Marjorie Taylor Greene's ugly accusation points to a dangerous trend in the GOP

Sweet Jesus, Dogboy, you're an even dumber bogan than I thought. Do the other bogans laugh and point at you as "the dumb one"? :laugh:

Thanks for proving your ignorance. I prefer fucking morons like you underestimate Americans. It's why you will always be second-rate.

He's actually a 3rd rate neo-nazi/white supremacist propagandist. He can't tolerate a decent debate, and resorts to his true idiotic nature when cornered. All he wants is a format to bray his bilge...regardless of how absurd he looks because he knows there are dummies out there that can be recruited with a little enabling. A pathetic life our Dog Boy leads.
He's actually a 3rd rate neo-nazi/white supremacist propagandist. He can't tolerate a decent debate, and resorts to his true idiotic nature when cornered. All he wants is a format to bray his bilge...regardless of how absurd he looks because he knows there are dummies out there that can be recruited with a little enabling. A pathetic life our Dog Boy leads.

He's an Aussie lowlife drunk; typical bogan who's not quite sure which of his "uncles" is his father.
It appears the Republicans didn't fight at all on her previous appointments.

IMO, this whole bullshit is political grandstanding for November. The Republicans all spoke well of her until after their backroom meeting, then they decided she was a pedophile-pushing cunt. That reeks of corruption on their part. Sad to see the Republican Party fall from grace.

Republicans promised not to behave like Democrats, and accuse her of gang rape and sexual harassment. They didn't promise to ignore her record.
Here's some info that explains a lot about the RWs' antagonism to Jackson.

"Beyond criminal law, progressives doubtless rallied to Brown Jackson’s camp in part due to some of the judicial opinions she issued as a federal district judge (she’s served on the appeals court only since last summer). From her D.C. trial court perch, Brown Jackson often served as a one-woman “resistance” to President Trump’s agenda, including on core Democratic Party concerns like labor unionization and immigration. Consider:

In American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO v. Trump, in 2018, Judge Brown Jackson slapped down significant portions of three Trump executive orders involving federal government bargaining with labor unions. (She also ruled in favor of public-sector unions in her first published opinion on the D.C. Circuit earlier this month.)

In Make the Road New York v. McAleenan, in 2019, Judge Brown Jackson enjoined the Trump administration’s Department of Homeland Security from implementing its plan to expedite removal of illegal aliens who had arrived in the country within the last two years.

In Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S. House of Representatives v. McGahn, also in 2019, Judge Brown Jackson ruled that the Democrat-controlled Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives could compel former Trump counsel Don McGahn to testify about White House conversations. Her opinion contains pithy statements like “Presidents are not kings” and “The United States of America has a government of laws and not of men.”

So, you're saying she has other deficiencies besides just being soft on crime.
Yes I know its a fail for libtards. By only bashing the Christian church while never saying a thing about the other religions it lets everyone know what their true misguided intentions are.

Are you saying you managed to be on this board and did not read about Muslim hate? There are over 3000 religions recognized in America. How much time should we allow each of them to be criticized to be fair to you?
So, you're saying she has other deficiencies besides just being soft on crime.

So even when repub judges said she did nothing wrong, you're not buying it? Some in your party voted yes for her appeals court appointment, even that odious slug Graham, so don't be surprised that we think you're hypocrites now.
It's time for Georgia voters to show this vacuous but vicious loser the door.

"When a sitting US congresswoman gives oxygen to a dangerous conspiracy theory by falsely accusing her colleagues of being "pro-pedophile," the country has a problem -- and her party has an urgent obligation to fix it.
Georgia's Marjorie Taylor Greene is no stranger to outlandish, offensive and frankly bizarre behavior. And on Monday, she did it again, tweeting, "Murkowski, Collins, and Romney are pro-pedophile" because "they just voted for #KBJ" -- a reference to Ketanji Brown Jackson, a federal judge set to become the next Supreme Court justice, and three moderate Republican senators who say they will vote to confirm her.

The accusation is an ugly one, but Greene isn't the only Republican to make it -- or at least to imply it. During Jackson's confirmation hearings, several Republicans twisted her record and obscured the facts to suggest that she was soft on pedophiles. And now, with her tweet, Greene has put her own party members in QAnon's sights. It's so absurd it could be funny if it weren't so dangerous, and if so many elected Republicans weren't so willing to play ball with brain-wormed conspiracy theorists whose ideas only further destabilize American democracy and have already led to repeated violence.

The GOP needs to take responsibility for their party members. It's abhorrent that a sitting congresswoman can accuse her colleagues of being "pro-pedophile" with few consequences. This is a repeated pattern of egregious behavior and damaging lies from Greene, and it's far beyond time that Republican leadership stepped in."

