Manafort's Plea Deal DOES NOT include matters involving the Trump Campaign

I repeat a question I asked earlier...and which you did not answer:

How the fuck do you know that none of the investigations have found proof of collusion/conspirac?


Hint: You do not know that. You are merely asserting it because it sounds good to you for some reason.

Here is how I know

Diane Feinstein. Richard Burr. Adam Schiff. Bob Woodward.

All have looked. All have admitted there is ZERO evidence

I know Mueller hasn’t found any because if he had two things would have happened by now

1) He would have brought charges by now
2) It would have leaked

But hey if it makes you guys feel better to think that Mueller is sitting on the smoking gun and just waiting then go for it. I prefer Occams Razor
Here is how I know

Diane Feinstein. Richard Burr. Adam Schiff. Bob Woodward.

All have looked. All have admitted there is ZERO evidence

Ahhh...I see. You think Diane Feinstein. Richard Burr. Adam Schiff. Bob Woodward...are everyone.

Last I checked, there are still 325 million others.

C'mon, Don. You can do better. Or at least, I hope you can.

I know Mueller hasn’t found any because if he had two things would have happened by now

1) He would have brought charges by now
2) It would have leaked

You SUSPECT Mueller hasn't found any because of those two things.

No only did you use the wrong word...but your reasoning is pitiful.

He may have found plenty...and is doing what he is doing because he wants to be fair and sure.

But hey if it makes you guys feel better to think that Mueller is sitting on the smoking gun and just waiting then go for it. I prefer Occams Razor

Occam's Razor is for fools. Using Occam's comes up with the Earth being stationary and the sun, other planets, and stars circling it.

Occam's Razor is fad...and useless in most logic assignments.
I am honestly starting to think you are legitimately stupid, as in, you have a low IQ.

full cooperation doesn't necessarily equate to giving dirt on trump. Is your brain so tiny you actually can't comprehend that? You assume mueller is doing an investigation specifically to target trump, and that is not the case (at least officially), as much as leftists like you wish it to be so.


I am honestly starting to think you are legitimately stupid, as in, you have a low IQ.

full cooperation doesn't necessarily equate to giving dirt on trump. Is your brain so tiny you actually can't comprehend that? You assume mueller is doing an investigation specifically to target trump, and that is not the case (at least officially), as much as leftists like you wish it to be so.

BAC is just another desperate snowflake, who still can't come to grips that HILLARY LOST AND IS NOT THE PRESIDENT. :palm:
According to NPR, Paul Manafort’s deal with Special Counsel Robert Muller’s office “does not include matters involving the Trump campaign.”
Paul Manafort's cooperation agreement with the special counsel does not include matters involving the Trump campaign, according to a person familiar with the case, .

:laugh: More NPR Fake news!

Last I checked my dictionary, everything included every thing.
Here is how I know

Diane Feinstein. Richard Burr. Adam Schiff. Bob Woodward.

All have looked. All have admitted there is ZERO evidence

I know Mueller hasn’t found any because if he had two things would have happened by now

1) He would have brought charges by now
2) It would have leaked

But hey if it makes you guys feel better to think that Mueller is sitting on the smoking gun and just waiting then go for it. I prefer Occams Razor

It's not Mueller's responsibility to bring charges against the President, EinSTOOGE.

He can't. Only Congress can do that and if they do, they'll base their decision on the evidence and conclusions drawn by Mueller and laid out in the REPORT that he will submit to Congress when his investigation is complete.
It's not Mueller's responsibility to bring charges against the President, EinSTOOGE.

He can't. Only Congress can do that and if they do, they'll base their decision on the evidence and conclusions drawn by Mueller and laid out in the REPORT that he will submit to Congress when his investigation is complete.

WTF ....

Geezus the ignorance is strong among these no/low information Leftist.
Sure my gay Leftist friend ....

As soon as you actually have a clue about the politics your are failing to discuss ....

Already explained it to you, so nothing left to say.

If you're to weak-minded to understand it, that's your problem.
Keep up with those personal insults ...

It's all you extremist have left.

Oh, I get it now.

It's Saturday night, you're sitting home alone in either your dumpy little apartment, trailer or mother's basement, you're bored and lonely, nothing to do, so you're humping my leg.

No problem.

Do your worst.
Oh, I get it now.

It's Saturday night, you're sitting home alone in either your dumpy little apartment, trailer or mother's basement, you're bored and lonely, nothing to do, so you're humping my leg.

No problem.

Do your worst.

LMAO ....

Fuckin psychos ...

You Leftist are all the same.