LOL... 3 OPD shot and killed

I've allowed this false argument to go unchallenged because I don't really care to argue it, but the comparison of how racial groups are percieved to how I percieve the police is indeed false.

Racial groups aren't given guns and a badge and authority to shoot people. Nor are they above the law .. in fact, many of us are below the law and face bias and discrimination at every level of the just-us system.

Nor are racial groups held to a higher standard.

The police are held to a higher standard than racial groups BECAUSE they are given badges and guns and the authority to shoot you. Then they are placed ABOVE the law which they are supposed to be enforcing and rarely face consequences for their actions, which racial groups, particularly non-white racial groups, get no exemption from. They go to prison.

The knowledge that police officers are killing unarmed innocent citizens demands action from an intelligent and sane society. If many of these incidents of police murder were occuring anywhere else in the world many here even on this site would be shocked and accusing that government and people of barbaric behavior. If it was happening in Venezuela many here questioning me would be calling for Chavez's head.

This isn't about whether there are good cops, this is about the continued apathy for non-white life that exists in this country. If these incredible atrocities were happening to whites in this country that are happening to non-white citizens there would be an uproar that would be heard around the world. There would be no question of good cop/bad cop, the system would be forced to change and all officers would be under the spotlight.

There is no question of this truth .. a truth so easily ignored by an apathetic citizenry.

Unless the doors of justice swings both ways, I simply couldn't care less about cops or their families. Too bad more people don't feel as I do .. then cops would be forced to police themselves.

LMAO... it has NOTHING to do with wearing a badge or not... if the gangbanger analogy bothers you so much then lets try this...

Should your daughter be judged and her life deemed unworthy of care by the general populace given the fact that others in the armed forces have committed atrocities?
I'm no expert on cults so I won't pretend to be .. however, it is human nature to be led, and however this or anyother cult came to their professed beliefs, unless there was some divine universal epiphany amongst them, activism took them there.

Well, I'm only knowledgeable about the Church, which is why I didn't reference Buddhist Monasticism, and how the different branches vary from each other in practice...

And I guess its fair to say that anyone who becomes a monk has some sort of epiphany similar to those already in the monastiery before entering...
Will be in Oakland on Friday for my boys special service. R.I.P. John Hegge. You are a guy that as a kid some of us disliked but as we grew older appreciated every thing you did man. Once I have kids I'd be lucky to have them coached by someone like you. Love you man.
LMAO... it has NOTHING to do with wearing a badge or not... if the gangbanger analogy bothers you so much then lets try this...

Should your daughter be judged and her life deemed unworthy of care by the general populace given the fact that others in the armed forces have committed atrocities?

I completely inderstand the stain on the image of US soldiers that Iraq has brought them .. and so does my daughter ..and so does everyone else.

Look at it from the perspective of the victims/Iraqis. Do you believe they differentiate between good soldiers and bad soldiers? My daughter or anyother soldier?

You should know that 61% of the Iraqi people thought killing a US soldier was justified. How many do you think simply don't care about US soldiers.

My perspective is not from the perspective of the segment of the population who is not affected by this, but from the perspective of the segment that is .. which is not to say that all feel as I do. I'm speaking for myself.

Additionally, the gangbanger analogy doesn't "bother me", it's simply a false analogy. Trust me, I'm quite used to false analogies about black people.

And my brother, I'm quite familiar with the American psyche'. I have no expectations that the general populace witl do anything differently that they have been doing.

Knowing that psyche', an unfortunate solution would be to have this happening to white Americans. If only innocent young white men attending a wedding would be gunned down by the police, killing the groom moments before his wedding .. or if only that 92 year-old white woman would have her door kicked in and get blasted to death by the police .. then there would be more of you feeling just as I so and the resolution would be at hand.
Will be in Oakland on Friday for my boys special service. R.I.P. John Hegge. You are a guy that as a kid some of us disliked but as we grew older appreciated every thing you did man. Once I have kids I'd be lucky to have them coached by someone like you. Love you man.

I mean no personal disrespect to your friend.
I've allowed this false argument to go unchallenged because I don't really care to argue it, but the comparison of how racial groups are percieved to how I percieve the police is indeed false.

Racial groups aren't given guns and a badge and authority to shoot people. Nor are they above the law .. in fact, many of us are below the law and face bias and discrimination at every level of the just-us system.

Nor are racial groups held to a higher standard.

The police are held to a higher standard than racial groups BECAUSE they are given badges and guns and the authority to shoot you. Then they are placed ABOVE the law which they are supposed to be enforcing and rarely face consequences for their actions, which racial groups, particularly non-white racial groups, get no exemption from. They go to prison.

