Maddow releases Trumps tax returns

I guess context is meaningless to you?

His BC was already out there. I had IMMENSE problems w/ the birther movement, because they were the ones who kept saying it was a fraud & badgering him about it. There is no such equivalency w/ Trump and his tax returns.

You have a very simplistic, linear mind - you always have. Which is why you ignore the context of those discussions and just say, "OMGZ! Thing1 talked about the birther movement! He lied!!!"

Such an imbecile. You're entertaining, though.

Do you deny saying this: Go find me a post where I said that he shouldn't. That is the only context we are talking about.

And do you deny saying it is stupid he has to release it and has any other president released theirs?

Btw, all those posts are to the 2011 release, and the only context that matters is whether you said he shouldn't, not whether it is already released.
Do you deny saying this: Go find me a post where I said that he shouldn't. That is the only context we are talking about.

And do you deny saying it is stupid he has to release it and has any other president released theirs?

Btw, all those posts are to the 2011 release, and the only context that matters is whether you said he shouldn't, not whether it is already released.

That's the only context that matters to pesky gotcha-obsessed/linear-thinking mosquitos.

Obama's BC was out there, and he met the qualifications to be elected President as set forth in the Constitution. Period. The birther movement was a sham because they continually asserted that all of that was faked and kept badgering a sitting President to do something that had essentially already been done.

No equivalency w/ Trump's tax returns whatsoever. Do you know why? Not a big mystery - Trump's tax returns are still not a matter of public record.

Sorry - no soup for you.
That's the only context that matters to pesky gotcha-obsessed/linear-thinking mosquitos.

Obama's BC was out there, and he met the qualifications to be elected President as set forth in the Constitution. Period. The birther movement was a sham because they continually asserted that all of that was faked and kept badgering a sitting President to do something that had essentially already been done.

No equivalency w/ Trump's tax returns whatsoever. Do you know why? Not a big mystery - Trump's tax returns are still not a matter of public record.

Sorry - no soup for you.

Gotcha? You told me to go find a post where you said he shouldn't. Did you not say that?
Gotcha? You told me to go find a post where you said he shouldn't. Did you not say that?

Of course, but I said that thinking that you were an intelligent person who might actually discern that I didn't mean Obama having to release it AGAIN to cater to appease a group of nutters.
Illustrates his self-serving interests, dumbshit. And the interests of the wealthiest. But Trumptards like you are too fucking stupid to realize you are voting against your own self-interests.

Too bad the returns are 12 years old. We'll see the others sooner or later.

Why do you believe you have a right to another persons property so you can purchase things you don't want to purchase with your own money?

Seems it is liberals who are the greedy ones.

Why is it greedy to want to keep ones own property?

I am sure you sat in front of the TV with penis in hand waiting for Madcow and she disappointed you. She got PWND and so did you
Of course, but I said that thinking that you were an intelligent person who might actually discern that I didn't mean Obama having to release it AGAIN to cater to appease a group of nutters.

Okay, so I found posts where you said it was stupid he should and that what other president had. You never once mentioned anything about the BC being released earlier. You just found out about that this morning. Back then, it is quite clear you said it was stupid for Obama to release it, thus I found at least one post of you saying he shouldn't.
Okay, so I found posts where you said it was stupid he should and that what other president had. You never once mentioned anything about the BC being released earlier. You just found out about that this morning. Back then, it is quite clear you said it was stupid for Obama to release it, thus I found at least one post of you saying he shouldn't.

I didn't "just find out this morning." Please.

The whole gist of my remarks was that in no way would I ever say or argue that Obama didn't have to meet the constitutional requirement of producing proof that he was born in the U.S., aka a birth certificate. He had done that. The remarks you found were about the ridiculous birther movement claiming it was fake and trying to compel Obama to release the "real" one.

As you have pointed out, Trump doesn't have a constitutional requirement to release his tax returns. But I believe he has an obligation w/ voters, based on decades of precedent, and his own remarks during the campaign, where he repeatedly promised to release them as soon as the audit (which we also have no proof of) was completed.

You should be at the very least curious about that. I have no doubt at all that he's hiding something. It may not be as big as a Russian connection, but it's something. My guess has always been that he doesn't want Americans to know how little he gives to charity.
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Nah, this was your argument, not that he already released something.

It was stupid for him to have to, even yesterday. He was elected President, ergo he met the qualifications. Period.

Frankly, I think what he just did sets a somewhat bad precedent.

Being President is a big job. Appeasing a bunch of nutters shouldn't be in the description. One of the requirements to become President is that you have to have been born in America; he became President. It should end there.

Oh, bull. HE did not keep it going. The idiotic birthers did.

You have to be native born to be President. He was elected President. The end.

What next? Is it now standard that every President going forward has to acquiesce to every nutter's demands, if they just demand it loud enough and get a rich, prominent nutter to speak for them?

Not once do you ever mention he shouldn't because one was already released. Your entire argument was the he shouldn't have to release it, "He was elected President. The end." "What other president has had to release it?"

Nothing about one already released.
I didn't "just find out this morning." Please.

The whole gist of my remarks was that in no way would I ever say or argue that Obama didn't have to meet the constitutional requirement of producing proof that he was born in the U.S., aka a birth certificate. He had done that. The remarks you found were about the ridiculous birther movement claiming it was fake and trying to compel Obama to release the "real" one.

