Maddow releases Trumps tax returns

I bailed on Obama as soon as I saw an email from one of his staff to a prescription drug industry lobbyist assuring the lobbyist about the ACA. Didn't vote for him in 2012. Didn't vote for Hillary either.

You guys, on the other hand, are digging in and defending Trump to the hilt despite one of the most incredibly dishonest and insane first month+ of a Presidency the union has ever witnessed.

Hyperbole much?
List each "incredibly insane" lies please.
Hate to tell you, Yurtsie, but all I do is laugh at you now.

You're the board punchline.
Project much? Who takes you seriously? Zappas?

Did you think Obama should release his BC? McCain did. What about grades?

The problem with you is that you have no logic, you're purely emotional. Heck, you even made a thread somewhat praising Trump so you would look unbiased and then I said you will weasel out of this some way but still use that thread as some sort of proof. And lo and behold you did just that.

You're predictable. You've become unhinged about Trump. When I first joined you were more rational, now, just unglued.
Hyperbole much?
List each "incredibly insane" lies please.

Too long. Search google - the Washington Post did a whole list of 100+.

The BEST was definitely the Obama wiretap, which now looks to be a fabrication since Spicer started walking it back today. I was howling when the press asked him about it 3x yesterday - he refused to answer, and looked like the little kid getting caught w/ his hand in the cookie jar.

I actually don't think Trump is even capable of telling the truth. And I don't care if you doubt me now. At some point, you won't.
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Project much? Who takes you seriously? Zappas?

Did you think Obama should release his BC? McCain did. What about grades?

The problem with you is that you have no logic, you're purely emotional. Heck, you even made a thread somewhat praising Trump so you would look unbiased and then I said you will weasel out of this some way but still use that thread as some sort of proof. And lo and behold you did just that.

You're predictable. You've become unhinged about Trump. When I first joined you were more rational, now, just unglued.

RE: the bolded. Yes.

Go find me a post where I said that he shouldn't.

I know you love Trump, but at some point, you'll realize what a colossal blunder putting him into this position was.
I don't believe you, I'll do a search when I have time.

And as you already know, I did not for Trump. But you're hysterical so you reach out for anything because you are desperate.

I hope you spend a lot of time looking.

You're such a fool.
I'll spend a few minutes, but Tapatalk doesn't have a search function.

It's funny, you can't find a single post of me approving Trump from election, yet you claim I voted for him.

You are the fool.
I'll spend a few minutes, but Tapatalk doesn't have a search function.

It's funny, you can't find a single post of me approving Trump from election, yet you claim I voted for him.

You are the fool.

I claim you love him.

And your adoration of him is evident in every post. Just look at this thread - you couldn't sprint in here fast enough to defend him. Even though he pledged to release his returns multiple times during the campaign. I mean, even if you don't care if a President does, you should at least care a bit about a broken promise.

But you love him too much.
That's not even a good troll.

This Presidency is a friggin' disaster and you know it. You guys rolled the dice & it ain't working out. Trump actually IS a fraud and a con man. How 'bout that? The crazy left was right all along.

Now, you have to deal w/ it. Have fun. Part of me is actually enjoying this (the part that doesn't really care about the future).

A) I'm not trolling

B) I'm having a blast.

C) If Trump literally breaks the government, and causes eternal distrust in the executive branch, I consider that a good thing.

D) You still are being a hysterical baby over nothing though.
It has nothing to do with apologizing. It's just a very logical, strategic action.

Again, let me give you a glimpse into this world, A world where a simpleton like yourself will never exist in. A world though that I occupy with ease.

Lets assume there is nothing remotely bad about his tax returns. Not releasing them didn't keep him from the presidency. He gains very little by releasing them. Hiding it does very little damage to him.

Instead he can just have people like you chasing their tails, chasing after a figment of their imagination, a mirage. Pouring all their energy into nothing. You don't see how that couldn't be beneficial? Are you that much of a simpleton thinker that you cannot grasp this concept?

People such as yourself can easily be exploited in this manner, because he could have you expand X amount of energy, only to release them say a year or two down the road, only for you to find out there is nothing there in the first place. And it'll make the next thing you worry about him hiding look as though it's another fools errand.

