Maddow releases Trumps tax returns

Superfreak responded...


That wasn't Thingy's argument, at all. He said show a post where he said Obama shouldn't, I did. Not once did Thing say he shouldn't because one was already released, not once. His entire argument was, he was elected, period and he kept asking what other president had to.

And if you really want to go with your argument, Thing said: "It was stupid for him to have to, even yesterday", note, "even yesterday", so if you really think he was talking about that, then he meant BOTH times.

I proved Thing lied, period.
That wasn't Thingy's argument, at all. He said show a post where he said Obama shouldn't, I did. Not once did Thing say he shouldn't because one was already released, not once. His entire argument was, he was elected, period and he kept asking what other president had to.

And if you really want to go with your argument, Thing said: "It was stupid for him to have to, even yesterday", note, "even yesterday", so if you really think he was talking about that, then he meant BOTH times.

I proved Thing lied, period.

I didn't lie.

I've been posting here for ages. I don't go back & search when I make a challenge like that, because I know exactly how I feel & have always felt. In no way would I EVER make an argument that Obama shouldn't have had to produce his birth certificate - because that is a constitutional requirement.

What you found was discussion on the birther movement, where I argued that he shouldn't have to do it AGAIN to appease a bunch of nutters.

That you think this is somehow me lying is really indicative how lacking in intelligence you are. Like I said, you always think in a very linear way.
I didn't lie.

I've been posting here for ages. I don't go back & search when I make a challenge like that, because I know exactly how I feel & have always felt. In no way would I EVER make an argument that Obama shouldn't have had to produce his birth certificate - because that is a constitutional requirement.

What you found was discussion on the birther movement, where I argued that he shouldn't have to do it AGAIN to appease a bunch of nutters.

That you think this is somehow me lying is really indicative how lacking in intelligence you are. Like I said, you always think in a very linear way.

"even yesterday" indicates you meant both times. And you never once said "again".

Spin that one.
I don't think you understand the AMT. it isn't just the uber rich that pay it

But I get it, you want others to buy you stuff and you want the gobblement to force them to do it. Classy

He saved $31 million due to the AMT and wants to eliminate it, dumbshit. Does that escape you?
"even yesterday" indicates you meant both times. And you never once said "again".

Spin that one.

I don't even know what you're talking about here, quite honestly.

My position is & has always been that any candidate for Prez has to produce a birth certificate or equal proof that they were born in the U.S. That's the law. I've never argued against that.

I always get weary of your hairsplitters anonymous thing. If you want to declare a big win here, have at it, and get back to making excuses for Trump.
I don't even know what you're talking about here, quite honestly.

My position is & has always been that any candidate for Prez has to produce a birth certificate or equal proof that they were born in the U.S. That's the law. I've never argued against that.

I always get weary of your hairsplitters anonymous thing. If you want to declare a big win here, have at it, and get back to making excuses for Trump.

Explain what you meant by "even yesterday".

Here is your response to: Again, there was NO reason for him not to issue a copy of his original birth certificate three years ago.

That's silly. The job of President is one of the most rigorous, scrutinized application processes that we know. The idea that someone slid through w/out meeting all of the qualifications implies massive flaws in the system.

Being elected is absolutely important. And nothing changes the fact that it was a bunch of nutters demanding the BC. Obama's position was in no danger whatsoever from any kind of authority for not producing it.

You're really going to sit there with a straight face and meant you believed he should have released it 3 years prior to 2011 by saying it is silly and that those demanding are a bunch of nutters, means you really believe he should have released it?

Explain what you meant by "even yesterday".

Here is your response to: Again, there was NO reason for him not to issue a copy of his original birth certificate three years ago.
You're really going to sit there with a straight face and meant you believed he should have released it 3 years prior to 2011 by saying it is silly and that those demanding are a bunch of nutters, means you really believe he should have released it?


I'm literally just shaking my head & laughing. Yurt, like I said, declare your win. I know these things are important to you.

That post above completely backs up what I've been saying. Obama went through his screening w/ the BC. The ONLY reason that he would have to produce it again at the time of the post above is because yes - a bunch of nutters were screaming for it. I thought it would be ridiculous for him to have to produce it again.

How this has ANY equivalency to Trump's situation - where his tax returns are not public knowledge - is beyond me But keep going on & on. The energizer bunny of faux gotcha's.
I'm literally just shaking my head & laughing. Yurt, like I said, declare your win. I know these things are important to you.

That post above completely backs up what I've been saying. Obama went through his screening w/ the BC. The ONLY reason that he would have to produce it again at the time of the post above is because yes - a bunch of nutters were screaming for it. I thought it would be ridiculous for him to have to produce it again.

How this has ANY equivalency to Trump's situation - where his tax returns are not public knowledge - is beyond me But keep going on & on. The energizer bunny of faux gotcha's.

