Manafort's Plea Deal DOES NOT include matters involving the Trump Campaign

Are you nuts? Mueller is in the middle of a collusion investigation, you think he puts his case out there for all to see, including the defendant's lawyers?

or are you retarded?

You are delusional.

There is no .... nor has there ever been ... any evidence of Russian collusion or a crime.

There have been no charges or convictions for Russian collusion or ANY crimes related to Trump or the Trump campaign.

You guys live in an Alt Left Universe with skulls full of mush and fake news .... aka Delusional.
You are delusional.

There is no .... nor has there ever been ... any evidence of Russian collusion or a crime.

There have been no charges or convictions for Russian collusion or ANY crimes related to Trump or the Trump campaign.

You guys live in an Alt Left Universe with skulls full of mush and fake news .... aka Delusional.

you're full of shit

here, read this Vox piece with 8 legal opinions, then let me know what went over your pinhead

you're pahtetic
You are delusional.

There is no .... nor has there ever been ... any evidence of Russian collusion or a crime.

There have been no charges or convictions for Russian collusion or ANY crimes related to Trump or the Trump campaign.

You guys live in an Alt Left Universe with skulls full of mush and fake news .... aka Delusional.

Looks like the little cunt face knows everything that the Mueller team has accomplished.
Pathetic is the sheeple who parrot the fake news from the Vox.

Truly pathetic.

This is why you guys are referred to as low/no information types.

longtime federal prosecutor said President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman has likely already delivered the goods to the special counsel before reaching a plea agreement.

Glenn Kirschner, a former prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s District of Columbia office, said Paul Manafort would almost certainly be asked to provide “blockbuster information” to Robert Mueller before investigators would accept his guilty plea.
“I’ve been behind those closed doors in well over 100 meetings in secure interview rooms with defendants who are hoping to become cooperators,” Kirschner said. “There are a couple features that I think are universal in those meetings, and I’m quite sure this is how it played out for the Mueller team.”

He said prosecutors would tell Manafort to list every crime he had committed, and then identify every crime committed by others — and he pointed out the former campaign chairman had taken part in the Trump Tower meeting with Russians offering information against Hillary Clinton.

“They would ask about any crime he knows about, whether Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner or others,” Kirschner said. “Then they begin corroborating everything he’s said with external information. It’s only after they’re satisfied of all of that that they can offer him a cooperation agreement.”
According to NPR, Paul Manafort’s deal with Special Counsel Robert Muller’s office “does not include matters involving the Trump campaign.”
Paul Manafort's cooperation agreement with the special counsel does not include matters involving the Trump campaign, according to a person familiar with the case, @johnson_carrie reports

— NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) September 14, 2018

so what you're saying is Mueller already has plenty on trump and doesn't need anymore
longtime federal prosecutor said President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman has likely already delivered the goods to the special counsel before reaching a plea agreement.

Glenn Kirschner, a former prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s District of Columbia office, said Paul Manafort would almost certainly be asked to provide “blockbuster information” to Robert Mueller before investigators would accept his guilty plea.
“I’ve been behind those closed doors in well over 100 meetings in secure interview rooms with defendants who are hoping to become cooperators,” Kirschner said. “There are a couple features that I think are universal in those meetings, and I’m quite sure this is how it played out for the Mueller team.”

He said prosecutors would tell Manafort to list every crime he had committed, and then identify every crime committed by others — and he pointed out the former campaign chairman had taken part in the Trump Tower meeting with Russians offering information against Hillary Clinton.

“They would ask about any crime he knows about, whether Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner or others,” Kirschner said. “Then they begin corroborating everything he’s said with external information. It’s only after they’re satisfied of all of that that they can offer him a cooperation agreement.”

