Marines outraged over TIME's new cover picture

"Everyone in the military is in Iraq knowing why they are there."

Boy, that's a neat planet you must live on.

Supporting the troops definitely does not mean sitting idly while they are used as cannon fodder by a guy who thinks that a President can't achieve "greatness" without a war. You have a very twisted vision of what "supporting the troops" means.
I was in the military for the majority of my adult life and I loved every minute of it. Assume more. You just proved my point about being a dummy.

I just think a bunch of overly sensitive politically correct retards are crying over nothing.

I'm also pretty fuckin conservative.
Can of fly spray...answer good lucks question...'What branch of the service did you serve in'?...inquiring minds want to know!
That was intended as a friendly inquiry, not as a challenge.
"Everyone in the military is in Iraq knowing why they are there."

Boy, that's a neat planet you must live on.

Supporting the troops definitely does not mean sitting idly while they are used as cannon fodder by a guy who thinks that a President can't achieve "greatness" without a war. You have a very twisted vision of what "supporting the troops" means.

The normal enlistment is 4 years. Are you saying that with the Iraq war going on for over 5 years, there is anyone in the military that did not enlist or re-enlist knowing about the war? The war was on the news everywhere. No one is in the military not knowing about the War in Iraq. Now, what planet are you one where this does not make sense to you?

I was one of the troops. This is what supporting the troops means to me. Support the mission. Do not disrespect troops in public. Do not disrespect the particular armed service. You do not have to like them, but not give the enemy reason to believe that you are not united behind the Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, and Airman and the specifics of their mission. They are doing a dangerous job and they want to be victorious in their mission. Do not insult them by allowing them to return home less than victorious. They know how to do their job. Let them...

But, what is your definition of "supporting the troops"? Please, explain yourself.
The normal enlistment is 4 years. Are you saying that with the Iraq war going on for over 5 years, there is anyone in the military that did not enlist or re-enlist knowing about the war? The war was on the news everywhere. No one is in the military not knowing about the War in Iraq. Now, what planet are you one where this does not make sense to you?

I was one of the troops. This is what supporting the troops means to me. Support the mission. Do not disrespect troops in public. Do not disrespect the particular armed service. You do not have to like them, but not give the enemy reason to believe that you are not united behind the Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, and Airman and the specifics of their mission. They are doing a dangerous job and they want to be victorious in their mission. Do not insult them by allowing them to return home less than victorious. They know how to do their job. Let them...

But, what is your definition of "supporting the troops"? Please, explain yourself.
The normal enlistment is 8 years in some combination of active duty and inactive reserve.The option of 4 and 4 is common and perhaps best known, but has not the most common option in recent years (not including Iraq). Many of the educational programs offered since the mid 80s require a 6 and 2 split.

It is also made very clear to a recruit before they sign their contract that 8 years could mean 8 years active duty if circumstances warrant it.

But your point is valid that noone over there went into the situation in ignorance. The claims I have heard that some soldiers are being treated unfairly because they only joined for the educational benefits is but one example of the anti-war crowd claiming to support the troops while being condescending and insulting.
The normal enlistment is 8 years in some combination of active duty and inactive reserve.The option of 4 and 4 is common and perhaps best known, but has not the most common option in recent years (not including Iraq). Many of the educational programs offered since the mid 80s require a 6 and 2 split.

It is also made very clear to a recruit before they sign their contract that 8 years could mean 8 years active duty if circumstances warrant it.

But your point is valid that noone over there went into the situation in ignorance. The claims I have heard that some soldiers are being treated unfairly because they only joined for the educational benefits is but one example of the anti-war crowd claiming to support the troops while being condescending and insulting.

I guess things have changed since I was in the Corps. I went in on a 4 year active duty enlistment and 2 year inactive reserve.
The normal enlistment is 4 years. Are you saying that with the Iraq war going on for over 5 years, there is anyone in the military that did not enlist or re-enlist knowing about the war? The war was on the news everywhere. No one is in the military not knowing about the War in Iraq. Now, what planet are you one where this does not make sense to you?

I was one of the troops. This is what supporting the troops means to me. Support the mission. Do not disrespect troops in public. Do not disrespect the particular armed service. You do not have to like them, but not give the enemy reason to believe that you are not united behind the Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, and Airman and the specifics of their mission. They are doing a dangerous job and they want to be victorious in their mission. Do not insult them by allowing them to return home less than victorious. They know how to do their job. Let them...

But, what is your definition of "supporting the troops"? Please, explain yourself.
I do not agree that supporting the troops necessarily means supporting the mission. If one does not believe the mission is a valid extension of U.S. security, then that is what they believe.

BUT, that being said, I would caution those against the war that HOW they object to the war is important. Morale is a VERY important factor in combat. And HOW objections to a war are voiced by the public and in the media can and do have a significant impact on troop morale.

A soldier with low morale is far more likely to be wounded or killed than a soldier with high morale. A trooper with low morale is worried, distracted, depressed. Their thoughts are not on the mission at hand. That leads to mistakes, missed clues, slow reactions. Seconds are jewels beyond price in a combat situation. The waste of half a second in combat because the soldier is distracted can get him killed, and all to often one or more of his squad mates.

