LOL... 3 OPD shot and killed


Well-known member
Punk fucking police. So glad they are killed. No longer will they oppress. Though they belong to a union they were probably Republicans as they supported the last 8 years which killed our country. Death was too easy for them. They should have had to live. Never R.I.P. you party over country dead fuckers. Fuck you, we will watch your every grave move. Only sorrow is too bad more Republicans didn't die with you fucking police.

3 Oakland officers killed, one critically hurt
Jaxon Van Derbeken, Demian Bulwa,Carolyn Jones, Chronicle Staff Writers

(03-21) 22:55 PDT OAKLAND -- Three Oakland police sergeants were shot and killed and a fourth officer was critically wounded Saturday in a pair of related incidents that together rank among the deadliest attacks on law enforcement in California history.

A fifth officer, a member of the SWAT team that killed the suspect police held responsible for the shootings, was treated for minor injuries and released.

The first incident happened about 1:15 p.m. when two traffic officers were gunned down after what police described as a "routine" stop of a 1995 Buick in the 7400 block of MacArthur Boulevard in East Oakland, not far from the Eastmont Town Center.

About two hours later, after some 200 officers from Oakland Police, Alameda County Sheriff's Office, BART Police and the California Highway Patrol combed the area for the suspect, three SWAT officers were shot when their team found him hidden in an apartment on 74th Avenue near Hillside Street, police officials said.

In all, two SWAT officers and one traffic officer died in the two incidents; one traffic officer was on life support late Saturday.

"In these moments, words are extraordinarily inadequate," Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums told reporters at a news conference Saturday night at Oakland police headquarters. "We come together in shock, in grief, in sadness and sorrow. Our hearts go out to the officers' families who are experiencing a level of tragedy that goes beyond our ability to comprehend."

"These folks leave their homes in the morning, with every expectation of returning," Dellums said, "but they did not."

Killed Saturday were motorcycle officer Sgt. Mark Dunakin, 40, and Sgts. Ervin Romans, 43, and Daniel Sakai, 35, both members of the SWAT team. The other motorcycle officer, John Hege, 41, was in grave condition, officials said.

The suspect, whom police identified as Lovelle Mixon, 26, of Oakland, shot at the SWAT officers, who "returned fire in defense of their lives," said Officer Jeff Thomason, a department spokesman. The suspect, who police believe was acting alone, was killed. Officials said the suspect was on parole after being convicted of assault with a deadly weapon and was also wanted on a no-bail warrant. Officials did not explain the nature of the warrant.

"All four officers dedicated their lives to public safety and selflessly worked to protect the people of Oakland," Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said in a statement. "Maria and I join the Bay Area in remembering their service and honoring their sacrifice."

Schwarzenegger said Capitol flags would be flown at half-staff. He is flying from Washington to Oakland Sunday to meet with the mayor and Howard Jordan, Oakland's acting police chief.

Oakland City Council member Larry Reid called the incident "one of the worst days in the history of Oakland."

Saturday's shooting appears to be one of the state's most horrific police killings.

The most notorious such slaying is referred to as the "Newhall incident," a Los Angeles County shootout in 1970 that left four California Highway Patrol officers dead and changed the way state law enforcement officers approach high-risk stops.

Saturday evening, as word of the shootings circulated in the Bay Area's law enforcement community, about 100 officers gathered outside the entrance to Oakland's Highland Hospital emergency room, waiting desperately for information about their fallen colleagues. Some of them were wearing SWAT gear, while others were wearing baseball jerseys after having raced to the hospital from a game.

At the Oakland Police Officers Association office near Jack London Square, hundreds of officers assembled to mourn their colleagues.

"It's shock and disbelief," said Oakland Police Sgt. David Faeth. "We lost a lot of good people today. Good officers, good friends. It hasn't really set in yet."

Shortly after the 9 p.m. press conference, religious leaders from the Oakland community formed an impromptu prayer circle.

Pastor David Kietley of Shiloh Christian Church said, "Let us pray for the Shalom of this city and for peace to reign in every part of this city."

First reports of the incident came from a 911 call at 1:16 p.m., reporting that two officers had been shot, possibly with an assault-type rifle. The suspect fled from the scene on foot, sparking a door-to-door manhunt in East Oakland that involved officers from at least five law enforcement agencies.

