Maddow releases Trumps tax returns

You libs have to be careful here. This could be your "birther" moment. My theory is that obama dragged his feet on releasing his BC just because he hated republicans. Trump could be doing the same thing with his taxes because he hates you clowns. Don't you think that if Trump had forgotten to dot an i or cross a t on an obama-era IRS tax return, he would have been doing a perp walk out of Trump Tower years ago? Go back to turning over rocks looking for Russians.

There was no other reason for Obama to drag his feet on it. Otherwise, he just would have released it.

It's entirely possible Trump took notes on it lol. Also, notice only one year was released. That keeps the Trump hating 'birthers' barking up the same tree.

Makes total sense.
Nothing to see. I understand your embarrassment.

Illustrates his self-serving interests, dumbshit. And the interests of the wealthiest. But Trumptards like you are too fucking stupid to realize you are voting against your own self-interests.

Too bad the returns are 12 years old. We'll see the others sooner or later.
What it revealed is that he had to pay under the Alternative Minimum Tax, a tax HE WANTS TO REPEAL. Otherwise, he would have paid $31 million less.

Self-serving clown.
yes...but why would he have paid less? Because he took that YUGE loss in the 100's of millions.
This whole "show us the tax returns" is a goofy nothingburger
yes...but why would he have paid less? Because he took that YUGE loss in the 100's of millions.
This whole "show us the tax returns" is a goofy nothingburger

It would be, if Trump just released his tax returns like every other President has over the past half century or so.
It would be, if Trump just released his tax returns like every other President has over the past half century or so.
he claims it's a disadvantage being under audit..I doubt that.
I also know tax returns aren't going to show anything-including that fabled "Russian collusion".

MSNBC has been feasting on that nothingburger too- so who really cares about any of this but the Dems?
RE: the bolded. Yes.

Go find me a post where I said that he shouldn't.

I know you love Trump, but at some point, you'll realize what a colossal blunder putting him into this position was.


I hope you spend a lot of time looking.

You're such a fool.

It was stupid for him to have to, even yesterday. He was elected President, ergo he met the qualifications. Period.

That's insanely nitpicky. Clearly, they didn't want to release it; it might have been for political gain, and it might have been because they thought it lowered the office to cater to nutters. It's hardly surprising that he thought it deserved an explanation....

When was the last time a sitting President released their birth certificate?

Could only find two posts under Thing1, but a plethora under Onceler. Those three took 2 minutes, I read a few of your posts in this thread and it cracks me how you take the exact opposite stance with the BC as with Trump's taxes, in fact you even mocked a poster for asking what he is hiding and now you've said the same thing about Trump's taxes.

Busted in another lie Thingy.

Trump needs to be arrested. The right is not a legitimate participant in our political system. Rightism must be squashed out. Any methods are justified against them, a rightist immediately renounces all rights as a human being. The president has no civil rights, Trump should be tried for treason for trying to keep this information from the American people. Trump should be handed the longest jail sentence ever before given to anything (I use "thing" here because i refuse to acknowledge that monstrous animal as a human being).
Shut up, evince.
Trump paid more in taxes than Buffetts secretary

Poor Rachel Madcow had her Geraldo moment and got stumped by the Trump

LOL...annnnnnnnnnd he paid more than cheapskate Bernie after all his outrage that the wealthy don't pay their fair share. Time to cough up a few more hundred thousand $$$$$$ donation to the IRS Bernie to show your true concern. I won't hold my breath.
You libs have to be careful here. This could be your "birther" moment. My theory is that obama dragged his feet on releasing his BC just because he hated republicans. Trump could be doing the same thing with his taxes because he hates you clowns. Don't you think that if Trump had forgotten to dot an i or cross a t on an obama-era IRS tax return, he would have been doing a perp walk out of Trump Tower years ago? Go back to turning over rocks looking for Russians.

Obama's birth certificate was published long ago (June 2008) and before he took office. You idiots claimed it was a fake.
Could only find two posts under Thing1, but a plethora under Onceler. Those three took 2 minutes, I read a few of your posts in this thread and it cracks me how you take the exact opposite stance with the BC as with Trump's taxes, in fact you even mocked a poster for asking what he is hiding and now you've said the same thing about Trump's taxes.

Busted in another lie Thingy.


LOL - you actually spent time on that?

As I said, and clearly in the context of those discussions, his birth qualifications were already out there. Trump's tax returns? Not so much.
LOL - you actually spent time on that?

As I said, and clearly in the context of those discussions, his birth qualifications were already out there. Trump's tax returns? Not so much.

You claimed you never said he shouldn't, and you clearly did, more than once.

You claimed you never said he shouldn't, and you clearly did, more than once.


I guess context is meaningless to you?

His BC was already out there. I had IMMENSE problems w/ the birther movement, because they were the ones who kept saying it was a fraud & badgering him about it. There is no such equivalency w/ Trump and his tax returns.

You have a very simplistic, linear mind - you always have. Which is why you ignore the context of those discussions and just say, "OMGZ! Thing1 talked about the birther movement! He lied!!!"

Such an imbecile. You're entertaining, though.