Looks Like Asshat

1) What the fuck are you talking about and what in the hell does that have to do with anything?

2) OK, so the assumption is that Clinton put them up to it despite the fact that there is ZERO evidence of that until her campaign proves otherwise? Again, ridiculous Clinton paranoia.

3) Hmmm . . If I were trying to get into a Hillary campaign event I wonder how I would present myself? As an Obama supporter? Romney? Bush?

Use your fucking head.

1) I am talking about your statement that she asked for the lights to be turned on so that they could be escorted out. Yet she asked for the lights BEFORE they started their chant. The fact that the increased lighting allowed their sign to be seen and photographed more clearly... yeah, you are right, that is not suspicious.

2) I did not say there was evidence. I said it appeared suspicious.

3) Why would you even need a sticker? You think everyone that walks into a campaign setting wears a button or sticker? I have been to many and never worn a friggin button or stuck a sticker on any of my possessions.

Again, not saying she did set this up. Just saying that it is highly suspicious.
And if you were carrying such a sign, what do you think would happen? Think they'd just ignore you?

They had a picture of a guy holding up an Iron My Shirt sign outside the Masters in 2005 I beileve that made the rounds when Martha Burke and NOW were protesting Augusta National having no women members during the Masters.
1) I am talking about your statement that she asked for the lights to be turned on so that they could be escorted out. Yet she asked for the lights BEFORE they started their chant. The fact that the increased lighting allowed their sign to be seen and photographed more clearly... yeah, you are right, that is not suspicious.

2) I did not say there was evidence. I said it appeared suspicious.

3) Why would you even need a sticker? You think everyone that walks into a campaign setting wears a button or sticker? I have been to many and never worn a friggin button or stuck a sticker on any of my possessions.

Again, not saying she did set this up. Just saying that it is highly suspicious.

And you're only saying it is suspicious because you have fevered conspiracy-leaden thoughts about Clinton. Even the fucking lunatics at Hot Air are backing off the "Clinton planned it" angle. For Christ's sake. Get a grip.
To add to what others have said above, sexism is accepted to a degree whereas racism, at least open racism, is not. Could you imagine if these guys said something racist at an Obama event? If they told him to go pick cotton or something? There would be complete outrage. Instead, because it's Hillary and a sexist remark, we get chuckles and accusations that she staged it.
Right... It's because it is ridiculous. Nobody believes that all women are for are ironing shirts. It's just silly and foolish. The first thing I thought of was HS students. I would have laughed.
To add to what others have said above, sexism is accepted to a degree whereas racism, at least open racism, is not. Could you imagine if these guys said something racist at an Obama event? If they told him to go pick cotton or something? There would be complete outrage. Instead, because it's Hillary and a sexist remark, we get chuckles and accusations that she staged it.

That’s so true. I know that racism is still prevalent. Your own family members can torture and upset you with it. But what no one can do is publically be one. You’re dead if you are. Drummed out of town on a rail.

But sexism…sexism is still funny. It’s still OKAY.
And if you were carrying a briefcase, do you think you may place some items in it? Like a sign?

Well, on second look, it does kind of look like the sign might have been folded up. But do you honsetly believe after the NH incident they're letting people carry unchecked briefcases into her events? Her events are tightly controlled.
SF, you hate Hillary. You actively despise her. Your opinion really doesn’t hold weight on this.

I will tell you, it was Rick Lazio who got into her face, and turned off most women watching in 2000. You guys better back the fuck off, because this smells like ugly sexism to me, just like that shit did, and it wouldn’t be acceptable if you were doing it to Obama.
From his myspace

comments ( View All * Add Comment )

Jan 8 2008 8:01 AM

good job Adolfo...this is all over the internet now!

Just wish you held out to get tazed, haha

Good work!

Jan 8 2008 7:02 AM

Bravo, Adolfo. Well done. We were all laughing our asses off...you have some stones, my friend!
MaGGi3 MaYh3M

Jan 8 2008 6:32 AM

it was good seeing you at walmart last week!!!! next time u come to oak cliff we need to hang!!!

Jan 8 2008 6:24 AM

Adolfo, that was a thing of beauty! Nice work!!!

