Maddow releases Trumps tax returns


New member
been seeing it all over reddit. I was not able to watch though. Any smoking guns for the russia narrative?

DONALD J. TRUMP paid 25.3% (38,000,000) tax rate in 2005!!!

Thats 2% higher than the wealthiest top 1%, & 8% more than the Obama's!

I think we we need to once and for all, call Madcow Madow out for the screaming hack she is.
Trump needs to be arrested. The right is not a legitimate participant in our political system. Rightism must be squashed out. Any methods are justified against them, a rightist immediately renounces all rights as a human being. The president has no civil rights, Trump should be tried for treason for trying to keep this information from the American people. Trump should be handed the longest jail sentence ever before given to anything (I use "thing" here because i refuse to acknowledge that monstrous animal as a human being).
Maddow is a hero, Trump is a villain. Maddow is the hero of American people! Trump is the enemy of all true Americans! He is evil! He is a monster! All rightists are monsters!
Trump needs to be arrested. The right is not a legitimate participant in our political system. Rightism must be squashed out. Any methods are justified against them, a rightist immediately renounces all rights as a human being. The president has no civil rights, Trump should be tried for treason for trying to keep this information from the American people. Trump should be handed the longest jail sentence ever before given to anything (I use "thing" here because i refuse to acknowledge that monstrous animal as a human being).

can you actually name one thing that trump has done to harm you or anyone else in any way ? I must be blind, because I am a witness to the whole thing and I cannot if I am dishonest with myself see one harm to anyone. lawlessness of the subversives has caused much pain and suffering.
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can you actually name one thing that trump has done to harm you or anyone else in any way ? I must be blind, because I am a witness to the whole thing and I cannot if I am dishonest with myself see one harm to anyone.

Grabbing women by the pussy for starters.....
can you actually name one thing that trump has done to harm you or anyone else in any way ? I must be blind, because I am a witness to the whole thing and I cannot if I am dishonest with myself see one harm to anyone.

Defrauding people out of tens of thousands of dollars each with his bogus "university" for another....
From AP.....


Twitter Just SHREDDED Rachel Maddow Over Trump Tax Return 'Story'

MSNBC's unapologetic liberal “journalist” Rachel Maddow lit the internet on fire Tuesday night when she teased via Twitter that she’d gotten her hands on President Donald Trump’s tax returns – a scoop that would have been pretty juicy, considering Trump never released his tax returns during the presidential campaign as all other modern-era presidents have done.

If only it'd been true.

What Maddow and the fine folks over at MSNBC actually managed to do was get part of a copy of Trump’s 2005 tax return. Which was already 12 years old. And which the White House had already released.

And which the Wall Street Journal had already reported on – a year ago.


Flashback: Clinton Says Trump Might Be Avoiding Releasing Taxes To Hide ‘That He’s Paid Nothing in Federal Taxes’

During the September 26, 2016 presidential debate, Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speculated that one reason Donald Trump might not have released his tax returns is that “he doesn’t want the American people, all of you watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes.”
can you actually name one thing that trump has done to harm you or anyone else in any way ? I must be blind, because I am a witness to the whole thing and I cannot if I am dishonest with myself see one harm to anyone.

Bringing an illegal immigrant porn model into the country for another thing....
So why won't Trump release his returns, like he has pledged to do?

The same reason I won't show you my returns, .....they're none of your business....

or maybe he claimed his used underwear as a write off like Bill Clinton did when he was president.....