An anonymous tipster told police that the suspect was in an apartment building just blocks from the original shooting. The SWAT team was called to the site and took control of the area around the building. After repeated attempts to communicate with the suspect, SWAT officers entered the building around 3:30 p.m.

According to law enforcement sources, the SWAT team officers entered an apartment and approached a closet. Suddenly the gunman, hiding in the closet, opened fire through the door, killing two officers and wounding a third. Officers fired back, killing the gunman.

All during the afternoon, from the time, just after lunch, when the shootings started, until it became dark, East Oakland was swarming with police cars, dozens of them parked on block after block, as officers conducted their investigation and neighbors came out and stood on the sidewalk, watching.

On nearby 73rd Avenue, a man who declined to give his name said he was working in his backyard when he heard four gunshots, followed by a four-second pause, then two more gunshots. It was the start of the first incident.

He looked up and saw a police officer running down MacArthur Boulevard with a gun drawn, heading toward the Dolphin Pharmacy, in front of which the shootings occurred. Within seconds dozens of police cars and helicopters descended on the intersection, he said.

Another neighbor, Antonay Jackson, said she saw officers visibly shaken, some with bowed heads, as they began taking pictures and taping off the crime scene.

"It's crazy," she said. "The police station is right there. We can see it. I don't know, this is too close to home."

Neighbors described the site of the second shootings as an older, two-story, cream-colored eight-plex apartment building on a usually quiet block.

Beatriz Gomez, who runs Beatriz Hair Style salon on 73rd Avenue, said she and her customers were frightened when they saw dozens of police officers swarming around her store, which backs up to the apartment building on 74th Avenue.

"I never saw so many police," she said. "We were scared. We didn't know what happened. Customers were calling all day to see if we were OK. But it's sad - the police do a good job protecting us."

Hours after the shooting, dozens of officers still surrounded the shooting sites, with Oakland police joined by CHP officers, Alameda County sheriff's deputies and BART police.

Young people gathered on street corners, as police shut down parts of MacArthur Boulevard and Hillside Street to make room for investigators.

Keith Sykes, who lives behind the apartment building where the suspect was killed, knew there was trouble when he heard the rush of sirens.

"When you see six or seven police cars, you know a cop's been hurt," he said.

Neighbors said they didn't believe that the gunman lived in the building where he was slain, but said "there's a lot of fussing" in that apartment building.

"It's sad," said Mark Green, another local resident. "I'll tell you this much, I'm going to church tonight."

There have been problems in that neighborhood.

Oakland police opened a substation at the Eastmont Town Center in 1992, responding to neighborhood complaints about crime and violence in the area. But the substation, built in an old tire shop, did not end the neighborhood's troubles.

In 1996, a rowdy rap concert in the mall turned into a melee, with a crowd lobbing bottles and rocks at police, cars and buses. Some of the concertgoers started racing their cars up and down the streets, and two men died after their car crashed through the fence of a nearby school playground.

In 1999, an Oakland police technician was shot at outside the police substation. In 2002, Michelle Horton of San Leandro was shot and killed as she drove on Bancroft Avenue near the mall.
that god you republicans allow such easy access to assault rifles. I'm sure that democrat felt put upon being pulled over and all.
Yeah in a year or so the police will have to start protecting those finiancial guru's that ruined the USA. Pity...
I have far less remorse for dead police officers than the innocent people they murder.

Without respect for citizens, no one should expect respect for the law.
These men had families and lives. I saw no evidence that they had done anything wrong here.

To assume they had is merely prejudice.

My heart sinks for their family and what they are going through.

Children lost their father yesterday and the children did nothing to deserve that.

I also feel for the familiy of the man who it seems went berserk.
Maybe because he has some knowledge of Oakland PD.

I do hear that they are not particularly nice to the citizens they police for.

I Dont know if they did anything wrong, they may have.

If it turns out this guy did nothing but try to protect himself from police brutality than what will you think toppy?

If they did everything right this time and this young man reacted this way because of the way policing is done in Oakland on a regular basis then what will you think?

We dont know the facts in full now do we?

Until then there are 5 families who are greaving today.
These men had families and lives. I saw no evidence that they had done anything wrong here.

To assume they had is merely prejudice.

My heart sinks for their family and what they are going through.

Children lost their father yesterday and the children did nothing to deserve that.

I also feel for the familiy of the man who it seems went berserk.

