Malik Obama Drops Obama's Real Birth Certificate Its from Kenya

you can calm down it'll be ok. Remember, you racist trumpster boomers will be dead soon, no need to get your depends in a bundle.
I hate to break this to you, kuntscar, but you precious little snowflakes wouldn't last six months without us.

Let's see, how would you go first? Off a building, or with your head sawed off? lol
for fucks sake, this again?

1. Obamas Mother was an American, that makes him an American.
2. IF Obama was NOT an American, do you not think that the clinton cabal would have exposed this during his first run?

1. Wouldn't that make Obama half white trash since his mother was trash?
I work nights but I am off tonight. Everyone is asleep except me and one of my dogs. I am having a cup of coffee and going out to work on my bicycle. But right now I am sitting here watching sports channel and bored. So just for this next half cup of coffee I am going to try to imagine what a person as stupid and/or ignorant as you looks and acts like, what kind of job you have, what your house looks like, etc.
You NL never quit kissing his ass. Pucker up, boy.
I work nights but I am off tonight. Everyone is asleep except me and one of my dogs. I am having a cup of coffee and going out to work on my bicycle. But right now I am sitting here watching sports channel and bored. So just for this next half cup of coffee I am going to try to imagine what a person as stupid and/or ignorant as you looks and acts like, what kind of job you have, what your house looks like, etc.

I don't have to imagine what you'll really be doing. It's imagining just how much more black ass you can kiss, boy.
and 3 million more americans thought hillary should have been president, so? millions of americans think stupid shit all the time, they are still americans.

How retarded so you have to be to prefer Trump to Clinton. That should be a case for mandatory euthanasia, something has gone wrong with your brain.
Actually, the biggest problem is the lefts insistence that illegal aliens be allowed to vote. There is no doubt that many illegals voted in the last election. The only question is how many. Having said this, ONE illegal vote is too many. 53 percent of Democrats want illegal aliens to be allowed to vote, for obvious reasons. Don't even think that you are fooling anyone. You're not.

3% of the population and most of them won't go within a mile of a government facility much less try and vote. But they are responsible for you losing every election.
I hate to break this to you, kuntscar, but you precious little snowflakes wouldn't last six months without us.

Let's see, how would you go first? Off a building, or with your head sawed off? lol

Oh now how would we deal without a bunch of ignorant savages who produce almost nothing besides 320 electoral votes.
I hate to break this to you, kuntscar, but you precious little snowflakes wouldn't last six months without us.

Let's see, how would you go first? Off a building, or with your head sawed off? lol

Demographics are demographics you right-wing nutjobs will be dead soon
I hate to break this to you, kuntscar, but you precious little snowflakes wouldn't last six months without us.

Let's see, how would you go first? Off a building, or with your head sawed off? lol

He's on this kick that every stupid kid that turns 18 and immediate pulls the D lever will never grow up, get a job, buy a house, start to pay taxes, then realize that he's been lied to his entire life.