Marines outraged over TIME's new cover picture

Wow I always knew Marines were dumb but I never realized they were such whiney faggots.

Go to the main gate at Camp Lejeune and say that.

I guess it is pretty safe to say that you do not support American troops considering your statement. Your not a Conservative, are you? That question was rhetorical in nature. We already know the answer.
Go to the main gate at Camp Lejeune and say that.

I guess it is pretty safe to say that you do not support American troops considering your statement. Your not a Conservative, are you? That question was rhetorical in nature. We already know the answer.
Forget it. it has become obvious that a significant portion of the modern liberals on this discussion site only support the troops under their own definitions of support. They cannot comprehend what it means to be a member of the armed forces because they do not have that level of loyalty. To them patriotism ends at bitching about how things aren't going their way. To them supporting their neighbor means making the government do it for them. To them, they cannot comprehend when people vote on issues like liberty to express one's beliefs - even if one works for the government. They cannot understand someone looking at gun control as a legitimate issue. All they can see is people ignoring or placing economy at lower priority, thus "voting against their own best interests." (Look at how many time you see a liberal whining about conservatives "voting against their best interests.") They truly cannot comprehend that some believe what is best for the country is higher priority, even if it does mean compromising on their "own best interests." Nor can they comprehend that some may not believe having big government take care of them IS in their best interest, economic or otherwise.

And if they cannot possibly comprehend that one would vote for the best interests of the liberty of the country over their own economic interests, how can they even come close to imagining the patriotic loyalty it takes to put your life on the line, putting oneself in a regimented career with some loss of personal liberty, in order to protect the liberty of the rest of society? So of course they have no real respect for the uniform(s) of the United States Military. They give lip service to "supporting the troops" because it is politically correct to do so.

And if it were politically correct to spit on returning soldiers like it was 35 years ago, they'd be buying hard candies specially designed to maximize saliva output.
Go to the main gate at Camp Lejeune and say that.

I guess it is pretty safe to say that you do not support American troops considering your statement. Your not a Conservative, are you? That question was rhetorical in nature. We already know the answer.

Any marine who is "offended" by the tree illustration is a whiny faggot. Period. Or he's lying to make a political point. Either way, it's dishonorable and he should take out his standard-issue pistol and end himself for the greater good.
Go to the main gate at Camp Lejeune and say that.

I guess it is pretty safe to say that you do not support American troops considering your statement. Your not a Conservative, are you? That question was rhetorical in nature. We already know the answer.

I was in the military for the majority of my adult life and I loved every minute of it. Assume more. You just proved my point about being a dummy.

I just think a bunch of overly sensitive politically correct retards are crying over nothing.

I'm also pretty fuckin conservative.
I was in the military for the majority of my adult life and I loved every minute of it. Assume more. You just proved my point about being a dummy.

I just think a bunch of overly sensitive politically correct retards are crying over nothing.

I'm also pretty fuckin conservative.
Are you libertarian? (ie: economic conservative, social liberal)

And what branch you spend you time in?
Forget it. it has become obvious that a significant portion of the modern liberals on this discussion site only support the troops under their own definitions of support. They cannot comprehend what it means to be a member of the armed forces because they do not have that level of loyalty. To them patriotism ends at bitching about how things aren't going their way. To them supporting their neighbor means making the government do it for them. To them, they cannot comprehend when people vote on issues like liberty to express one's beliefs - even if one works for the government. They cannot understand someone looking at gun control as a legitimate issue. All they can see is people ignoring or placing economy at lower priority, thus "voting against their own best interests." (Look at how many time you see a liberal whining about conservatives "voting against their best interests.") They truly cannot comprehend that some believe what is best for the country is higher priority, even if it does mean compromising on their "own best interests." Nor can they comprehend that some may not believe having big government take care of them IS in their best interest, economic or otherwise.

And if they cannot possibly comprehend that one would vote for the best interests of the liberty of the country over their own economic interests, how can they even come close to imagining the patriotic loyalty it takes to put your life on the line, putting oneself in a regimented career with some loss of personal liberty, in order to protect the liberty of the rest of society? So of course they have no real respect for the uniform(s) of the United States Military. They give lip service to "supporting the troops" because it is politically correct to do so.