Still can't explain what "even yesterday" means? Really? And saying it was silly to have him release it in 2008 and that only nutters would demand he release, that really means you believe he should have released it?

And now you end saying how you really feel, again. That he went through the screening process, so did Trump. With Obama you kept saying he won, that is end of it. Now with Trump you're saying the exact opposite.

You're being extremely dishonest. And this is no gotcha, you asked me to show where you said it, and I did.
Still can't explain what "even yesterday" means? Really? And saying it was silly to have him release it in 2008 and that only nutters would demand he release, that really means you believe he should have released it?

And now you end saying how you really feel, again. That he went through the screening process, so did Trump. With Obama you kept saying he won, that is end of it. Now with Trump you're saying the exact opposite.

You're being extremely dishonest. And this is no gotcha, you asked me to show where you said it, and I did.

Trump did not. It is established tradition that Presidents have released their tax returns, for a half century. Trump said he would honor it.

At best, it's a broken promise. I don't think it's a huge deal, but he's hiding something - like I said, my guess would be paltry contributions to charity. But I don't know why you're defending him on this. It's pretty standard procedure for candidates. Not constitutional, but established practice nonetheless.
If you're not going to address what you meant by "even yesterday" or address your comment that it is silly for him to release it in 2008 and that only nutters would demand it, then there is no point in continuing this.

I have posts where you repeatedly said, Obama won the election, that is the end, period. Trump won, but you still want to see his tax releases and you have said being vetted is a strenuous process and Obama being a non citizen wouldn't pass, well, Trump was vetted and if his taxes had something illegal that would disqualify him, don't you think the vetting process would find that out? Especially since he has been under audit for years.

You're a massive hack.
If you're not going to address what you meant by "even yesterday" or address your comment that it is silly for him to release it in 2008 and that only nutters would demand it, then there is no point in continuing this.

I have posts where you repeatedly said, Obama won the election, that is the end, period. Trump won, but you still want to see his tax releases and you have said being vetted is a strenuous process and Obama being a non citizen wouldn't pass, well, Trump was vetted and if his taxes had something illegal that would disqualify him, don't you think the vetting process would find that out? Especially since he has been under audit for years.

You're a massive hack.

We don't even know he's being audited. There is some doubt about that.

Trump said he'd release them, and he is clearly backing off that. I just want him to do what he promised.

Guess that makes me a "massive hack" in Yurt-world.
And no surprise you don't explain what you meant by "even yesterday" or that it was "silly" for him to release his BC in 2008 and only nutters would demand it.

That says it all.

You said it, and when called on it, lied about it.
I turned on Morning Joe for my daily dose of TrumpHate and Bannon-bashing.
They looked like they were sucking on lemons, instead of drinking coffee.

Seems the fact that Trump paid a healthy tax bill in 2005 had them a bit flummoxed ;
they had what they have been screaming for but clearly did not like their catch.
Ignatius then said
"suppose Trump released it?it would put a positive spin out instead of us talking about health care and Russia"
They all nodded and murmured acquiesence to this sage insight.

Then they said today might be the day Comey confirms an FBI investigation on Russia.
That brightened up the mood,and they got back to speculating about !Russia!

Result of the 2005 "Taxgate".
What Trump earned - $150 Million
What Trump paid in taxes - $38 Million
Watching Maddow and the liberals eat crow and cry - PRICELESS
And no surprise you don't explain what you meant by "even yesterday" or that it was "silly" for him to release his BC in 2008 and only nutters would demand it.

That says it all.

You said it, and when called on it, lied about it.

I didn't lie.

Sorry 'bout that, dummy. I'm not going to try to interpret why I said something years ago, but my position has always been that a President has to produce proof of birth in the U.S.

You can declare the win, because it's exhausting trying to explain things to your incredibly simplistic mind - but I didn't lie.
Why do you believe you have a right to another persons property so you can purchase things you don't want to purchase with your own money?

Seems it is liberals who are the greedy ones.

Why is it greedy to want to keep ones own property?

I am sure you sat in front of the TV with penis in hand waiting for Madcow and she disappointed you. She got PWND and so did you

It was not my intention to open the birther thing again. I'm just saying it was two years before I saw a long form BC from him and I never heard a good reason why. Everyone I know has a copy of their BC in a dresser drawer or a closet somewhere, and if I had to produce it, it would be a matter of hours, not years before I could get it. He could have ended the whole thing almost instantaneously, but chose to drag it out. And on this forum the overwhelming response to the question of why he didn't produce it was always "because he doesn't have to". So if you're going to obsess over this tax thing, welcome to your new hobby. I always thought part of the president's job was to make every attempt to ease the fears and apprehensions of the entire constituency, but Obama lowered the bar on that one. So have fun squirming and looking for Russians behind every tree for the next 8 years or so.