Manafort's Plea Deal DOES NOT include matters involving the Trump Campaign

Conspiracy against the United States is kind of a catch-all charge for prosecutors involved in foreign cases.

From what I understand it can mean a number of things.

Here is what it means to the Robert Mueller Investigative Team- It means that Donald Trump is suspected of offering a Quid Pro Quo to Putin in exchange for Russia's help in helping him smear the campaign of his competition in the 2016 presidential election.

Just so you will know! LOL!
According to NPR, Paul Manafort’s deal with Special Counsel Robert Muller’s office “does not include matters involving the Trump campaign.”
Paul Manafort's cooperation agreement with the special counsel does not include matters involving the Trump campaign, according to a person familiar with the case, @johnson_carrie reports

— NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) September 14, 2018

Who cares. As long as the headlines make Trump seem doomed there will be a blue wave.....or so we are told. The right-wing fascist NPR is controlled by the Russians anyway.

trump lose his phone?