As you have pointed out, Trump doesn't have a constitutional requirement to release his tax returns. But I believe he has an obligation w/ voters, based on decades of precedent, and his own remarks during the campaign, where he repeatedly promised to release them as soon as the audit (which we also have no proof of) was completed.

You should be at the very least curious about that. I have no doubt at all that he's hiding something. It may not be as big as a Russian connection, but it's something. My guess has always been that he doesn't want Americans to know how little he gives to charity.

Yeah, and as I already showed above, you mocked a poster for asking what is Obama hiding. Not once did you say, Obama isn't hiding because it was already released, rather, you mocked them.

Now of course, you're doing your typical double standard and asking what is Trump hiding.

Is his audit over? And I've already said he is a liar. That said, how many candidates have made promises they haven't kept?

The illegal release of his 2005 taxes showed what fools you guys look like. Same thing when Obama released his BC, the birfers looked like idiots.
Why do you believe you have a right to another persons property so you can purchase things you don't want to purchase with your own money?

Seems it is liberals who are the greedy ones.

Why is it greedy to want to keep ones own property?

I am sure you sat in front of the TV with penis in hand waiting for Madcow and she disappointed you. She got PWND and so did you

You really are a dumbshit, aren't you? I've worked and paid my taxes probably longer than you've been alive, punk.

Here's the deal on his taxes. He paid a 4% rate until the AMT kicked in. He wants to repeal that AMT so he and the other ultra-wealthy can continue with that 4%. Guess who makes up the difference, retard?

I missed the Maddow stuff. I was busy taking care of my family, douchebag.
The illegal release of his 2005 taxes showed what fools you guys look like. Same thing when Obama released his BC, the birfers looked like idiots.

One year of returns don't prove squat. He needs to release 20 years worth.

For all we know Trumpsky released them himself and cherry-picked the one year that makes him look the best.

Releasing your own tax returns is not illegal.
It would be, if Trump just released his tax returns like every other President has over the past half century or so.

He is under no obligation. It is a distraction and a weapon the political establishment uses to keep out outsiders like Trump

He has broken no laws otherwise the IRS would have done something by now.

You just want to be nosy and play gotcha politics. But his tax returns will reveal nothing.

This is where you put your tin foil hat on and scream frantically about the Russians
Could only find two posts under Thing1, but a plethora under Onceler. Those three took 2 minutes, I read a few of your posts in this thread and it cracks me how you take the exact opposite stance with the BC as with Trump's taxes, in fact you even mocked a poster for asking what he is hiding and now you've said the same thing about Trump's taxes.

Busted in another lie Thingy.


But he did release a document three years ago which confirmed his eligibility.

Superfreak responded...

Again, there was NO reason for him not to release a copy of his ORIGINAL birth certificate..... THAT is what he released yesterday. THAT is all he had to do to end this crap..... THREE years ago.


It was stupid for him to have to, even yesterday. He was elected President, ergo he met the qualifications. Period.
He is under no obligation. It is a distraction and a weapon the political establishment uses to keep out outsiders like Trump

He has broken no laws otherwise the IRS would have done something by now.

You just want to be nosy and play gotcha politics. But his tax returns will reveal nothing.

This is where you put your tin foil hat on and scream frantically about the Russians

If Obama had refused to release his taxes the right would been apoplectic. You fucks would've detonated like a nuclear bomb.

Just imagine the noxious volcano of stink that would've erupted out of the birthers had they had the tax return issue on top of it.

My God!!!! I can just imagine the goofball orgasm of hatred that would've spewed out of you fucks like a broken fire hydrant.
He is under no obligation. It is a distraction and a weapon the political establishment uses to keep out outsiders like Trump

He has broken no laws otherwise the IRS would have done something by now.

You just want to be nosy and play gotcha politics. But his tax returns will reveal nothing.

This is where you put your tin foil hat on and scream frantically about the Russians

If they reveal nothing, Trumptard, let's see them.
Illustrates his self-serving interests, dumbshit. And the interests of the wealthiest. But Trumptards like you are too fucking stupid to realize you are voting against your own self-interests.

Too bad the returns are 12 years old. We'll see the others sooner or later.

"why wont you steal money like the rest of us?"

not everyone desires to be a taker. Not everyone wants government handouts or wealth redistribution. Some people would actually feel shame if they submitted to such a way of living. People want different things.
"why wont you steal money like the rest of us?"

not everyone desires to be a taker. Not everyone wants government handouts or wealth redistribution. Some people would actually feel shame if they submitted to such a way of living. People want different things.

Not everyone wants or needs to be a multi-billionaire where they will fuck their own mother for a few million more.
You really are a dumbshit, aren't you? I've worked and paid my taxes probably longer than you've been alive, punk.

Here's the deal on his taxes. He paid a 4% rate until the AMT kicked in. He wants to repeal that AMT so he and the other ultra-wealthy can continue with that 4%. Guess who makes up the difference, retard?

I missed the Maddow stuff. I was busy taking care of my family, douchebag.

I don't think you understand the AMT. it isn't just the uber rich that pay it

But I get it, you want others to buy you stuff and you want the gobblement to force them to do it. Classy