Manafort's Plea Deal DOES NOT include matters involving the Trump Campaign

Whether or not a President can be indicted is not settled law

Yes it is.

It has been held up twice, once under Nixon and again under Slick ...

I agree it can be challenged again but, the result will be the same.

And, the Left knows it .... they are justs making up propaganda for you sheeple to parrot.
Mueller accepted the pea deal because he is trying to wrap this witch hunt up.

The wheels are coming off this coup and we can expect some indictments in the near future from many of these players involved.

Muelller did not accept it. He offered the deal to Manafort, who accepted it. As usual you have it all wrong.Where do your crazy ideas? Bannon said trumps worst danger was money laundering and that appears to be Manaforts business. Manafort is witch number 35 indicted or charged.
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Yes it is.

It has been held up twice, once under Nixon and again under Slick ...

I agree it can be challenged again but, the result will be the same.

And, the Left knows it .... they are justs making up propaganda for you sheeple to parrot.

You are once again, a fucking liar.
Whether or not a President can be indicted is not settled law

tell that to Nixon and Clinton. Of course with another trump employee on the Supremes. it may not be law much longer. that is why the Repubs are pushing Kavanaugh so hard and so fast.

Manafort confessed to a conspiracy charge, which is an umbrella type charge including money laundering and obstruction of justice. yeah, rightys, nothing to see here.
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Jesus H. Christ...

...the far right in America is so fucking loopy, it is amazing that a major occupaion in America is not "tying shoe laces" for those idiots.

Just how much Trump prepared Kool-Aid does it take to make a trump supporter morbidly stupid?

Not much, apparently, because they start out very close to the edge.

Muelller did not accept it. He offered the deal to Manafort, who accepted it. As usual you have it all wrong.Where do your crazy ideas? Bannon said trumps worse danger was money laundering and that appears to be Manaforts business. Manafort is witch number 35 indicted or charged.

And, the delusions continue.

What will you guys do when Mueller closes this investigation with no arrest for anything other than a couple of process crimes?

I see another "scream at the sky moment" coming.
The two statements aren’t contradictory.

I happened to see the first NPR story when it broke on Twitter—I even pasted it on two different threads. I was also following the reaction to it from NPR followers on Twitter and it was the typical mass lefty outrage.

The ‘retraction’ followed soon after. But if you look it carefully it’s kind of a weak retraction because it doesn’t say Manafort is compelled to give something he doesn’t have—only that his agreement compells him to fully cooperate.

Obviously you're having some difficulty with 'FULLY COOPERATE."

So I'll help you.

Paul Manafort plea deal includes 'broad' cooperation with special counsel

In court Friday morning, prosecutors revealed that Manafort had completed a successful meeting with investigators in which he offered them information they considered valuable. They did not specify what information he agreed to share, but made clear the cooperation would be “broad” and would include participation in “interviews, briefings, producing documents, [and] testifying in other matters.”

"You understand that you are agreeing to cooperate fully and truly" in this agreement? the judge asked. Manafort replied, "I do."

Special Counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissman told the court Manafort's "proffer session and cooperation ... led us to today."

The agreement marked a significant shift for the Mueller investigation – providing them cooperation from someone who participated in the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting, in which a Russian lawyer came to New York during the campaign promising “dirt” on Trump’s Democratic opponent. As the campaign chairman, Manafort was also privy to the inner workings of the Trump campaign for critical months in 2016.

Prosecutors did not spell out what sentence reductions Manafort could expect in return for his assistance with the probe into possible Russian meddling in the 2016 elections. New court filings and court statements indicate that prosecutors have taken a number of the earlier charges against Manafort, including a money laundering charge that could, on its own, bring a 20-year sentence, and folded them into two charges that could yield five years for each count.

In a federal courtroom in Washington Friday, Judge Amy Jackson ran through the potential consequence Manafort could face if he breached his agreement with the Special Counsel, including additional prison time and the possibility of additional monetary fines.

Former prosecutor Robert Mintz told ABC News the deal helped Manafort "because it caps his exposure."

"Make no mistake, this plea deal signals Manafort’s full cooperation with the special counsel," Mintz said.

As part of his agreement with prosecutors, Manafort admitted guilt to ten related charges in Virginia that a jury was unable to reach consensus on at a trial last month.

Smell that? .. It's Trump's ass on fire. :0)
And, the delusions continue.

What will you guys do when Mueller closes this investigation with no arrest for anything other than a couple of process crimes?

I see another "scream at the sky moment" coming.

When it happens. Do you know it has not? Honestly, do you know Mueller has not closed the investigation and released all he has found? that is a fact which seems to elude you. there is no way anyone can make the stupid claims you keep making. It is a right wing fantasy. But the fact is, Mueller has shown nothing and as a result, you know nothing.
When it happens. Do you know it has not? Honestly, do you know Mueller has not closed the investigation and released all he has found? that is a fact which seems to elude you. there is no way anyone can make the stupid claims you keep making. It is a right wing fantasy. But the fact is, Mueller has shown nothing and as a result, you know nothing.

When you live in the Alt Left Universe of MSM fake news I can see where my claims would seem pretty out there to you.

However, there are still some real investigative reporters out there who are following this very closely.

But, back in the real world .... the hunter is about to become the hunted.
When you live in the Alt Left Universe of MSM fake news I can see where my claims would seem pretty out there to you.

However, there are still some real investigative reporters out there who are following this very closely.

But, back in the real world .... the hunter is about to become the hunted.

you're still on this thread whining like a bitch?

When you live in the Alt Left Universe of MSM fake news I can see where my claims would seem pretty out there to you.

However, there are still some real investigative reporters out there who are following this very closely.

But, back in the real world .... the hunter is about to become the hunted.

Sure there are. Breitbart?

Obviously you're having some difficulty with 'FULLY COOPERATE."

So I'll help you.

Paul Manafort plea deal includes 'broad' cooperation with special counsel

In court Friday morning, prosecutors revealed that Manafort had completed a successful meeting with investigators in which he offered them information they considered valuable. They did not specify what information he agreed to share, but made clear the cooperation would be “broad” and would include participation in “interviews, briefings, producing documents, [and] testifying in other matters.”

"You understand that you are agreeing to cooperate fully and truly" in this agreement? the judge asked. Manafort replied, "I do."

Special Counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissman told the court Manafort's "proffer session and cooperation ... led us to today."

The agreement marked a significant shift for the Mueller investigation – providing them cooperation from someone who participated in the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting, in which a Russian lawyer came to New York during the campaign promising “dirt” on Trump’s Democratic opponent. As the campaign chairman, Manafort was also privy to the inner workings of the Trump campaign for critical months in 2016.

Prosecutors did not spell out what sentence reductions Manafort could expect in return for his assistance with the probe into possible Russian meddling in the 2016 elections. New court filings and court statements indicate that prosecutors have taken a number of the earlier charges against Manafort, including a money laundering charge that could, on its own, bring a 20-year sentence, and folded them into two charges that could yield five years for each count.

In a federal courtroom in Washington Friday, Judge Amy Jackson ran through the potential consequence Manafort could face if he breached his agreement with the Special Counsel, including additional prison time and the possibility of additional monetary fines.

Former prosecutor Robert Mintz told ABC News the deal helped Manafort "because it caps his exposure."

"Make no mistake, this plea deal signals Manafort’s full cooperation with the special counsel," Mintz said.

As part of his agreement with prosecutors, Manafort admitted guilt to ten related charges in Virginia that a jury was unable to reach consensus on at a trial last month.

Smell that? .. It's Trump's ass on fire. :0)

You can try to make all of that say anything you want to lol.