LOL... 3 OPD shot and killed

not every police officer is bad...your disregard for their lives and the lives of their families when they could have been upstanding members of the force out to protect people is kind of disguisting

Not every citizen is a criminal brother.

I've attended the funerals of several INNOCENT people murdered by the police .. watched their families suffering .. no outrage from most of those mourning police deaths now.
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Not every citizen is a criminal brother.

I've attended the funerals of several INNOCENT people murdered by the police .. watched their families suffering .. no outrage from most of those mourning police deaths now.
This is exactly the same thing as people who say all black people are bad because they continue to let gangs into their neighborhoods and that in order to "fix" this the "culture needs to be changed". It is very much exactly the same thing you've said here.

Or all native Americans are bad because they constantly allow themselves to fall into drunken stupors. Or... <insert bad activity here> means that all <insert stereotyped group here> are just <insert whatever negative word you want here>....

Seriously, it's bug-nuts to assume every cop out there is bad because somebody you know was killed.

Just like the girl I met and argued with for hours whose sister was raped and murdered by a black guy so all black people were bad....

She was wrong. And IMHO, you too are wrong, although understandably angry. There are many cops who have fallen for the cover and hide "blue wall" crap. There are others who haven't and those people need to be encouraged.
I'm sorry it had to come to this. The police would have no such sympathy for us, but I actually am somewhat sorry to see this happen. I completely understand your anger, bac, and I had much the same reaction when I heard about this. Oakland PD is notoriously corrupt and abusive. But the more I think about it, I am sorry that these officers lost their lives. They would certainly have no such sympathy for us if it had been four drug dealers who had been killed, but we are better than them and hold ourselves to a higher moral standard. And so I am sorry that these officers lost their lives, even though they would have probably sent anyone of us to jail or killed us in the street without a second thought. It's important not to dehumanize them because it makes us like them.
why the fuck is that? why cant I walk the street with the attitude that I'll 'go home at the end of my shift'??

If you are indeed a Good Cop I was defending you you idiot.

Maybe from some of the race tinged things I have seen you spew we can infer just what KIND of cop you are?

There are good cops and I have met some.

Any good cop knows that the people are who he/she serves and that protecting ones life does not automatically mean the citizen you are dealing with needs to be brutalized.
I'm sorry it had to come to this. The police would have no such sympathy for us, but I actually am somewhat sorry to see this happen. I completely understand your anger, bac, and I had much the same reaction when I heard about this. Oakland PD is notoriously corrupt and abusive. But the more I think about it, I am sorry that these officers lost their lives. They would certainly have no such sympathy for us if it had been four drug dealers who had been killed, but we are better than them and hold ourselves to a higher moral standard. And so I am sorry that these officers lost their lives, even though they would have probably sent anyone of us to jail or killed us in the street without a second thought. It's important not to dehumanize them because it makes us like them.
Yes. I agree. As I said, he's understandably angry.
BAC I am 100% in favor in curbing police corruption and I would also support harsher prison terms for officers that practice such things. I know that even though I think you are a hyper socialist left wing nut (and i mean that in an endearing way ;) ) that you are intelligent enough to not paint broad generalizations. For whatever bias you have against the police you simply cannot apply it to each and every officer and act as if it's not big deal that four innocent people lost their lives today probably just trying to serve the public. Whether they wear blue or not.

I respect your perspective on this .. but you haven't walked in my shoes .. probably haven't seen nor experienced the other side of police brutality and murder.

Please tell me why the deaths of police officers should be considered more traumatic than the deaths of the innocent people they kill? If any thread is posted about their deaths here, it won't be posted by most of the people here wondering why I don't have more compassion for the police. If anything is posted about them at all it will be posted be me and a very few others here .. and very few will have any comment at all about the tragedy of the lives of murdered INNOCENT people.

Lately there seems to be a goddamn epidemic of police officers murdering INNOCENT people while complying with their orders. People are being shot while laying prone on the ground without attempting any resistance .. no outrage except from the people who are usually the victims of this barbaric behavior.

No posts about their families .. or that they were good people.

I have an 18 year old son and I have to teach him how to stay alive when confronted by the police .. who TARGET him because he's black. He was even once roughly accosted by police because they thought he was robbing a white woman .. who happened to be his mother. Young men like my son have been killed for less.

A 92 year-old woman gunned down in her home while sitting alone by the police.

A pregnant woman opens the door for police who faked a call to dispatch so they could investigate an house .. and when the woman opesn the door one of the cops shoots her in the stomach, killing her baby.

I could go on and on and on and on about police murders and atrocities that happen all the time .. doesn't get much press because mainstream America doesn't give a damn.