A soldier of high morale is quite the opposite. They are awake, alert, confident. Their thoughts are on the mission at hand, not distracted by negative thought or worry. Sure, soldiers are scared in combat, but fear is not necessarily a negative thought. Since a soldier is far more alert by being less distracted, they are much more likely to react quickly and correctly in an emergency, saving their own lives and often the lives of their squad mates.

As such, engaging in rhetoric such as "The war is already lost" or "there is no way to win", or "They are dying for a lie" or "our soldiers are terrorizing people" (when the word terror has a special meaning in the context of the war at hand), is NOT supporting the troops. Such statements can and do have a significant negative effect of those who go into combat the next day after reading such.

Of much better content are statements such as "We need to end this war as quickly as possible and bring our people home."

Of course, I will now be attacked as wanting to censor what people say. But that is in no way my intent. I spent 40 years defending the people's right to say whatever the hell they want. But I am ADVISING people that if they TRULY desire to support the troops, they will be aware of the impact their rhetoric can have on combat soldiers, and being aware, speak accordingly.
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I guess things have changed since I was in the Corps. I went in on a 4 year active duty enlistment and 2 year inactive reserve.
When were you in? The 8 year commitment was put in place under the latter part of the Reagan administration. That was a while back.
I do believe it was before Reagan...!

When were you in? The 8 year commitment was put in place under the latter part of the Reagan administration. That was a while back.

I served USArmy...1964-1968 4years 2 months twenty nine days active...ets 1968...served 1 year active reserve and 3years in-active reserve for the 8 year committment! Received my Honorable Discharge in 1972!

Night all...grabbing a cold beer kickin' back to watch GH!
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I served USArmy...1964-1968 4years 2 months twenty nine days active...ets 1968...served 1 year active reserve and 3years in-active reserve for the 8 year committment! Received my Honorable Discharge in 1972!
You're a bit older than I am. I joined the Marines on 5 Nov, 1965. (I added a few months to my age to get in.)
I pulled a few strings at the end, and spent my last two years still active duty so I would not ahve any inactive reserve to serve. ETS and HD on 5 Nov. 2005. Exactly 40 years after signing on as an enthusiastic and VERY ignorant kid.
I do not agree that supporting the troops necessarily means supporting the mission. If one does not believe the mission is a valid extension of U.S. security, then that is what they believe.

BUT, that being said, I would caution those against the war that HOW they object to the war is important. Morale is a VERY important factor in combat. And HOW objections to a war are voiced by the public and in the media can and do have a significant impact on troop morale.

A soldier with low morale is far more likely to be wounded or killed than a soldier with high morale. A trooper with low morale is worried, distracted, depressed. Their thoughts are not on the mission at hand. That leads to mistakes, missed clues, slow reactions. Seconds are jewels beyond price in a combat situation. The waste of half a second in combat because the soldier is distracted can get him killed, and all to often one or more of his squad mates.

A soldier of high morale is quite the opposite. They are awake, alert, confident. Their thoughts are on the mission at hand, not distracted by negative thought or worry. Sure, soldiers are scared in combat, but fear is not necessarily a negative thought. Since a soldier is far more alert by being less distracted, they are much more likely to react quickly and correctly in an emergency, saving their own lives and often the lives of their squad mates.

As such, engaging in rhetoric such as "The war is already lost" or "there is no way to win", or "They are dying for a lie" or "our soldiers are terrorizing people" (when the word terror has a special meaning in the context of the war at hand), is NOT supporting the troops. Such statements can and do have a significant negative effect of those who go into combat the next day after reading such.

Of much better content are statements such as "We need to end this war as quickly as possible and bring our people home."

Of course, I will now be attacked as wanting to censor what people say. But that is in no way my intent. I spent 40 years defending the people's right to say whatever the hell they want. But I am ADVISING people that if they TRULY desire to support the troops, they will be aware of the impact their rhetoric can have on combat soldiers, and being aware, speak accordingly.

Very well said
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You wouldn't know a reading type from a frog.

You faux intellectual types are all the same. All you can really do in debate is post little one line quips and completely inane rebuttals that only show your personal reading comprehension level places a point of shame on your kindergarten teacher for passing you. (assuming you did pass kindergarten.)

As for being upset with the way the flag raising has been politicized, like I said, the braindead modern liberals cannot possibly understand because they have no events of that import. While U.S. Marines (and Navy, Army and Air Force) go out and risk their lives - all too often losing them in the process - so you have the freedoms you so casually disdain with your diahrreal expution of mindless rhetoric.

The event you so casually defile with your personalized and idiotic agenda represents the deaths of 6,821 U.S. Servicemen, most of them Marines, along with over 19,000 wounded. But I know the deaths of servicemen only matters to liberals when it gains them political leverage. Otherwise we are just a bunch of baby killers.


1; my deceased brother was a marine
2; i was rejected by my draft board as 1y
3; however, i was the recipient of an all expenses paid round trip to se asia and managed to get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time (tet) and was handed a pot, an m-16 and some clips - i rate expert with a rifle
4; as was pointed out by a previous poster, the photograph was posed
5; as you pointed out it does mean something to some people
6; i am a social progressive
7; please do not put words in mouth, classifying all member of a group as a particular thing is inane, social progressives (liberals to you) are no more homogeneous than a group of moderates or conservatives
8; the military has its place in our republic and it is subservient to civil authority except when and where martial law is declared but still ultimately remains a tool of civil authority
9; a citizen may support the military in several ways, not the least by disagreeing with top command authority publically