Jan 8 2008 6:10 AM

Jesus Christ.
Joe Cali

Jan 7 2008 10:54 PM

Adolfo, that was fucking priceless! that was nick with you there too right?? If you get a look at the comment i posted on the youtube site responding to all these people saying that "Hilary planted you there on purpose" if you cant find it.. this is what i posted as a response to em.. pretty funny if i do say so myself!

"I think ive seen that guy before!!! Yeah! I have!!! He's sometimes up in BROCKTN', OR NATIC. I saw him getting bagged on RACKETEERIN' CHAAAGES! He had in his hand some red-drink and then stopped at a Local PIZZZA HOOOUSE. Then went back to his job as the Best dishwasher in the continental United states... So good in fact, they call him soapy!


Jan 7 2008 10:26 PM

adolfo u fuckin rule man that was great way to tell her to iron ur shirt shes a bitch i hate her

Jan 7 2008 10:14 PM

"iron your own shirt ya bum!" hahaha classic!!!!!!! i love ya adolfo!!!
For the record, I iron my own shirts. But then, I'm a wussified girly man gayboy Dem....

I don’t know any woman who irons anymore. I was engaged for years to a man who sent his shirts out. Which was a good thing, because I do not even know how to iron. I dry clean everything. Then we broke up and I am with someone else, who does iron his own shirts, and when I first saw that, I was like, uh oh, I hope he doesn’t think he’s going to pass that job on to me, because those are going to get sent out too. But he’s not like that at all. I still don’t understand why anyone would iron, but I don’t really care if that’s what he wants to do.
Yep, real men wear their shirts wrinkled.

The premise of this post is ridiculous at face value.

I’m quite sure that Asshat sits at home all day in front of his mother’s computer, surrounded by pizza boxes, wearing stained t-shirts and boxer briefs.

In short, he doesn’t have a wardrobe in need of ironing.
I do Iron my hubbys shirts. I mostly instruct him to buy shirts that are Iron free though because I hate to iron. He always feels guilty when he has to ask me to iron them though because he knows I hate it and he knows its means he bought the wrong kind.

I never give him shit about it I just say sure honey when do you need it.

I love the fact that I married such a reasonable man and that he married such a reasonable woman.
I do Iron my hubbys shirts. I mostly instruct him to buy shirts that are Iron free though because I hate to iron. He always feels guilty when he has to ask me to iron them though because he knows I hate it and he knows its means he bought the wrong kind.

I never give him shit about it I just say sure honey when do you need it.

I love the fact that I married such a reasonable man and that he married such a reasonable woman.

I work all day, and write and at night Desh, no way am I ironing anybody’s shirts, ok? In fact, maybe he will be ironing my shirts soon, what do you think of that? Not everyone is playing traditional gender roles, with the man as the earner and the woman as the nester.
I learned to Iron in the Army. They wanted pressed BDU's and spit shined boots and I didn't want to pay to have my clothes cleaned and pressed so I washed and pressed my own. When I became a lawyer I still ironed my own shirts and do to this day. There is something Zen about it. I relax when I do it and am completely calm by the time I am done.
I work all day, and write and at night Desh, no way am I ironing anybody’s shirts, ok? In fact, maybe he will be ironing my shirts soon, what do you think of that? Not everyone is playing traditional gender roles, with the man as the earner and the woman as the nester.

Hey I dont blame you Darla. If I was working he would not even ask me to iron. There is nothing wrong with both people working or one home (male or female). I have stay at home dads in my family. I was just trying to highlight the idea of coperation and kindness. Im kinda proud of mine and my hubbys relationship because we are so fair with each other. My dad was such a tyrant I did not know it could be this way. Im really proud of my hubby and how fair he is with me. I hate ironing but I will do it for him because he is so good about it. I did not intend any hard feelings. I was just bragging on a guy who deserves some bragging now and again.
Hey I dont blame you Darla. If I was working he would not even ask me to iron. There is nothing wrong with both people working or one home (male or female). I have stay at home dads in my family. I was just trying to highlight the idea of coperation and kindness. Im kinda proud of mine and my hubbys relationship because we are so fair with each other. My dad was such a tyrant I did not know it could be this way. Im really proud of my hubby and how fair he is with me. I hate ironing but I will do it for him because he is so good about it. I did not intend any hard feelings. I was just bragging on a guy who deserves some bragging now and again.

I’m sorry to hear about your dad, that totally sucks. Glad you found such a great husband.

No, no hard feelings at all Desh!