrinate children then nothing can really be taught other than agreed upon fact.

I firmly believe that most public educators ARE liberals looking to indoctrinate children(not a theory or a premise, I am a public school teacher, the only caveat is I teach vocational subjects and any theory is usually electrical)and nothing SHOULD really be taught other than agreed upon fact. Save theories for physics and science in high school. CHILDREN require a solid foundation of cold facts, save the social gobbledygook for college where a lot of them will require a year or more of remedial math and English just to meet the minimum requirements for admittance anyway.

Good teachers will acknowledge it as theory. The few exceptions will not.

I don’t care if teachers acknowledge it as theory, will a 7 year old be able to make that distinction?
It is not propaganda to tell kids who we are where we came from. They can see how racist we are now. They might want to know where it came from. It has been a constant throughout American history. You cannot fix what you hide and lie about. BLM is trying to force us to see who we are. That is why they get so much hate.
Truth is not indoctrination. Hiding it is.
Prove that.

So protesting the government is a "constitutional right" hum?

No they weren't. But I assume you support their "constitutional right" to protest and the police were there to protect the status quo...
History books show that 2 socialist groups along with a Marxist group protested until FDR agreed to a federal jobs program and the rest of the New Deal. A high percent of those who stormed the capitol are among the long-term unemployed. High unemployment is a direct cause of social unrest.

CRT teaches the history that you want whitewashed.