The knowledge that police officers are killing unarmed innocent citizens demands action from an intelligent and sane society. If many of these incidents of police murder were occuring anywhere else in the world many here even on this site would be shocked and accusing that government and people of barbaric behavior. If it was happening in Venezuela many here questioning me would be calling for Chavez's head.

This isn't about whether there are good cops, this is about the continued apathy for non-white life that exists in this country. If these incredible atrocities were happening to whites in this country that are happening to non-white citizens there would be an uproar that would be heard around the world. There would be no question of good cop/bad cop, the system would be forced to change and all officers would be under the spotlight.

There is no question of this truth .. a truth so easily ignored by an apathetic citizenry.

Unless the doors of justice swings both ways, I simply couldn't care less about cops or their families. Too bad more people don't feel as I do .. then cops would be forced to police themselves.

I am not apathetic towards non-white citizens being shot, beaten or harassed and have in the passed worked with the local ACLU to bring suit against rogue cops. But neither am I apathetic toward the murder of cops doing nothing more than their jobs.

All that being said this post is spot on when it comes to how we must change the just us system. Well said BAC.
I mean no personal disrespect to your friend.

I'd never think that you mean personal disrespect to an individual. I'm surprised though, that you'd think that by posting or discussing in such a way, that you'd think it not be taken personally. More to the point, you say to the effect that since wrongs are committed, which I would not dispute, that alone makes the slaughter ok, in effect.

Well from my perspective, it's more likely the police officers that are out there with the youth, whether trying to convince them to stay in school; find an alternative to gangs; or helping give the youth an alternative to gangs. They are the ones, not teachers or social workers, that contact the parents, (mom) and let her know what's going on. Also give some resources.

When our school had a third grader: killing animals, stabbing peers with pencils, drawing pictures of planes going into buildings; I called my brother, at the time deputy chief of police of another suburb. Told him we'd contacted DCFS, but needed more immediate help. He told me what to do to document, then he called the police and social services of county, to get mom help. While it didn't work out then for the mom, the kids WERE taken by the county, it set up the help cycle needed, long term.
I'd never think that you mean personal disrespect to an individual. I'm surprised though, that you'd think that by posting or discussing in such a way, that you'd think it not be taken personally. More to the point, you say to the effect that since wrongs are committed, which I would not dispute, that alone makes the slaughter ok, in effect.

Well from my perspective, it's more likely the police officers that are out there with the youth, whether trying to convince them to stay in school; find an alternative to gangs; or helping give the youth an alternative to gangs. They are the ones, not teachers or social workers, that contact the parents, (mom) and let her know what's going on. Also give some resources.

When our school had a third grader: killing animals, stabbing peers with pencils, drawing pictures of planes going into buildings; I called my brother, at the time deputy chief of police of another suburb. Told him we'd contacted DCFS, but needed more immediate help. He told me what to do to document, then he called the police and social services of county, to get mom help. While it didn't work out then for the mom, the kids WERE taken by the county, it set up the help cycle needed, long term.

I'm often concerned that people I respect, like you, might take my thoughts the wrong way .. which is why my posts are sometimes long because I go to great lengths to explain myself.

I recognize some of the good work the police do, but using the Iraqi analogy, it's sometimes like giving candy to the children of the family we just blew up .. although not to imply that is analogous to the case you mentioned.

One of the worst and most heart-wrenching scenes I have ever experienced in my life was watching a courtroom full of cheering cops when the cop who murdered Kenneth Walker was found not guilty .. then looking at Kenneth's wife breaking down again, and his 3 year old daughter with her with her eyes full of tears feeling her mothers pain, never to see her father again.

A courtroom full of angry but helpless citizens who know all too well that the injustice system in America does not work in their interests and does not respect them as human beings.

As I left the courtroom feeling as cold as ice, I overheard a group of young men talking about how they wish they could kill every cop in that room .. I realized that I had run out of things to tell them about how wrong such an act would be.

When it comes to the police, I'm still left just as cold as I was that day I left the courtroom. I may never recover.
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I am not apathetic towards non-white citizens being shot, beaten or harassed and have in the passed worked with the local ACLU to bring suit against rogue cops. But neither am I apathetic toward the murder of cops doing nothing more than their jobs.

All that being said this post is spot on when it comes to how we must change the just us system. Well said BAC.

Much respect for you brother .. and even though I know you aren't apathetic to this suffering, I appreciate your thoughts.

This has actually been a bit therapuetic for me. I carry a lot of pain over this issue, and its a pain I don't want my children or grandchildren to have to bear.