Maddow releases Trumps tax returns

So - anyone know why Trump will NOT release his tax returns?

He pledged to many times during the campaign.


because he doesn't need to.

it's really that simple.

he has all the power and holds all the cards.

It's also the GTO play. If you ever do have to hide something scandalous then you need to balance that out by hiding things that are of no importance or consequence. That's how I'd play it.

You need to think about these things on a very deep level. Sadly, such games are only for a certain class of people. I am in that class, but the numbers are small. You certainly will never be in it.
because he doesn't need to.

it's really that simple.

he has all the power and holds all the cards.

It's also the GTO play. If you ever do have to hide something scandalous then you need to balance that out by hiding things that are of no importance or consequence. That's how I'd play it.

You need to think about these things on a very deep level. Sadly, such games are only for a certain class of people. I am in that class, but the numbers are small. You certainly will never be in it.

Figured you'd be tired of apologizing for him by now. You have more energy for it than I would have thought.
Figured you'd be tired of apologizing for him by now. You have more energy for it than I would have thought.

It has nothing to do with apologizing. It's just a very logical, strategic action.

Again, let me give you a glimpse into this world, A world where a simpleton like yourself will never exist in. A world though that I occupy with ease.

Lets assume there is nothing remotely bad about his tax returns. Not releasing them didn't keep him from the presidency. He gains very little by releasing them. Hiding it does very little damage to him.

Instead he can just have people like you chasing their tails, chasing after a figment of their imagination, a mirage. Pouring all their energy into nothing. You don't see how that couldn't be beneficial? Are you that much of a simpleton thinker that you cannot grasp this concept?

People such as yourself can easily be exploited in this manner, because he could have you expand X amount of energy, only to release them say a year or two down the road, only for you to find out there is nothing there in the first place. And it'll make the next thing you worry about him hiding look as though it's another fools errand.

And as I iterated above, if you assume there are some secrets any president would want to keep, then he would open himself up to being exploited if he always hid the bad stuff and revealed the non-stories. Balancing these things out creates plausible deniability in all circumstances. It's an optimal approach.
It has nothing to do with apologizing. It's just a very logical, strategic action.

Again, let me give you a glimpse into this world, A world where a simpleton like yourself will never exist in. A world though that I occupy with ease.

Lets assume there is nothing remotely bad about his tax returns. Not releasing them didn't keep him from the presidency. He gains very little by releasing them. Hiding it does very little damage to him.

Instead he can just have people like you chasing their tails, chasing after a figment of their imagination, a mirage. Pouring all their energy into nothing. You don't see how that couldn't be beneficial? Are you that much of a simpleton thinker that you cannot grasp this concept?

People such as yourself can easily be exploited in this manner, because he could have you expand X amount of energy, only to release them say a year or two down the road, only for you to find out there is nothing there in the first place. And it'll make the next thing you worry about him hiding look as though it's another fools errand.

And as I iterated above, if you assume there are some secrets any president would want to keep, then he would open himself up to being exploited if he always hid the bad stuff and revealed the non-stories. Balancing these things out creates plausible deniability in all circumstances. It's an optimal approach.

Yeah, yeah - the "Trump is a genius" thing because he lies pathologically and continually throws out BS accusations like Obama wiretapping him. Such brilliance.

I guess we'll always differ in that I'd prefer a President who didn't try to create distractions & imaginary mazes for everyone to try to navigate through while he/she pursues their shadow agenda.

A+++ on the apologizing there, btw. You're really giving it 110%.
Btw, I don't think Trump is the genius you portray him as. I genuinely think he's just a pathological liar who reacts emotionally to all kinds of shite, and can't control himself for a second.
Btw, I don't think Trump is the genius you portray him as. I genuinely think he's just a pathological liar who reacts emotionally to all kinds of shite, and can't control himself for a second.
Oh for fucks sake. "Benghazi was due to a video tape", "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", etc etc etc.- take your pathological whine to your own party captains, and then get back to us with a real gripe.
Yeah, yeah - the "Trump is a genius" thing because he lies pathologically and continually throws out BS accusations like Obama wiretapping him. Such brilliance.

I guess we'll always differ in that I'd prefer a President who didn't try to create distractions & imaginary mazes for everyone to try to navigate through while he/she pursues their shadow agenda.

A+++ on the apologizing there, btw. You're really giving it 110%.

you are a simpleton overwhelmed by how much you are being outsmarted. You are not a savvy political thinker, so you just literally think the president should release stuff to satisfy internet commentor thing1's infantile curiosity. you are being exploited and thrown around like a rag doll. I suppose I'd be resentful too. But you have to understand these types of games aren't for normies such as yourself. they are for high level abstract thinkers. You are incapable of understanding these great games.
Oh for fucks sake. "Benghazi was due to a video tape", "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor", etc etc etc.- take your pathological whine to your own party captains, and then get back to us with a real gripe.

I bailed on Obama as soon as I saw an email from one of his staff to a prescription drug industry lobbyist assuring the lobbyist about the ACA. Didn't vote for him in 2012. Didn't vote for Hillary either.

You guys, on the other hand, are digging in and defending Trump to the hilt despite one of the most incredibly dishonest and insane first month+ of a Presidency the union has ever witnessed.
No - it's absolutely our business as Americans for the leader we elect. It's why every President has done it for decades.

It has nothing to do w/ the law.
It is not your business. Just because others did so, does not give you any rights or business to anyone else's.

Deal with it.
you are a simpleton overwhelmed by how much you are being outsmarted. You are not a savvy political thinker, so you just literally think the president should release stuff to satisfy internet commentor thing1's infantile curiosity. you are being exploited and thrown around like a rag doll. I suppose I'd be resentful too. But you have to understand these types of games aren't for normies such as yourself. they are for high level abstract thinkers. You are incapable of understanding these great games.

That's not even a good troll.

This Presidency is a friggin' disaster and you know it. You guys rolled the dice & it ain't working out. Trump actually IS a fraud and a con man. How 'bout that? The crazy left was right all along.

Now, you have to deal w/ it. Have fun. Part of me is actually enjoying this (the part that doesn't really care about the future).
I bailed on Obama as soon as I saw an email from one of his staff to a prescription drug industry lobbyist assuring the lobbyist about the ACA. Didn't vote for him in 2012. Didn't vote for Hillary either.

You guys, on the other hand, are digging in and defending Trump to the hilt despite one of the most incredibly dishonest and insane first month+ of a Presidency the union has ever witnessed.
You're a huge Obama and Hillary apologist. You always defend then, I know you voted for them.