Bleat, Bleat baby ....
so what you're saying is Mueller already has plenty on trump and doesn't need anymore

What we are saying here is Mueller has nothing, nor has he ever had anything and this little unConstitutional witch hunt is about to come to an end and these perps involved in the Coup are about to have to go on the defense.
According to NPR, Paul Manafort’s deal with Special Counsel Robert Muller’s office “does not include matters involving the Trump campaign.”
Paul Manafort's cooperation agreement with the special counsel does not include matters involving the Trump campaign, according to a person familiar with the case, @johnson_carrie reports

— NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) September 14, 2018


what's the count of liberals jumping the gun on here? Seriously I don't even know what the number is at anymore.
“Manafort's plea agreement requires him to "fully, truthfully, completely, and forthrightly" cooperate with the special counsel's investigation and any other matters in which the government deems his cooperation relevant.”

But that doesn’t contradict the NPR source.

If you reconcile them, it means Manafort is compelled to cooperate with Mullet, but the plea agreement won’t involve Trump campaign—since Manafort has nothing to offer in that regard.

Like his lawyers have been saying for months. Note that please: they weren’t saying Manafort wouldn’t turn on Trump—but that Manafort has nothing to *turn on Trump with*.

Strzok said ‘there was no there, there’. Strzok is vindicated.
But that doesn’t contradict the NPR source.

If you reconcile them, it means Manafort is compelled to cooperate with Mullet, but the plea agreement won’t involve Trump campaign—since Manafort has nothing to offer in that regard.

Like his lawyers have been saying for months. Note that please: they weren’t saying Manafort wouldn’t turn on Trump—but that Manafort has nothing to *turn on Trump with*.

Strzok said ‘there was no there, there’. Strzok is vindicated.

Pure fairy tales.
But that doesn’t contradict the NPR source.

If you reconcile them, it means Manafort is compelled to cooperate with Mullet, but the plea agreement won’t involve Trump campaign—since Manafort has nothing to offer in that regard.

Like his lawyers have been saying for months. Note that please: they weren’t saying Manafort wouldn’t turn on Trump—but that Manafort has nothing to *turn on Trump with*.

Strzok said ‘there was no there, there’. Strzok is vindicated.

Exactly .....

Any normal thinking person would know if there was something there Manafort would have been charged by now.

Our sheeple friends are just salivating over the latest nothing burger.
SInce the idiot who posted the OP didn't bother to include a link...I took the liberty of doing that legwork

Note the retraction at the end.

NPR has backed away from the claim from the twitter posting

Editor's note: An early version of this story published before all the court documents in the case were available contained a characterization from a person familiar with the case that said Manafort's cooperation would be limited. When charging documents and other materials appeared, they did not support that and the characterization was removed.

That's what they get for using Ghouliani as an anonymous source
What does Paul Manafort's plea deal mean for Trump?

Under the deal, the former campaign chairman is required to describe any and all criminal activity he is aware of

the problem with you simpletons, is you are having an investigation in search of a crime.

You assume trump colluded. So any news of manforts cooperation in your mind means it's bad news for trump. You can't even consider the other (way more likely) possability that there was no collusion, and muh russia is fake news. If that is the (obvious) case, then any cooperation has nothing to do with trump, just as the liberal bastion NPR described. This isn't rightwing conspiracy blogs saying this. It's fucking liberal as fuck NPR. Yet you and other jpp leftists continue to stick your head in the sand and double down because you have trump derangement syndrome and he utterly broke you guys on election day 2016. There hasn't been a single lucid retort from any liberal in this thread. None. Textbook cognitive dissonance.
the problem with you simpletons, is you are having an investigation in search of a crime.

You assume trump colluded. So any news of manforts cooperation in your mind means it's bad news for trump. You can't even consider the other (way more likely) possability that there was no collusion, and muh russia is fake news. If that is the (obvious) case, then any cooperation has nothing to do with trump, just as the liberal bastion NPR described. This isn't rightwing conspiracy blogs saying this. It's fucking liberal as fuck NPR. Yet you and other jpp leftists continue to stick your head in the sand and double down because you have trump derangement syndrome and he utterly broke you guys on election day 2016. There hasn't been a single lucid retort from any liberal in this thread. None. Textbook cognitive dissonance.

Lets say there is no evidence of collusion, but Trump is indicted for maybe tax fraud, or money laundering or any number of other crimes. Would you be OK with that scenario?