Malik Obama Drops Obama's Real Birth Certificate Its from Kenya

Who is going to support all the entitlement minded freeloaders like you unwilling to do for yourselves?

The idea that a bunch of opioid addled uneducated trumpsters can support anybody other than their drinking habit at a bar is ridiculous
Repubs, facts not needed party. How easily they are fooled into believing what they want to believe anyway. Yes, Obama was born in Kenya and just slipped into the US. He did not go to college, since he did not show Hannity his transcripts. He just fell out of a tree and ran for president. Why Dems do not believe that is amazing. Limburger says its true. Infowars adds that he is gay , his wife is a tranny and his kids were dropped off on his doorstep by Dems trying to coverup their inability to have sex.
Repubs, facts not needed party. How easily they are fooled into believing what they want to believe anyway. Yes, Obama was born in Kenya and just slipped into the US. He did not go to college, since he did not show Hannity his transcripts. He just fell out of a tree and ran for president. Why Dems do not believe that is amazing. Limburger says its true. Infowars adds that he is gay , his wife is a tranny and his kids were dropped off on his doorstep by Dems trying to coverup their inability to have sex.

Morons have never been thru immigration or customs..
I lived in Arabia nearly 2 decades so I got to do a lot of things you could only dream about, but you can look up the date when Kenya got an international airport.

BTW.. Malik is so stupid he doesn't know Kenya was still British East Africa when Obama was born in 1961.

Lol. It's always the details that trip them up.
Holy shit, J.Kennedy! Please get out of the basement bunker, get some sunlight, and smack yourself a few hundred times. You need a wake up call like nobodies business.
for fucks sake, this again?

1. Obamas Mother was an American, that makes him an American.
2. IF Obama was NOT an American, do you not think that the clinton cabal would have exposed this during his first run?