Manafort's Plea Deal DOES NOT include matters involving the Trump Campaign

As far as I am concerned, anyone who is still supporting Donald Trump is now aiding and abetting a criminal and are basically now accessories to his crimes!

That is against the law BTW!

Yep, the Republicans are corrupt to the very core now!
LMAO ....

Fuckin psychos ...

You Leftist are all the same.

As far as I am concerned, anyone who is still supporting Donald Trump is now aiding and abetting a criminal and are basically now accessories to his crimes!

That is against the law BTW!

Yep, the Republicans are corrupt to the very core now!

I suppose it's a good thing no normal thinking person cares what your unmedicated psycho ass thinks about anything.
I suppose it's a good thing no normal thinking person cares what your unmedicated psycho ass thinks about anything.

Duh. I mean, really, stringing together a bunch of insults among a load of babbling was hardly effective.

True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world, like you, who find these things more difficult. If I had known, that this was your case then I would have never read your post. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you.
Here is how I know

Diane Feinstein. Richard Burr. Adam Schiff. Bob Woodward.

All have looked. All have admitted there is ZERO evidence

I know Mueller hasn’t found any because if he had two things would have happened by now

1) He would have brought charges by now
2) It would have leaked

But hey if it makes you guys feel better to think that Mueller is sitting on the smoking gun and just waiting then go for it. I prefer Occams Razor

TD made a fool of himself with the OP and now he's doubling down with more bullsht??
What about the part where he pleaded guilty to conspiring with others to accomplish his crimes?

And when I say others, I mean Donald Trump and his other Campaign members!

Dude, I read the whole transcript of what the judge asked him, and what he answered.

And that is what he pleaded guilty to! CONSPIRACY!
What about the part where he pleaded guilty to conspiring with others to accomplish his crimes?

And when I say others, I mean Donald Trump and his other Campaign members!

Dude, I read the whole transcript of what the judge asked him, and what he answered.

And that is what he pleaded guilty to! CONSPIRACY!

I don’t think you understood what you read
According to NPR, Paul Manafort’s deal with Special Counsel Robert Muller’s office “does not include matters involving the Trump campaign.”
Paul Manafort's cooperation agreement with the special counsel does not include matters involving the Trump campaign, according to a person familiar with the case, @johnson_carrie reports

— NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) September 14, 2018

Dershowitz says the deal covers anything and everything