And as I iterated above, if you assume there are some secrets any president would want to keep, then he would open himself up to being exploited if he always hid the bad stuff and revealed the non-stories. Balancing these things out creates plausible deniability in all circumstances. It's an optimal approach.

The left is like when Wile E. Coyote kept wearing himself out coming up with plots trying to get the Roadrunner...

Trump needs to be arrested. The right is not a legitimate participant in our political system. Rightism must be squashed out. Any methods are justified against them, a rightist immediately renounces all rights as a human being. The president has no civil rights, Trump should be tried for treason for trying to keep this information from the American people. Trump should be handed the longest jail sentence ever before given to anything (I use "thing" here because i refuse to acknowledge that monstrous animal as a human being).

Do even have a clue how boring your routine is getting.
For someone who is supposed to be educated, you're a dumb as a fucking rock.

I hope your father dies from a massive coronary and leaves his entire estate to a charity. :good4u:
The same reason I won't show you my returns, .....they're none of your business....

or maybe he claimed his used underwear as a write off like Bill Clinton did when he was president.....

Well, Bill was full of shit; so................
No - it's absolutely our business as Americans for the leader we elect. It's why every President has done it for decades.

It has nothing to do w/ the law.

Thanks for showing yet another example of liberals thinking that they're entitled.

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It has nothing to do with apologizing. It's just a very logical, strategic action.

Again, let me give you a glimpse into this world, A world where a simpleton like yourself will never exist in. A world though that I occupy with ease.

Lets assume there is nothing remotely bad about his tax returns. Not releasing them didn't keep him from the presidency. He gains very little by releasing them. Hiding it does very little damage to him.

Instead he can just have people like you chasing their tails, chasing after a figment of their imagination, a mirage. Pouring all their energy into nothing. You don't see how that couldn't be beneficial? Are you that much of a simpleton thinker that you cannot grasp this concept?

People such as yourself can easily be exploited in this manner, because he could have you expand X amount of energy, only to release them say a year or two down the road, only for you to find out there is nothing there in the first place. And it'll make the next thing you worry about him hiding look as though it's another fools errand.

And as I iterated above, if you assume there are some secrets any president would want to keep, then he would open himself up to being exploited if he always hid the bad stuff and revealed the non-stories. Balancing these things out creates plausible deniability in all circumstances. It's an optimal approach.
Isn't that exactly what Obama did over his birth certificate?

Sent from Lenovo K5 Note:
To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
See, thing1, this is why:

Op-Ed: Donald Trump just got a nice victory, thanks, of all people, to Rachel Maddow

There was speculation, fueled by Trump himself, that he wasn't paying anything in taxes. That led to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton attacking him on that front.

"The only years that anybody's ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn't pay any federal income tax," Clinton said in September.
Trump quickly retorted: "That makes me smart."

The 2005 tax return could have been an anomaly. Maybe Trump doesn't pay this much in taxes normally. Or, maybe he usually pays more. Who knows! Either way, this story has created the appearance that Trump does in fact make a lot of money, and he pays millions in taxes.

so does your little brain understand it now? One could have done nothing wrong, and yet withholding said info allows your opposition to make mistakes and fools of themselves, as we have just witnessed.

Again, I would like to bring attention to my signature:


Grind is one of the internets most beloved and influential political thinkers and deep-level theorists in the modern era. He rose to prominence in early 2015 when he alleged, contrary to the dominant theory of christiefanism of the time, that Bill Clintons wife was indeed running for president and wasn't considering settling down to be a grandmother. In 2016, Grind was one of the key figures in proposing the new revolutionary theory of "30% is not a rare occurrence" which shook up the JPP political landscape like no other theory ever had before. His academic prowess, deep-level analysis and remarkable insight into human nature and psychology will undoubtedly result in further complexities being untangled and laid bare. He currently resides in boston, his hobbies include #rekking libs, vaping, and patriotism. You can find him in a thread near you.​
So why won't Trump release his returns, like he has pledged to do?

Did he? I don't recall that. I recall him saying he wouldn't while they were still under audit.

This was always a non issue. Trump's a real estate guy, and anybody who pays taxes knows property taxes are first in line to take a bite out you.