Marjorie Taylor Greene's ugly accusation points to a dangerous trend in the GOP

Everyone wants to be an American. Everyone, which is why they come here to vicariously be Americans.

"Everyone want to be an American" - even a genetically Black African like you - but having a piece of paper that says you're an American citizen don't cut it Uncle. America was birthed and bred by White Anglo-Europeans. America IS its Founding Documents: The DOI and the Constitution/Bill of Rights, both largely products of English Enlightenment philosophers, like John Locke and other Western Natural Law theorists (not to forget John Adams, Tom Paine, and Co.. So, ironically, it seems to me that it is you who presents yourself on this form vicarioulsly to pretend that you are a bone fide "Yankee Doodle."


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I find it fascinating how many UK yokels seem obsessed with promoting racist bilge in America. I wonder what they do on their home chats?

Everyone wants to be an American. Everyone, which is why they come here to vicariously be Americans.

I don't subscribe to that hubris...never did. There are too many people on this planet who have stated otherwise. Seeking asylum or dual citizenship doesn't equate to "everyone" wanting to be an American. Nasty little jokers like Dashund or Volsrock are just following the old Nazi dictate of going after the world...and the USA has always been a source of consternation for them. The continuing change and growth in our laws that DO NOT adhere to the "understood" implications of "white supremacy" drives them nuts. While we have whale shit like Rep. Greene, we also have folk like Judge Jackson. Nazis and white supremacist can't stand honest debate, as they will ALWAYS lose.
High school antics lol. Repeat after me: Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. lol

Read the book online and then get back to me. It's pretty short so it won't be too much for you to take in. lol

Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk is a 1997 memoir about alcoholism, binge drinking, and hookup culture at Georgetown Preparatory School, written by Mark Gauvreau Judge. Judge recounts his early formative experiences growing up in suburbs of Washington, D.C. under Catholic school education.
Read the book online and then get back to me. It's pretty short so it won't be too much for you to take in. lol

Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk is a 1997 memoir about alcoholism, binge drinking, and hookup culture at Georgetown Preparatory School, written by Mark Gauvreau Judge. Judge recounts his early formative experiences growing up in suburbs of Washington, D.C. under Catholic school education.

Thanks for summarizing it for me: High school antics lol. Repeat after me: Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. lol
I don't subscribe to that hubris...never did.

Disagreed. Example:
There are too many people on this planet who have stated otherwise. Seeking asylum or dual citizenship doesn't equate to "everyone" wanting to be an American. Nasty little jokers like Dashund or Volsrock are just following the old Nazi dictate of going after the world...and the USA has always been a source of consternation for them. The continuing change and growth in our laws that DO NOT adhere to the "understood" implications of "white supremacy" drives them nuts. While we have whale shit like Rep. Greene, we also have folk like Judge Jackson. Nazis and white supremacist can't stand honest debate, as they will ALWAYS lose.
It's time for Georgia voters to show this vacuous but vicious loser the door.

"When a sitting US congresswoman gives oxygen to a dangerous conspiracy theory by falsely accusing her colleagues of being "pro-pedophile," the country has a problem -- and her party has an urgent obligation to fix it.
Georgia's Marjorie Taylor Greene is no stranger to outlandish, offensive and frankly bizarre behavior. And on Monday, she did it again, tweeting, "Murkowski, Collins, and Romney are pro-pedophile" because "they just voted for #KBJ" -- a reference to Ketanji Brown Jackson, a federal judge set to become the next Supreme Court justice, and three moderate Republican senators who say they will vote to confirm her.

The accusation is an ugly one, but Greene isn't the only Republican to make it -- or at least to imply it. During Jackson's confirmation hearings, several Republicans twisted her record and obscured the facts to suggest that she was soft on pedophiles. And now, with her tweet, Greene has put her own party members in QAnon's sights. It's so absurd it could be funny if it weren't so dangerous, and if so many elected Republicans weren't so willing to play ball with brain-wormed conspiracy theorists whose ideas only further destabilize American democracy and have already led to repeated violence.

The GOP needs to take responsibility for their party members. It's abhorrent that a sitting congresswoman can accuse her colleagues of being "pro-pedophile" with few consequences. This is a repeated pattern of egregious behavior and damaging lies from Greene, and it's far beyond time that Republican leadership stepped in."

Actually MTG is basically a wild and blond ape that fails at her attempt to be a human being.
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Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I don't subscribe to that hubris...never did.

Disagreed. Example:

There are too many people on this planet who have stated otherwise. Seeking asylum or dual citizenship doesn't equate to "everyone" wanting to be an American. Nasty little jokers like Dashund or Volsrock are just following the old Nazi dictate of going after the world...and the USA has always been a source of consternation for them. The continuing change and growth in our laws that DO NOT adhere to the "understood" implications of "white supremacy" drives them nuts. While we have whale shit like Rep. Greene, we also have folk like Judge Jackson. Nazis and white supremacist can't stand honest debate, as they will ALWAYS lose.

I don't see how your attempt to use my statement to validate your previous post works. I've put in bold the sentence that should dissuade you from further attempts. But for further clarification:

Cretins like Dashund and Volsrock will always piggy back on obvious flaws and complaints with their disgusting agenda...been that way since their ideological fore fathers lost WWII. TFB for them.
Actually MTG is basically a wild and blond ape that fails at her attempt to be a human being.
She’s the Republicans answer to Occasional-Cortex and Ilhan Omar, combining the stupidity of the former with the outrageousness of the latter. Her purpose is to infuriate dims and I’ll bet her constituents love it.
I think she knows what she’s doing.
It's time for Georgia voters to show this vacuous but vicious loser the door.

"When a sitting US congresswoman gives oxygen to a dangerous conspiracy theory by falsely accusing her colleagues of being "pro-pedophile," the country has a problem -- and her party has an urgent obligation to fix it.
Georgia's Marjorie Taylor Greene is no stranger to outlandish, offensive and frankly bizarre behavior. And on Monday, she did it again, tweeting, "Murkowski, Collins, and Romney are pro-pedophile" because "they just voted for #KBJ" -- a reference to Ketanji Brown Jackson, a federal judge set to become the next Supreme Court justice, and three moderate Republican senators who say they will vote to confirm her.

The accusation is an ugly one, but Greene isn't the only Republican to make it -- or at least to imply it. During Jackson's confirmation hearings, several Republicans twisted her record and obscured the facts to suggest that she was soft on pedophiles. And now, with her tweet, Greene has put her own party members in QAnon's sights. It's so absurd it could be funny if it weren't so dangerous, and if so many elected Republicans weren't so willing to play ball with brain-wormed conspiracy theorists whose ideas only further destabilize American democracy and have already led to repeated violence.

The GOP needs to take responsibility for their party members. It's abhorrent that a sitting congresswoman can accuse her colleagues of being "pro-pedophile" with few consequences. This is a repeated pattern of egregious behavior and damaging lies from Greene, and it's far beyond time that Republican leadership stepped in."

Actually, what would one expect from a woman MTG that resembles a humanoid of over 50,000 years ago who has no intellectual or cultural relationship with 21st Century type civilization. The creature MTG appears to be nothing but a primitive savage too. Otherwise, what civilized accomplishments has this female species MTG ever accomplished while in Congress as a so-called lawmaker, and on the taxpayer dime?
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