LOL... 3 OPD shot and killed

Police officers are put into dangerous situation all the time. Every routine traffic stop has the potential to be dangerous. It's appropriate to discourage violent criminals from shooting at police when they're caught. It only makes sense.

citizens are put in to dangerous situations all the time as well. Every routine traffic stop has the potential to be deadly for the citizen. It only makes sense that they should not be treated any differently, according to the law, than we are.
It is absolutely Marques of Queensbury rules to respond to racism in any manner one chooses to respond.

A casual look through the threads clearly demonstrates that ONCE AGAIN the thing called topspin injects race and racism into conversation when he doesn't have a point.

Feel free to ignore that if you choose and feel free to call my response to his racism, "racism" if you choose.

Racism is wrong no matter how you may attempt to justify it. Sugar coat it if that makes you feel better, but at the end of the day, you are no better than Topspin. That would make you a hypocrite. Surely you're above that my friend.
I understand your pain Bac.

I also understand that the onkly way to end this is for Good people to go into law inforcement.

My son is considering it and I know for a FACT he would not stand for such behavior.

There are others out there who are not corrupt. How do we end this if we discourage Good people from being Cops and insult the good ones along with the evil ones?

Good people DO go into law enforcement, then are corrupted by the culture police.

The only solution is to change the culture of police and prosecute and convict murderous police officers.

THAT is the ONLY solution.

There is no such thing as a "good cop" who perpetuates the culture of police murder. Why don't they clean up their own shit it they don't want to wallow in it?
The "tragedy" of those officers being killed isn't one iota more tragic than the lives of the innocent people they murder .. in fact, it's less tragic. Innocent citizens aren't paid to risk their lives.

do you assume that these deceased cops have killed innocent people? Really?

most cops go through entire careers without shooting at anybody, but you want to automatically assume that every cop has killed innocents.
Good people DO go into law enforcement, then are corrupted by the culture police.

The only solution is to change the culture of police and prosecute and convict murderous police officers.

THAT is the ONLY solution.

There is no such thing as a "good cop" who perpetuates the culture of police murder. Why don't they clean up their own shit it they don't want to wallow in it?

You are making a sweeping generalization. It is clear to me that you've had limited interaction with police officers. That, and you do not personally know any.
Racism is wrong no matter how you may attempt to justify it. Sugar coat it if that makes you feel better, but at the end of the day, you are no better than Topspin. That would make you a hypocrite. Surely you're above that my friend.

I don't have a problem with you calling me a hypocrite either.

I am sick to fucking death of not being able to civily and respectfully post on political message boards without some asshole racist spewing his ignorance at me.

I post on this board because the majority of people here are saner than that, but I've left many because I have no tolerance for such fucked up behavior.

I have no intentions of leaving this board, but I also will not allow racist comments to go unchallenged .. a strategy that has never worked, not in nearly 400 years of existence here.

Walk in my shoes before you judge me brother.
citizens are put in to dangerous situations all the time as well. Every routine traffic stop has the potential to be deadly for the citizen. It only makes sense that they should not be treated any differently, according to the law, than we are.

the point is that cops are forced to interact with criminals, sometimes violent criminals, regular citizens are not. i rarely come into contact with any criminals.
We understand your an angry black panther who loves socialism. Here's a clue it's. 2009 and YOU are now the man.
We understand your an angry black panther who loves socialism. Here's a clue it's. 2009 and YOU are now the man.

What I understand is you're a fraud and fake ass pussy who doesn't know shit about money. Only poor motherfuckers who've never had it pine for it constantly and believe it to be the only measure of success.

What I understand is that you're a braindead racist. A filthy subhuman thing.

That's all I need to understand about you.
Because it's not what you think. I agree withyou on all your racism comments. I actually think racism is worse than you appear too. I pity you and feel sorry for you. That's what I want to say.
Because it's not what you think. I agree withyou on all your racism comments. I actually think racism is worse than you appear too. I pity you and feel sorry for you. That's what I want to say.

Get the fuck outta' here you lying bastard.

This isn't the first time you've reached in the toliet for racism. There is no need for you to continually inject racism into the conversation unless you're a fucking racist.

You're about as "Rastafarin" as Dick Cheney
What I understand is you're a fraud and fake ass pussy who doesn't know shit about money. Only poor motherfuckers who've never had it pine for it constantly and believe it to be the only measure of success.

What I understand is that you're a braindead racist. A filthy subhuman thing.

That's all I need to understand about you.

look it up don't trust me BOY
BLACKS invest less than whites and have lower net worths by income groups. It's a fact. I am you teacher grasshopper.
I did he called me a fake ass pussy, dispite the 100's of post showing me to be a financial wizz. He's an angry black man, he learned it in the 70's. That bus has left the station, it's 2009 he's the man now. Soon retards like bravo and Ice dancer will be crying about the man. lofl
I did he called me a fake ass pussy, dispite the 100's of post showing me to be a financial wizz. He's an angry black man, he learned it in the 70's. That bus has left the station, it's 2009 he's the man now. Soon retards like bravo and Ice dancer will be crying about the man. lofl

I'm not defending any of the vile things he's said, but you need to exercize self-control, otherwise you just get "self-pwned" by having such statements to quote back at you.

As a National Guardsman who works with full-time police officers, and who has close friends who are police officers (many non-white), I get pissed at BAC all the time for his statements...