The countless INNOCENT men and women police officers continue to murder without consequences have families as well. Kenneth Walker had a three year old daughter and a loving wife, a good life, a college-educated engineer, active in the community .. just out having dinner with three of his no criminal record, no drug use, college-educated friends, one of them a baskettball coach .. but he was shot in the back of his head twice while laying prone oin the ground obeying a fucking scumbag motherfucker should be dead shit-stain of a police officer, who walked away from this murder a free man without consequence.

Until there is justice for INNOCENT people like Kenneth Walker, a very good man whom I had the pleasure to know .. then FUCK police officers and their fucking families.
anyone notice, or even care, that when a regular joe citizen is gunned down, they send two cops, but the second that a cop is shot at or killed, there are 15 to 20 cops in the immediate vicinity and THAT CASE becomes their main focus?

class warfare anyone?
anyone notice, or even care, that when a regular joe citizen is gunned down, they send two cops, but the second that a cop is shot at or killed, there are 15 to 20 cops in the immediate vicinity and THAT CASE becomes their main focus?

class warfare anyone?

They value their lives to be more important than the life of the average Joe.

They expect their deaths to be more disturbing than the deaths of the average Joe's they murder.
The countless INNOCENT men and women police officers continue to murder without consequences have families as well. Kenneth Walker had a three year old daughter and a loving wife, a good life, a college-educated engineer, active in the community .. just out having dinner with three of his no criminal record, no drug use, college-educated friends, one of them a baskettball coach .. but he was shot in the back of his head twice while laying prone oin the ground obeying a fucking scumbag motherfucker should be dead shit-stain of a police officer, who walked away from this murder a free man without consequence.

Until there is justice for INNOCENT people like Kenneth Walker, a very good man whom I had the pleasure to know .. then FUCK police officers and their fucking families.

Really? This guy shot 5 officers before they killed him. It's a tragedy that 3 cops had to lose there life in order to remove this scumbag from the planet. Fuck him.
anyone notice, or even care, that when a regular joe citizen is gunned down, they send two cops, but the second that a cop is shot at or killed, there are 15 to 20 cops in the immediate vicinity and THAT CASE becomes their main focus?

class warfare anyone?

Police officers are put into dangerous situation all the time. Every routine traffic stop has the potential to be dangerous. It's appropriate to discourage violent criminals from shooting at police when they're caught. It only makes sense.
The countless INNOCENT men and women police officers continue to murder without consequences have families as well. Kenneth Walker had a three year old daughter and a loving wife, a good life, a college-educated engineer, active in the community .. just out having dinner with three of his no criminal record, no drug use, college-educated friends, one of them a baskettball coach .. but he was shot in the back of his head twice while laying prone oin the ground obeying a fucking scumbag motherfucker should be dead shit-stain of a police officer, who walked away from this murder a free man without consequence.

Until there is justice for INNOCENT people like Kenneth Walker, a very good man whom I had the pleasure to know .. then FUCK police officers and their fucking families.

I understand your pain Bac.

I also understand that the onkly way to end this is for Good people to go into law inforcement.

My son is considering it and I know for a FACT he would not stand for such behavior.

There are others out there who are not corrupt. How do we end this if we discourage Good people from being Cops and insult the good ones along with the evil ones?
Wow... you don't hold back anything, do you. So is it okay to be racist because you're black?

It is absolutely Marques of Queensbury rules to respond to racism in any manner one chooses to respond.

A casual look through the threads clearly demonstrates that ONCE AGAIN the thing called topspin injects race and racism into conversation when he doesn't have a point.

Feel free to ignore that if you choose and feel free to call my response to his racism, "racism" if you choose.
Really? This guy shot 5 officers before they killed him. It's a tragedy that 3 cops had to lose there life in order to remove this scumbag from the planet. Fuck him.

The "tragedy" of those officers being killed isn't one iota more tragic than the lives of the innocent people they murder .. in fact, it's less tragic. Innocent citizens aren't paid to risk their lives.
Maybe we should wait for the facts to be all on the table?

hell fucking no!!!!!!!!

all too often, too many statists and totalitarians rush the legal system along in the name of 'justice' as they railroad civilians for crimes they did not commit.

Fuck the 'no rush to judgement' and let the investigation take 18 months until the facts come out that we all knew about anyway, like 92 year old Mrs. Johnston in Georgia.