Manafort's Plea Deal DOES NOT include matters involving the Trump Campaign

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
According to NPR, Paul Manafort’s deal with Special Counsel Robert Muller’s office “does not include matters involving the Trump campaign.”
Paul Manafort's cooperation agreement with the special counsel does not include matters involving the Trump campaign, according to a person familiar with the case, @johnson_carrie reports

— NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) September 14, 2018
Wut .....

I thought Manafort was singing like a canary in a coal mine.

Even though canaries don't sing in coal mines ..... but, that's another story.

If see the need for some safe spaces to be available.

Lefty heads are going to explode.
According to NPR, Paul Manafort’s deal with Special Counsel Robert Muller’s office “does not include matters involving the Trump campaign.”
Paul Manafort's cooperation agreement with the special counsel does not include matters involving the Trump campaign, according to a person familiar with the case, @johnson_carrie reports

— NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) September 14, 2018

Good luck with THAT one!!
Mueller accepted the pea deal because he is trying to wrap this witch hunt up.

The wheels are coming off this coup and we can expect some indictments in the near future from many of these players involved.
Jesus H. Christ...

...the far right in America is so fucking loopy, it is amazing that a major occupaion in America is not "tying shoe laces" for those idiots.

Just how much Trump prepared Kool-Aid does it take to make a trump supporter morbidly stupid?

Not much, apparently, because they start out very close to the edge.
Jesus H. Christ...

...the far right in America is so fucking loopy, it is amazing that a major occupaion in America is not "tying shoe laces" for those idiots.

Just how much Trump prepared Kool-Aid does it take to make a trump supporter morbidly stupid?

Not much, apparently, because they start out very close to the edge.

“Manafort's plea agreement requires him to "fully, truthfully, completely, and forthrightly" cooperate with the special counsel's investigation and any other matters in which the government deems his cooperation relevant.”

Yes that is correct. But you are ASSUMING that it means Trump

It could mean he is cooperating on other things relevant to what he is charged with. Remember who he worked with?

It’s ok if you want to avoid the truth. I understand
The Trump supporters are required to make stuff up in cases like this.

Apparently they have signed a "Eid auf den Führer" to Trump...a loyalty oath.

Even if you have to say night is day...or water is have got to be loyal.

They do look like ignorant chumps though.