Maddow releases Trumps tax returns

I turned on Morning Joe for my daily dose of TrumpHate and Bannon-bashing.
They looked like they were sucking on lemons, instead of drinking coffee.

Seems the fact that Trump paid a healthy tax bill in 2005 had them a bit flummoxed ;
they had what they have been screaming for but clearly did not like their catch.
Ignatius then said
"suppose Trump released it?it would put a positive spin out instead of us talking about health care and Russia"
They all nodded and murmured acquiesence to this sage insight.

Then they said today might be the day Comey confirms an FBI investigation on Russia.
That brightened up the mood,and they got back to speculating about !Russia!
I turned on Morning Joe for my daily dose of TrumpHate and Bannon-bashing.
They looked like they were sucking on lemons, instead of drinking coffee.

Seems the fact that Trump paid a healthy tax bill in 2005 had them a bit flummoxed ;
they had what they have been screaming for but clearly did not like their catch.
Ignatius then said
"suppose Trump released it?it would put a positive spin out instead of us talking about health care and Russia"
They all nodded and murmured acquiesence to this sage insight.

Then they said today might be the day Comey confirms an FBI investigation on Russia.
That brightened up the mood,and they got back to speculating about !Russia!

So, Trump's tax return was a big nothing burger lol?

Well, there goes more shit that won't stick to the wall.
Trump paid more in taxes than Buffetts secretary

Poor Rachel Madcow had her Geraldo moment and got stumped by the Trump
Maddow is a hero, Trump is a villain. Maddow is the hero of American people! Trump is the enemy of all true Americans! He is evil! He is a monster! All rightists are monsters!

Agreed.....she proved just how stupid liberals can be.....committing a felony to prove nothing....

It's a journalism felony lol.

What was PMSNBC thinking? If you're [and they are, at least they dropped the charade] out to get Trump, why would you release his tax return if you knew there was nothing in it?

Because, they jumped the gun. They were so sure it would show a Russian connection [or at least 'something' lol] that Maddow teased viewers with it *before* they laid eyes on it.

Only to find out Trump made a big pile of money in 2005 and paid a bunch of taxes on it. In fact, he paid so much in taxes you get the idea his accountant sucks.

So Maddow and MSNBC are left standing with egg on their faces. Shoddy journalism doesn't even begin to describe it.
It's a journalism felony lol.

What was PMSNBC thinking? If you're [and they are, at least they dropped the charade] out to get Trump, why would you release his tax return if you knew there was nothing in it?

Because, they jumped the gun. They were so sure it would show a Russian connection [or at least 'something' lol] that Maddow teased viewers with it *before* they laid eyes on it.

Only to find out Trump made a big pile of money in 2005 and paid a bunch of taxes on it. In fact, he paid so much in taxes you get the idea his accountant sucks.

So Maddow and MSNBC are left standing with egg on their faces. Shoddy journalism doesn't even begin to describe it.

it would have been better to not release it at all and just keep making insinuations.
Trump or one of his allies leaked it, id love to see the K1's and various other schedules.

supposing he did leak it. Nothing compelled maddow to report on it. She could have thrown it away. Now she has hurt the muh Russia narrative by releasing a normal tax return.

thing1: "why would he keep it a secret?"

You're really a child.

It's a shame.
supposing he did leak it. Nothing compelled maddow to report on it. She could have thrown it away. Now she has hurt the muh Russia narrative by releasing a normal tax return.

She considers herself a journalist, what would you expect her to do? Sit on it?
You libs have to be careful here. This could be your "birther" moment. My theory is that obama dragged his feet on releasing his BC just because he hated republicans. Trump could be doing the same thing with his taxes because he hates you clowns. Don't you think that if Trump had forgotten to dot an i or cross a t on an obama-era IRS tax return, he would have been doing a perp walk out of Trump Tower years ago? Go back to turning over rocks looking for Russians.
I turned on Morning Joe for my daily dose of TrumpHate and Bannon-bashing.
They looked like they were sucking on lemons, instead of drinking coffee.

Seems the fact that Trump paid a healthy tax bill in 2005 had them a bit flummoxed ;
they had what they have been screaming for but clearly did not like their catch.
Ignatius then said
"suppose Trump released it?it would put a positive spin out instead of us talking about health care and Russia"
They all nodded and murmured acquiesence to this sage insight.

Then they said today might be the day Comey confirms an FBI investigation on Russia.
That brightened up the mood,and they got back to speculating about !Russia!

What it revealed is that he had to pay under the Alternative Minimum Tax, a tax HE WANTS TO REPEAL. Otherwise, he would have paid $31 million less.

Self-serving clown.