And if it were politically correct to spit on returning soldiers like it was 35 years ago, they'd be buying hard candies specially designed to maximize saliva output.
That's right you are better than everyone cause you served. You are MORE of an American than those that didn't serve. You know so much more than those that didn't serve. So why don't you just stay at home and watch TV and let all the slackers wallow in their unpatriotic stupidity.
If there's anything we've learned in the last eight years, it's that serving in the military doesn't exactly mean you're a genius or even a patriot of greater proportion to those who were smart enough to oppose a misguided war from the outset.
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If there's anything we've learned in the last eight years, it's that serving in the military doesn't exactly mean you're a genius or even a patriot of greater proportion to those who were smart enough to oppose a misguided war from the outset.

But it does show an selfless, unselfish quality that Liberals will never understand. The fact that you look down upon the men and women of the military as you have done in that statement shows your true colors. Anyone in the military now knows and understands the importance of what they are doing. The fact you see it as a misguided war clearly shows the disdain you have on the men and women serving. You do and say whatever you can to lessen their contribution while you do nothing but sit comfortably secure in the knowledge that others are risking their very lives for this country.

We the willing,
led by the capable,
to do the impossible,
for the ungrateful.

For all that have served, thanks for nothing.
Liberals are the selfish ones now. lol Okay.

And saying Iraq is a misguided war is showing distain for servicemen? You really have your head stuck in the Rove brain-washing machine don't you? And my guess is it's been running on spin cycle for about six years.
That's right you are better than everyone cause you served. You are MORE of an American than those that didn't serve. You know so much more than those that didn't serve. So why don't you just stay at home and watch TV and let all the slackers wallow in their unpatriotic stupidity.
Take a course in reading comprehension. I never said people who don't serve, or even people who disrespect the military are unpatriotic, or less of an American. Only a small percentage (voluntarily) serve in their society's military.

But if one limits their patriotic activities to bitching on a BBS, then complaining or deriding how military people feel about their icons, calling it "false outrage" is pure bullshit. Unless one has served, then one does not know what it is like to serve. Unless one has been in battle, one does not know what it is like to be in battle. If one has never been part of an elite organization with a proud history, one does not know what it means to have an icon honoring over 30,000 wounded and dead changed to support a cause that is completely unrelated to either the sacrifice of the military or the honor of patriotism.

Yes, there ARE things I know that only others who served voluntarily, or who have been in the thick of combat know. It does not make me "better". But it does mean I hold a value to certain things that most who have not served will not understand.

I fully respect a person's right to say anything they want. I even respect their RIGHT to call veterans names and express derision for their opinions. But when one claims to support the troops from one side of their mouth while showing derision from the other, then, even while respecting the RIGHT to do so, I sure as hell will not respect the asshole doing it.

I was in the military for the majority of my adult life and I loved every minute of it. Assume more. You just proved my point about being a dummy.

I just think a bunch of overly sensitive politically correct retards are crying over nothing.

I'm also pretty fuckin conservative.

Can of fly spray...answer good lucks question...'What branch of the service did you serve in'?...inquiring minds want to know!
Intolerant of whiny marines who pretend to be offended by something as stupid as a fucking tree, yeah. They should all go to hell.

No, intolerant because you throw around offensive terms just so that you can make a point that doesn't need to be made in the first place. If you can't do it with eloquence, don't do it at all.
I challenge anyone stupid enough to try to tell me how anyone fighting in Iraq is protecting my freedoms.

The stupid part is trying to explain something that you probably do not have the cognitive abilities to understand or comprehend. On that, I agree, but I will make an attempt.

Why are we in Iraq? We are in Iraq to fight for our country and support our allies and to give everyone the opportunity and freedom to travel anywhere in the world without fear of being killed by terrorists.

While it started as a action against Saddam's violation of the UN Ceasefire agreement in 1990, it became a stand against terrorism. Unless you want to argue that there are no terrorists killing Americans and Iraqis in Iraq. Do you realize that if insurgents financed by Iran, HAMAS, Hesbollah, al-Qaeda, and any other terrorist factions, had just laid back in wait, America troops would be home now, or at least in much lower numbers and they (the insurgents) would be free to commit as many acts of terrorism without American troops being there. All they had to do was wait. But instead, they could not resist the temptation to kill as many people as they wanted and commit as many acts of terrorism in the name of Islam. The very behavior that we are standing against.

If you make the claim that you support the troops, then you support what they are doing i.e. you support the mission. You do not support the troops if you do not support what they are doing. Wishing the troops would come home is not supporting the troops. Everyone in the military is in Iraq knowing why they are there.