Manafort's Plea Deal DOES NOT include matters involving the Trump Campaign

Yes that is correct. But you are ASSUMING that it means Trump

It could mean he is cooperating on other things relevant to what he is charged with. Remember who he worked with?

It’s ok if you want to avoid the truth. I understand

If I were Mueller...

...I would not go after Donald Trump, Sr.

I would go after Donald Trump, Jr.

Easy mark...almost as stupid as his father. (Well, maybe not almost as stupid, but more than stupid enough.)






And in much less time than the idiots of the right spent on trying to nab Hillary Clinton.
The Trump supporters are required to make stuff up in cases like this.

Apparently they have signed a "Eid auf den Führer" to Trump...a loyalty oath.

Even if you have to say night is day...or water is have got to be loyal.

They do look like ignorant chumps though.

NPR is full of Trump supporters?

Who knew

Here is the problem with today’s left. They have already convinced themselves that Trump collided with Putin. To them it happened. There is ZERO doubt in their minds that it happened. So to them all that is required is for Mueller to pick up the pieces

It doesn’t matter to them that this has been exhaustively investigated for two years and nothing

Mueller is dutifully trying to make the most out of a shit sandwich he has been given.

But listen now and hear me later. There was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. None. Zero. Zilch.
If I were Mueller...

...I would not go after Donald Trump, Sr.

I would go after Donald Trump, Jr.

Easy mark...almost as stupid as his father. (Well, maybe not almost as stupid, but more than stupid enough.)






And in much less time than the idiots of the right spent on trying to nab Hillary Clinton.

And it is a win/win situation.

We are rid of the abomination...

Yes that is correct. But you are ASSUMING that it means Trump

It could mean he is cooperating on other things relevant to what he is charged with. Remember who he worked with?

It’s ok if you want to avoid the truth. I understand

It means what it says, idiot.

Why are words so difficult for you illiterates?
NPR is full of Trump supporters?

Who knew

Here is the problem with today’s left. They have already convinced themselves that Trump collided with Putin. To them it happened. There is ZERO doubt in their minds that it happened. So to them all that is required is for Mueller to pick up the pieces

It doesn’t matter to them that this has been exhaustively investigated for two years and nothing

Mueller is dutifully trying to make the most out of a shit sandwich he has been given.

But listen now and hear me later. There was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. None. Zero. Zilch.

I noticed you used two different terms in your screed.

In your third paragraph you used, "...Trump collided with Putin." (I know you meant "colluded.)

In your last paragraph you used, "...between the Trump campaign and Russia."

Any reason for that?

Oh...and how the fuck do you know there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. None. Zero. Ziltch.

ASIDE: I am so happy for this new feature where I can address a comment to you in secret without the others being able to read it.

Just wanted to let you know that the new meme is not that our Deal Leader and his campaign did not collude with Putin or the Russians... is that "collusion is not a crime."

You must not have gotten the memo.

Don't let any of the others know I told you.
Another ,ironic knee jerk from a leftist moron. The article quotes NPR you ignorant twat. Is NPR right wing? Liberals are dumber than a box of rocks. You're their poster Dunce.

According to NPR

NPR is full of Trump supporters?

Who knew

Here is the problem with today’s left. They have already convinced themselves that Trump collided with Putin. To them it happened. There is ZERO doubt in their minds that it happened. So to them all that is required is for Mueller to pick up the pieces

It doesn’t matter to them that this has been exhaustively investigated for two years and nothing

Mueller is dutifully trying to make the most out of a shit sandwich he has been given.

But listen now and hear me later. There was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. None. Zero. Zilch.

Yes ....

These people really are just that stupid.
Mueller accepted the pea deal because he is trying to wrap this witch hunt up.

The wheels are coming off this coup and we can expect some indictments in the near future from many of these players involved.

His plea deal is about criminal charges against him NOT the Trump campaign.
Lower right quadrant propaganda for the low IQs

What does Paul Manafort's plea deal mean for Trump?

Under the deal, the former campaign chairman is required to describe any and all criminal activity he is aware of
If I were Mueller...

...I would not go after Donald Trump, Sr.

I would go after Donald Trump, Jr.

Easy mark...almost as stupid as his father. (Well, maybe not almost as stupid, but more than stupid enough.)






And in much less time than the idiots of the right spent on trying to nab Hillary Clinton.

Have you emailed your brilliant strategy to Mueller?

You can reach him at

Tell him I say hi
BUT-- an important fact-- the plea agreement states that Manafort will cooperate "in any and all matter as to which the government deems the cooperation relevant" including "testifying fully, completely" to grand jury in DC

Don't you think if Manafort had some smoking gun it would have come out by now?

Or, is that too logical for you?

Manafort was charged with bank fraud.

Nothing to do with Trump, the campaign or any other political related crime.

And, now .... Manafort is about to spill the beans.

That's delusional.
BUT-- an important fact-- the plea agreement states that Manafort will cooperate "in any and all matter as to which the government deems the cooperation relevant" including "testifying fully, completely" to grand jury in DC

exactly, Manafort can't just say "I'd rather not talk about DJT working directly with the Russians"

that's why he's not heading off to 10+ yrs in prison as I post