On this issue, we exist in two different worlds entirely.
I respect your perspective on this .. but you haven't walked in my shoes .. probably haven't seen nor experienced the other side of police brutality and murder.

Please tell me why the deaths of police officers should be considered more traumatic than the deaths of the innocent people they kill? If any thread is posted about their deaths here, it won't be posted by most of the people here wondering why I don't have more compassion for the police. If anything is posted about them at all it will be posted be me and a very few others here .. and very few will have any comment at all about the tragedy of the lives of murdered INNOCENT people.

Lately there seems to be a goddamn epidemic of police officers murdering INNOCENT people while complying with their orders. People are being shot while laying prone on the ground without attempting any resistance .. no outrage except from the people who are usually the victims of this barbaric behavior.

No posts about their families .. or that they were good people.

I have an 18 year old son and I have to teach him how to stay alive when confronted by the police .. who TARGET him because he's black. He was even once roughly accosted by police because they thought he was robbing a white woman .. who happened to be his mother. Young men like my son have been killed for less.

A 92 year-old woman gunned down in her home while sitting alone by the police.

A pregnant woman opens the door for police who faked a call to dispatch so they could investigate an house .. and when the woman opesn the door one of the cops shoots her in the stomach, killing her baby.

I could go on and on and on and on about police murders and atrocities that happen all the time .. doesn't get much press because mainstream America doesn't give a damn.

On this issue, we exist in two different worlds entirely.

BAC, I cannot claim to have lived your life or walked in your shoes.

But can you hold all cops to be guilty of these horrible crimes? Can you maintain that each and ever person on patrol is guilty of what these despicable cops you mentioned have done?

I guess I am surprised that you could hold an entire group responsible for what some of that group have done.
Well if any police kill innocent people (which we did indeed see in Oakland on the BART platform) that means by default they are all guilty and thus we should not worry too much when cops are killed. Isn't that how it goes BAC?

It goes like this .. police officers murder INNOCENT people all the goddamn time and the pay no consequences for their actions because they are above the law.

Why should I respect police officers, their lives, their families .. when they have no respect for my life, my family, my community?
BAC, I cannot claim to have lived your life or walked in your shoes.

But can you hold all cops to be guilty of these horrible crimes? Can you maintain that each and ever person on patrol is guilty of what these despicable cops you mentioned have done?

I guess I am surprised that you could hold an entire group responsible for what some of that group have done.

I'm sure there are many good people on the police force .. and I don't just blame the police for the murders of INNOCENT people. I also blame this society that allows these murders to go unchecked. As long as it's not happening to their kids, they don't give a fuck if it happens to someone else's children, father, or mother .. or grandmother.

As an African-American father I can't afford to teach my children to beware of "bad cops" .. they need to beware of all of them, and if the cop in front of them happens to be a good cop, good, but don't bet your life on it.

This is about the culture of police and the INDUSTRY of crime in the country.
The "tragedy" of those officers being killed isn't one iota more tragic than the lives of the innocent people they murder .. in fact, it's less tragic. Innocent citizens aren't paid to risk their lives.
First off there is no evidence that THEY murdered anyone. THEY were doing nothing more than THEIR jobs. And your generalization is no better than any other. Remember when Jessie Jackson said when he walked down the street at night and heard footsteps behind him he would be glad to see those footfalls did not belong to a black man. You generalizations are no better than the cops that pull over young brothers because they are doing nothing more than driving a nice car or sitting next to a white woman. The fact that police murder, rob, harass, beat, innocent PEOPLE does not make what happened in Oakland justified or just. I understand the anger, but the joy, or satisfaction you get from the murder of three men doing nothing more than their jobs is disturbing. It is every bit as disturbing as the satisfaction people get win one more black man goes to jail because "they are out there robbing and raping and selling drugs and we need to clean up our streets." You need to keep your fire, but find peace. Your anger, and many of your posts are so angry in seeps through the screen, is going to kill you.

Find peace brother.
I'm sorry it had to come to this. The police would have no such sympathy for us, but I actually am somewhat sorry to see this happen. I completely understand your anger, bac, and I had much the same reaction when I heard about this. Oakland PD is notoriously corrupt and abusive. But the more I think about it, I am sorry that these officers lost their lives. They would certainly have no such sympathy for us if it had been four drug dealers who had been killed, but we are better than them and hold ourselves to a higher moral standard. And so I am sorry that these officers lost their lives, even though they would have probably sent anyone of us to jail or killed us in the street without a second thought. It's important not to dehumanize them because it makes us like them.

