Lies About CRT makes it worse

No, what CRT truly does is tell egomaniacs like you that "you didn't build that", which ruins the myth you've created around your fake exceptionalism.

Why did Tit and Ass gardener use such a convoluted syllogism? "Truth hurts" would have been just fine.
How? If you don't think you're racist, why would you give a shit?

No, you're just oversensitive.

How? How does CRT divide anyone?

I don't believe in racially shaming children.

I dont believe in revisionism in an attempt to demoralize a nation.
Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that racism is a social construct, and that it is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.

What about that do you disagree with?

Do you not think racism is a social construct?

If not, then you believe people are just inherently born racist?

Or do you believe racism is taught?

And if it's taught, doesn't that mean its institutionalized?

And if its institutionalized, doesn't that mean it impacts our legal, economic and justice systems and policies?

So isn't CRT really just teaching what society is?
Well again, why are we teaching school kids a theory that *attempts* to model society? The theory is untested and so it could easily be wrong. Marxism is a theory too. This should be left to higher education. Public school kids should be learning such basics as science, math, reading and etc.

If the theory is untested, then how do you explain what happened in Charleston in 2015?
I strongly advocate teaching History.

CRT is history.

It's the history that you don't want to know because you somehow, someway feel guilty for it.

No one is trying to make you feel guilty. If you feel guilty because of the actions of white people 160 years ago, then you clearly identify with those horrible people.

If you didn't, then you'd certainly want to learn the history.
CRT is history.

It's the history that you don't want to know because you somehow, someway feel guilty for it.

No one is trying to make you feel guilty. If you feel guilty because of the actions of white people 160 years ago, then you clearly identify with those horrible people.

If you didn't, then you'd certainly want to learn the history.

it's a distortion.

and importantly, the people of a nation are not responsible for all the actions of its parasitic banker/military industrial complex parasite class.