LOL... 3 OPD shot and killed

look it up don't trust me BOY
BLACKS invest less than whites and have lower net worths by income groups. It's a fact. I am you teacher grasshopper.

"I am you teacher"

Naw, what you are is poor white guy racist trash from the bayou who can't even speak nor write proper english.

I'd have ZERO problem debating rising black income, businesses, AND stock participation with a sane debater, but you're just a scumbag racist.

Go back to school, get a fucking job and stop dreaming you worthless piece of shit.
I'm not defending any of the vile things he's said, but you need to exercize self-control, otherwise you just get "self-pwned" by having such statements to quote back at you.

As a National Guardsman who works with full-time police officers, and who has close friends who are police officers (many non-white), I get pissed at BAC all the time for his statements...

dude 2/3 of the posts her are juvenile slams back and forth, I never start is but I'll drop any of you fuckers with a spinning kick after you fuck with me.:clink:
dude 2/3 of the posts her are juvenile slams back and forth, I never start is but I'll drop any of you fuckers with a spinning kick after you fuck with me.:clink:

The kind of stuff we throw at each other is perfectly legitimate. Using racial overtones is not, however.

There are a handful of posters who constantly cross the line (Asshate, Webway, Maineman, Southern Man), but otherwise its all good...

I'm not defending any of the vile things he's said, but you need to exercize self-control, otherwise you just get "self-pwned" by having such statements to quote back at you.

As a National Guardsman who works with full-time police officers, and who has close friends who are police officers (many non-white), I get pissed at BAC all the time for his statements...

You can get pissed at me all you want .. I don't give a damn .. SERIOUSLY I don't.

Fuck the police officers you know .. and I've made no distinctions about their color.

Brutal police murders go unabatted in this country, yet everybody is supposed to whine for the goddamn murderers, not the victims.

This attitude CONTRIBUTES to the violence at the hands of police .. who are held above the law.
You can get pissed at me all you want .. I don't give a damn .. SERIOUSLY I don't.

Fuck the police officers you know .. and I've made no distinctions about their color.

Brutal police murders go unabatted in this country, yet everybody is supposed to whine for the goddamn murderers, not the victims.

This attitude CONTRIBUTES to the violence at the hands of police .. who are held above the law.

Looks like a fourth officer died today. Turns out he was a guy who ran the local athletic league I played basketball and baseball in growing up. He used to umpire our games. He was a real good and funny guy. Sad.
anyone notice, or even care, that when a regular joe citizen is gunned down, they send two cops, but the second that a cop is shot at or killed, there are 15 to 20 cops in the immediate vicinity and THAT CASE becomes their main focus?

class warfare anyone?

Actually 200 cops searched the area.
Until there is justice for INNOCENT people like Kenneth Walker, a very good man whom I had the pleasure to know .. then FUCK police officers and their fucking families.

not every police officer is bad...your disregard for their lives and the lives of their families when they could have been upstanding members of the force out to protect people is kind of disguisting
not every police officer is bad...your disregard for their lives and the lives of their families when they could have been upstanding members of the force out to protect people is kind of disguisting

Not just "kind of", but totally disgusting. It's that kind of attitude that has kept terrorism alive and well in the ME.
BAC I am 100% in favor in curbing police corruption and I would also support harsher prison terms for officers that practice such things. I know that even though I think you are a hyper socialist left wing nut (and i mean that in an endearing way ;) ) that you are intelligent enough to not paint broad generalizations. For whatever bias you have against the police you simply cannot apply it to each and every officer and act as if it's not big deal that four innocent people lost their lives today probably just trying to serve the public. Whether they wear blue or not.
How do you know these police officers killed innocent people?

What a fucked up thing to say...

Well if any police kill innocent people (which we did indeed see in Oakland on the BART platform) that means by default they are all guilty and thus we should not worry too much when cops are killed. Isn't that how it goes BAC?
You can get pissed at me all you want .. I don't give a damn .. SERIOUSLY I don't.

Fuck the police officers you know .. and I've made no distinctions about their color.

Brutal police murders go unabatted in this country, yet everybody is supposed to whine for the goddamn murderers, not the victims.

This attitude CONTRIBUTES to the violence at the hands of police .. who are held above the law.

seriously, your 'logic' on this issue is seriously flawed. While I agree that the police that break the law need to be prosecuted, your attitude is sad.

How is that ANY different than saying that when a black gangbanger commits murder that somehow justifies labeling all blacks as gangbangers and murderers and treating all blacks by the lowest common denominator?
Get the fuck outta' here you lying bastard.

This isn't the first time you've reached in the toliet for racism. There is no need for you to continually inject racism into the conversation unless you're a fucking racist.

You're about as "Rastafarin" as Dick Cheney
I just pictured Dick, the hair he has left made into dreadlocks, trying to talk all Rastah...

LOL. Thanks, dude. That was funny!
seriously, your 'logic' on this issue is seriously flawed. While I agree that the police that break the law need to be prosecuted, your attitude is sad.

How is that ANY different than saying that when a black gangbanger commits murder that somehow justifies labeling all blacks as gangbangers and murderers and treating all blacks by the lowest common denominator?