I'm sorry it's come to this as well my brother.

I am not an insensitive man. On the contrary, I am hyper-sensitive to the tragedies of our human condition. I've been active in the community, giving my time, resources, and energy all my life .. but there is a lot of pain in that brother. A lot of pain, helplessness, frustration, and admitedly anger.

The pain of seeing another good innocent person gunned down by cops .. watching his wife and little girl shaking and crying their hearts out .. the helplessness of not being able to do anything about it .. the knowing that the cop who did this would probably walk away free from consequences as has happened so many times that if there is ANY consequence to a police shooting, its an anomaly.

The anger of seeing the prediction come true .. watching cops in court cheering the conviction as his wife and daughter suffered once again.

I grew up in Detroit and was there when the riots of 1967 broke out. It was a reaction to a police unit in Detroit called STRESS (Stop The Robberies and Enjoy Safe Streets.) They were a band of murders who killed 17 people,often robbing them then planting false evidence.

Then after the Algiers Motel Incident, all out war broke out between the police and the residents of the city .. and I have never been prouder of the Detroit community then when its citizens took up arms and went to war with the police.

STRESS was disbanded in disgrace and their crimes were revealed .. but that would not have happened unless residents went to war against them and would not have happened until the police began to fear the community of people who would no longer be their victim.
I'm sorry it's come to this as well my brother.

I am not an insensitive man. On the contrary, I am hyper-sensitive to the tragedies of our human condition. I've been active in the community, giving my time, resources, and energy all my life .. but there is a lot of pain in that brother. A lot of pain, helplessness, frustration, and admitedly anger.

The pain of seeing another good innocent person gunned down by cops .. watching his wife and little girl shaking and crying their hearts out .. the helplessness of not being able to do anything about it .. the knowing that the cop who did this would probably walk away free from consequences as has happened so many times that if there is ANY consequence to a police shooting, its an anomaly.

The anger of seeing the prediction come true .. watching cops in court cheering the conviction as his wife and daughter suffered once again.

I grew up in Detroit and was there when the riots of 1967 broke out. It was a reaction to a police unit in Detroit called STRESS (Stop The Robberies and Enjoy Safe Streets.) They were a band of murders who killed 17 people,often robbing them then planting false evidence.

Then after the Algiers Motel Incident, all out war broke out between the police and the residents of the city .. and I have never been prouder of the Detroit community then when its citizens took up arms and went to war with the police.

STRESS was disbanded in disgrace and their crimes were revealed .. but that would not have happened unless residents went to war against them and would not have happened until the police began to fear the community of people who would no longer be their victim.
But this act that we speak of now was NOT war. It was the actions of one lone bug fuck criminal who shot men in cold blood. This was not some sort of "eye for an eye" act of vengeance. This guy just didn't want to go back to jail. What happened in Detroit was self defense, just as the Panthers openly carrying guns was an act of self defense. Self defense is never driven by vengeance. And eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
This is exactly the same thing as people who say all black people are bad because they continue to let gangs into their neighborhoods and that in order to "fix" this the "culture needs to be changed". It is very much exactly the same thing you've said here.

Or all native Americans are bad because they constantly allow themselves to fall into drunken stupors. Or... <insert bad activity here> means that all <insert stereotyped group here> are just <insert whatever negative word you want here>....

Seriously, it's bug-nuts to assume every cop out there is bad because somebody you know was killed.

Just like the girl I met and argued with for hours whose sister was raped and murdered by a black guy so all black people were bad....

She was wrong. And IMHO, you too are wrong, although understandably angry. There are many cops who have fallen for the cover and hide "blue wall" crap. There are others who haven't and those people need to be encouraged.

I don't come to this because A friend was murdered, nor because some, or a few innocent people were murdered. This is an epidemic .. and that characterization about black people and our communities is still prevelent in this society .. which not only explains the apathy about police murderes, but also the apathy about the injustice of the criminal injustice system and the "war on drugs" which is just a war on black people.

That same characterization of American Indians also prevails.

I don't assume every cop is bad, I simply don't care about them, don't care about their lives, don't care about their deaths.

