MAGA hates America

In case you have forgotten the unempolyment 4 years ago was 14%. And the accumulated inflation under Trump was around 10%. But let's go back to that because things were so great 4 years ago.

Watch how you now resort to claiming the problems when Trump was President weren't the result of Trump.
In case you have forgotten, MAGAts, especially those in league with Satan, like to cherry-pick facts, add some alternative facts and twist the truth into a big lie that fits their narrative.

They will do anything, and I mean anything, to make Donald J. Trump the dictator of the United States.
79% of Americans say things were better for them 4 years ago.........
ROFLMAO.. Did you ask 300 million of them?
I am curious how your ass feels after you pulled this number out of it.

I can find no recent poll that says 79% of Americans say they are worse off now than 4 years ago
The poll from Feb says that 58% say they are the same or better financially than they were under Trump.
Because YOU are part of the problem....... Up is down, left is right, corruption is honesty, evil is good.
They supported a man who could not beat Hillary without committing 34 Felonies. (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who lost the 2020 election. (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who tried to get Russia's help. (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who failed his central campaign promise to "Build the Wall". (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who promised to repeal Obamacare. He didn't. (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who called Nazi's very good people. (They wont admit it or move on)
They supported the man who had affairs with washed up Porn actresses. (They wont admit it or move on
In a way things were. Trump's term was nearing its end and the country was looking forward to being rid of him. Biden was early in his lead in the polls at this time four years ago, a lead he would keep through the election, a lead outside the margins of error.

Four years ago was the first year of Covid with all the shut downs, production problems, shortages, deaths etc. Could 79% of Americans have been that stupid?
Because YOU are part of the problem....... Up is down, left is right, corruption is honesty, evil is good.
What do you plan to do about people you consider to be a problem, Marco? The same solution MAGAts had for Mike Pence on 1/6?
79% of Americans are "MAGAts?" Wow, the Left and Democrats are truly and totally fucked come November!
No, Terry. IMO, all Americans are fucked no matter who wins in November.

Your previous desires for the oath-breaking, Constitution-shredding, wannabe dictator is remembered.
They call themselves MAGA because they can't read or write.
The correct acronym for Keep America Stupid is KAS.

I am amused how triggered the anti-American fascists on the left get with Make America Great Again. Apparently, they prefer Biden making America broke better. They don't get much dumber than NiftyNitWit. :laugh:
Didn't know it was math discussion.

Unlike the idiots claiming they're gonna win hands down as if they knew the fix was in, I'm waiting to see how effective the Russian and Iranian-backed troll farms can incite enough "Pro-Palestinian" divisions within the Democratic Party, especially in Chicago where I expect a big one, to tilt the election toward Trump before I start declaring winners. All I know is I'm voting Libertarian.


:lolup: Thinks this is about math.