LOL... 3 OPD shot and killed

FWIW, in this instance I knew that 4th cop who they declared brain dead. He was a great dude and came from a real good family. This whole situation is sad but obviously even worse when there is a personal element to it.

I'm truly sorry about that man. I don't wish any of them ill and I'm sorry it had to happen. It's important to always remind yourself that they have lives like anyone else. It's easy to lose sight of that when they're the enemy trying to put you away, but they are people too.
I'm truly sorry about that man. I don't wish any of them ill and I'm sorry it had to happen. It's important to always remind yourself that they have lives like anyone else. It's easy to lose sight of that when they're the enemy trying to put you away, but they are people too.

Thanks man. Unfortunately Oakland has its share of bad and corrupt cops. That's what makes this harder is why did something like this happen to one of the good ones?
It goes like this .. police officers murder INNOCENT people all the goddamn time and the pay no consequences for their actions because they are above the law.

Why should I respect police officers, their lives, their families .. when they have no respect for my life, my family, my community?

As I stated, they should be held accountable. On this site, we do discuss these murders. Should it be a more widespread discussion through the media etc...? absolutely

But that does not justify tossing all cops into the same basket. As I said, it is like calling all black men gangbangers and murderers simply because some black men are gangbangers and murderers.

Also, I have not seen anyone state that the cops should get more attention when killed in the line of duty than those people who are murdered by corrupt cops.

that said, I understand you are closer to this than I am and I understand your frustration and anger about the lack of consequences so many of these corrupt cops face. I just cannot fathom no sympathy for cops killed in the line of duty.... especially if they were not corrupt.
I know exactly what you mean.

There is one other component to activism that is missing from the lives of most Americans .. spirituality. Most Americans are religious .. or claim to be, but few recognize that spirituality is a verb, not an adjective. Too many want to wear spirituality as a label, but lack the courage to act, think, and speak a spiritual life .. which DEMANDS activism.

Anyone who claims spirituality, but is not an activist, is just wearing it as a label to make themselves feel sane.

Activism is the only thing that demands change in society. Religion changes nothing without the people, spirituality, activism, and works that demand change.

Jesus was an activist .. a passionate one .. as was King .. as was Ghandi .. as were the Founding Fathers.

Very true and very well-stated as usual.
I totally agree with bac telling his kids that. I was ribbing him earlier, but I don't fuck around when it comes to kids. You don't need to be a black man to see cops fuck them constantly. You just need to he not blind or biggoted.
I consider tham a cult .. but even they have leaders and follow a heirachical (sp) order.

Yes, but they aren't activists, which is what I meant to imply. They generally believe in the power of prayer. One reason why rival Catholic Orders have always hated the highly political and activist Jesuit Order...
Interesting thread given the sad topic....reading through the posts lets us see in reality how freekin' stupid, biased, bigoted and immature some the posters are.....thankx for the entertainment...
Interesting thread given the sad topic....reading through the posts lets us see in reality how freekin' stupid, biased, bigoted and immature some the posters are.....thankx for the entertainment...

Welcome to the club.

Lots of us have been watching that very same thing for the past 8 years.
Yes, but they aren't activists, which is what I meant to imply. They generally believe in the power of prayer. One reason why rival Catholic Orders have always hated the highly political and activist Jesuit Order...

I'm no expert on cults so I won't pretend to be .. however, it is human nature to be led, and however this or anyother cult came to their professed beliefs, unless there was some divine universal epiphany amongst them, activism took them there.
Anyone who routinely cheers the deaths of police officers is not an American by nature.
Perhpas by birth, but not by Morals.
As I stated, they should be held accountable. On this site, we do discuss these murders. Should it be a more widespread discussion through the media etc...? absolutely

But that does not justify tossing all cops into the same basket. As I said, it is like calling all black men gangbangers and murderers simply because some black men are gangbangers and murderers.

Also, I have not seen anyone state that the cops should get more attention when killed in the line of duty than those people who are murdered by corrupt cops.

that said, I understand you are closer to this than I am and I understand your frustration and anger about the lack of consequences so many of these corrupt cops face. I just cannot fathom no sympathy for cops killed in the line of duty.... especially if they were not corrupt.

I've allowed this false argument to go unchallenged because I don't really care to argue it, but the comparison of how racial groups are percieved to how I percieve the police is indeed false.

Racial groups aren't given guns and a badge and authority to shoot people. Nor are they above the law .. in fact, many of us are below the law and face bias and discrimination at every level of the just-us system.

Nor are racial groups held to a higher standard.

The police are held to a higher standard than racial groups BECAUSE they are given badges and guns and the authority to shoot you. Then they are placed ABOVE the law which they are supposed to be enforcing and rarely face consequences for their actions, which racial groups, particularly non-white racial groups, get no exemption from. They go to prison.

The knowledge that police officers are killing unarmed innocent citizens demands action from an intelligent and sane society. If many of these incidents of police murder were occuring anywhere else in the world many here even on this site would be shocked and accusing that government and people of barbaric behavior. If it was happening in Venezuela many here questioning me would be calling for Chavez's head.

This isn't about whether there are good cops, this is about the continued apathy for non-white life that exists in this country. If these incredible atrocities were happening to whites in this country that are happening to non-white citizens there would be an uproar that would be heard around the world. There would be no question of good cop/bad cop, the system would be forced to change and all officers would be under the spotlight.

There is no question of this truth .. a truth so easily ignored by an apathetic citizenry.

Unless the doors of justice swings both ways, I simply couldn't care less about cops or their families. Too bad more people don't feel as I do .. then cops would be forced to police themselves.
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Anyone who routinely cheers the deaths of police officers is not an American by nature.
Perhpas by birth, but not by Morals.

A. I don't cheer for the deaths of cops .. I simply don't care about them.

B. Does apathy about the deaths of unarmed innocent citizens make one "American?" The answer to that is YES.
A. I don't cheer for the deaths of cops .. I simply don't care about them.

B. Does apathy about the deaths of unarmed innocent citizens make one "American?" The answer to that is YES.

OPhh Yes you must cheer the deaths of innocent Iraqi to be a real American.
Are you sure you really want to equate "morals" with being an American?

I can assure you, you do not.

American morals are not the best in the world.
Invading and occupying a country based on lies.
If you are not with us you are against us.
Gitmo and no trials, etc..