When that pendulum swings both ways, then I'll have a reason to care about them.
But this act that we speak of now was NOT war. It was the actions of one lone bug fuck criminal who shot men in cold blood. This was not some sort of "eye for an eye" act of vengeance. This guy just didn't want to go back to jail. What happened in Detroit was self defense, just as the Panthers openly carrying guns was an act of self defense. Self defense is never driven by vengeance. And eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

The apathy about the deaths of innocent victims perpetuates the system of the culture of police murder and the INDUSTRY of crime.
First off there is no evidence that THEY murdered anyone. THEY were doing nothing more than THEIR jobs. And your generalization is no better than any other. Remember when Jessie Jackson said when he walked down the street at night and heard footsteps behind him he would be glad to see those footfalls did not belong to a black man. You generalizations are no better than the cops that pull over young brothers because they are doing nothing more than driving a nice car or sitting next to a white woman. The fact that police murder, rob, harass, beat, innocent PEOPLE does not make what happened in Oakland justified or just. I understand the anger, but the joy, or satisfaction you get from the murder of three men doing nothing more than their jobs is disturbing. It is every bit as disturbing as the satisfaction people get win one more black man goes to jail because "they are out there robbing and raping and selling drugs and we need to clean up our streets." You need to keep your fire, but find peace. Your anger, and many of your posts are so angry in seeps through the screen, is going to kill you.

Find peace brother.

Don't get it twisted brother.

I don't justify what happened in Oakland, I simply don't care about police or their lives.

Although I write passionately, I am not full of anger. I'm full of the passion for life and humanity ..something I find missing in the lives of way too many. That passion is not a detriment, it is fuel for life and the actualization of my spirituality. I am an activist, and activists are passionate.
Don't get it twisted brother.

I don't justify what happened in Oakland, I simply don't care about police or their lives.

Although I write passionately, I am not full of anger. I'm full of the passion for life and humanity ..something I find missing in the lives of way too many. That passion is not a detriment, it is fuel for life and the actualization of my spirituality. I am an activist, and activists are passionate.

Oh that is very well said bac. I have so often been called angry, or hate-filled, when nothing could be further from the truth. I guess that passion is inherent in activists, and because so few people are activists, it's widely misunderstood. I can only wish that most people were as happy as I am. From what I see and hear around me, too few people actually feel that happy inside of them at any point throughout their day. I feel it every day. It's the first feeling I have when I wake up. But the minute you begin to write, as an activist, so many mainstream people think it's anger and hate. Oh, forget about it if you write anything feminist. But you know what I mean.
Oh that is very well said bac. I have so often been called angry, or hate-filled, when nothing could be further from the truth. I guess that passion is inherent in activists, and because so few people are activists, it's widely misunderstood. I can only wish that most people were as happy as I am. From what I see and hear around me, too few people actually feel that happy inside of them at any point throughout their day. I feel it every day. It's the first feeling I have when I wake up. But the minute you begin to write, as an activist, so many mainstream people think it's anger and hate. Oh, forget about it if you write anything feminist. But you know what I mean.

I know exactly what you mean.

There is one other component to activism that is missing from the lives of most Americans .. spirituality. Most Americans are religious .. or claim to be, but few recognize that spirituality is a verb, not an adjective. Too many want to wear spirituality as a label, but lack the courage to act, think, and speak a spiritual life .. which DEMANDS activism.

Anyone who claims spirituality, but is not an activist, is just wearing it as a label to make themselves feel sane.

Activism is the only thing that demands change in society. Religion changes nothing without the people, spirituality, activism, and works that demand change.

Jesus was an activist .. a passionate one .. as was King .. as was Ghandi .. as were the Founding Fathers.
I'm sorry it had to come to this. The police would have no such sympathy for us, but I actually am somewhat sorry to see this happen. I completely understand your anger, bac, and I had much the same reaction when I heard about this. Oakland PD is notoriously corrupt and abusive. But the more I think about it, I am sorry that these officers lost their lives. They would certainly have no such sympathy for us if it had been four drug dealers who had been killed, but we are better than them and hold ourselves to a higher moral standard. And so I am sorry that these officers lost their lives, even though they would have probably sent anyone of us to jail or killed us in the street without a second thought. It's important not to dehumanize them because it makes us like them.

FWIW, in this instance I knew that 4th cop who they declared brain dead. He was a great dude and came from a real good family. This whole situation is sad but obviously even worse when there is a personal element to it.
I know exactly what you mean.

There is one other component to activism that is missing from the lives of most Americans .. spirituality. Most Americans are religious .. or claim to be, but few recognize that spirituality is a verb, not an adjective. Too many want to wear spirituality as a label, but lack the courage to act, think, and speak a spiritual life .. which DEMANDS activism.

Anyone who claims spirituality, but is not an activist, is just wearing it as a label to make themselves feel sane.

Activism is the only thing that demands change in society. Religion changes nothing without the people, spirituality, activism, and works that demand change.

Jesus was an activist .. a passionate one .. as was King .. as was Ghandi .. as were the Founding Fathers.

What about monastic communities?