Manafort's Plea Deal DOES NOT include matters involving the Trump Campaign

Don't you think if Manafort had some smoking gun it would have come out by now?

Or, is that too logical for you?

Manafort was charged with bank fraud.

Nothing to do with Trump, the campaign or any other political related crime.

And, now .... Manafort is about to spill the beans.

That's delusional.

YOU are delusional, RC. Common in Trump supporters. They are all nuts.
What we are saying here is Mueller has nothing, nor has he ever had anything and this little unConstitutional witch hunt is about to come to an end and these perps involved in the Coup are about to have to go on the defense.

If Trump were impeached, found guilty by the Senate, and removed from office...

...assholes like you would still insist he is president and Dear Leader.

Wake the hell up.
YOU are delusional, RC. Common in Trump supporters. They are all nuts.

Personal insults will change none of the facts in this case.

Mueller has nothing and Manafort has nothing to offer because there was never a crime.

You guys are just salivating over the latest nothing burger.
If Trump were impeached, found guilty by the Senate, and removed from office...

...assholes like you would still insist he is president and Dear Leader.

Wake the hell up.

Impeached for what?

Found guilty of what?

You guys are completely unhinged and delusional.
Lets say there is no evidence of collusion, but Trump is indicted for maybe tax fraud, or money laundering or any number of other crimes. Would you be OK with that scenario?

I would not be ok with the democrats and the fake news lying to america for 2 years.

And also I don't care about ticky tack tax charges. I think anyone that dodges taxes is a hero. Taxation is theft, and we should resist as much taxation as we can. More importantly, the number one thing is bringing about my agenda, and I see leftists as enemies of the constitution. I want our judges and I want regulation roll back, by any means necessary.
I would not be ok with the democrats and the fake news lying to america for 2 years.

And also I don't care about ticky tack tax charges. I think anyone that dodges taxes is a hero. Taxation is theft, and we should resist as much taxation as we can. More importantly, the number one thing is bringing about my agenda, and I see leftists as enemies of the constitution. I want our judges and I want regulation roll back, by any means necessary.

A CRIME is a CRIME, honey bunch, and they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Personal insults will change none of the facts in this case.

Mueller has nothing and Manafort has nothing to offer because there was never a crime.

You guys are just salivating over the latest nothing burger.

The bottom line, shitstain, is that you don’t know what either Mueller has nor do you know what Manafort has to offer.

Just like the many other RW fucktards, you post out of ignorance
Personal insults will change none of the facts in this case.

Mueller has nothing and Manafort has nothing to offer because there was never a crime.

You guys are just salivating over the latest nothing burger.

:0) You are stupid. I know that doesn't change the facts of the case .. just an observation .. but yes, you're stupid.

With Manafort now singing like a songbird, Mueller is now sitting in the room at the Trump Tower meeting, and you don't have a fucking clue of what went on on that meting.

Mueller does. :0)

If you had a brain, you would know that Mueller would not give Manafort a deal without him giving up something really substantial that Mueller wants. But you don't.

If you had a brain you would know that Manafort has to tell Mueller the absolute truth about EVERYTHING he asks him. He must cooperate in any and all matters. But .. you don't.

Mueller has slayed everyone he's gone after, including Trump's closest criminal associates.

To suggest that Manafort has nothing to offer is a glaring declaration of your complete ignorance of what you're talking about. :0) Childish Dumbo speak .. but expected.
SInce the idiot who posted the OP didn't bother to include a link...I took the liberty of doing that legwork

Note the retraction at the end.

NPR has backed away from the claim from the twitter posting

Editor's note: An early version of this story published before all the court documents in the case were available contained a characterization from a person familiar with the case that said Manafort's cooperation would be limited. When charging documents and other materials appeared, they did not support that and the characterization was removed.

That's what they get for using Ghouliani as an anonymous source

The two statements aren’t contradictory.

I happened to see the first NPR story when it broke on Twitter—I even pasted it on two different threads. I was also following the reaction to it from NPR followers on Twitter and it was the typical mass lefty outrage.

The ‘retraction’ followed soon after. But if you look it carefully it’s kind of a weak retraction because it doesn’t say Manafort is compelled to give something he doesn’t have—only that his agreement compells him to fully cooperate.