There has always been a dangerous trend within the party of sedition, treason and anything else of a uncivilized and unGodly nature on Earth and that goes for its sold out to the devil and un-American supporters that are ultimately at fault for this GOPer, foreign enemy sold out, curse and pestilence that has occurred against humanity. Yet fortunately, as a result of experiencing four hellish years with a lawlessly hacked in swine of a tRump insurgency, the blessing is that the majority and despite atrocities of tRump and his gutter creatures attempting to destroy the legitimacy of another election in the devil's favor, the majority of 2020 succeeded at giving a tyrant of the ages and a orange tainted creature of the sewer tRump, his criminal family and anything else associated with the filth the boot! Therefore, that which has failed to kill Democracy and civilization, has made it stronger and despite current threats, plots and other gutter conspiring among the subhuman creatures and slaves of the devil of the GOPer sewer.
I remember when real liberals could make real political points. I did not always agree, but they were sometimes thought provoking. Walt is not a real liberal,.... he is something much worse.

I am a moderate. I do not know if that is worse or not.
There has always been a dangerous trend within the party of sedition, treason and anything else of a uncivilized and unGodly nature on Earth and that goes for its sold out to the devil and un-American supporters that are ultimately at fault for this GOPer, foreign enemy sold out, curse and pestilence that has occurred against humanity. Yet fortunately, as a result of experiencing four hellish years with a lawlessly hacked in swine of a tRump insurgency, the blessing is that the majority and despite atrocities of tRump and his gutter creatures attempting to destroy the legitimacy of another election in the devil's favor, the majority of 2020 succeeded at giving a tyrant of the ages and a orange tainted creature of the sewer tRump, his criminal family and anything else associated with the filth the boot! Therefore, that which has failed to kill Democracy and civilization, has made it stronger and despite current threats, plots and other gutter conspiring among the subhuman creatures and slaves of the devil of the GOPer sewer.

^ lunatic...
There has always been a dangerous trend within the party of sedition, treason and anything else of a uncivilized and unGodly nature on Earth and that goes for its sold out to the devil and un-American supporters that are ultimately at fault for this GOPer, foreign enemy sold out, curse and pestilence that has occurred against humanity. Yet fortunately, as a result of experiencing four hellish years with a lawlessly hacked in swine of a tRump insurgency, the blessing is that the majority and despite atrocities of tRump and his gutter creatures attempting to destroy the legitimacy of another election in the devil's favor, the majority of 2020 succeeded at giving a tyrant of the ages and a orange tainted creature of the sewer tRump, his criminal family and anything else associated with the filth the boot! Therefore, that which has failed to kill Democracy and civilization, has made it stronger and despite current threats, plots and other gutter conspiring among the subhuman creatures and slaves of the devil of the GOPer sewer.


This is either a bot thats gone totally haywire, someones idea of a joke, an insane person with internet access, or a Right wing groups sock puppet designed to make LWers look like nutcases. I dont know which. In the end it doesnt really matter because at this point the account has become a joke,....something to be pointed at and laughed at.
So? The allegations were obviously baseless, yet no outrage from you libs lol.

"Baseless" lol.

Mark Judge's memoir about Brett Kavanaugh's high school portrays a culture of aggression and excessive drinking.

"Judge’s book (Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk) is explicit and provides a large amount of information about the booze-drenched life of male students at Georgetown Prep and their sexist attitudes toward women (for instance, the book refers to all-girls schools as “virgin vaults”). The book is not just a memoir of Judge’s early life, but also of other students in his social circle, which clearly included Kavanaugh.

Although Judge has explained that names were changed in his book to protect privacy — Georgetown Prep is referred to as Loyola Prep — there is a reference in the book to a drunken “Bart O’Kavanaugh” vomiting and passing out in a car. On his yearbook page, Judge apparently refers to Kavanaugh as Bart."
"Baseless" lol.

Mark Judge's memoir about Brett Kavanaugh's high school portrays a culture of aggression and excessive drinking.

"Judge’s book (Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk) is explicit and provides a large amount of information about the booze-drenched life of male students at Georgetown Prep and their sexist attitudes toward women (for instance, the book refers to all-girls schools as “virgin vaults”). The book is not just a memoir of Judge’s early life, but also of other students in his social circle, which clearly included Kavanaugh.

Although Judge has explained that names were changed in his book to protect privacy — Georgetown Prep is referred to as Loyola Prep — there is a reference in the book to a drunken “Bart O’Kavanaugh” vomiting and passing out in a car. On his yearbook page, Judge apparently refers to Kavanaugh as Bart."

High school antics lol. Repeat after me: Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. lol
"Baseless" lol.

Mark Judge's memoir about Brett Kavanaugh's high school portrays a culture of aggression and excessive drinking.

"Judge’s book (Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk) is explicit and provides a large amount of information about the booze-drenched life of male students at Georgetown Prep and their sexist attitudes toward women (for instance, the book refers to all-girls schools as “virgin vaults”). The book is not just a memoir of Judge’s early life, but also of other students in his social circle, which clearly included Kavanaugh.

Although Judge has explained that names were changed in his book to protect privacy — Georgetown Prep is referred to as Loyola Prep — there is a reference in the book to a drunken “Bart O’Kavanaugh” vomiting and passing out in a car. On his yearbook page, Judge apparently refers to Kavanaugh as Bart."

Virgin vaults, never heard that one before..
It's time for Georgia voters to show this vacuous but vicious loser the door.

"When a sitting US congresswoman gives oxygen to a dangerous conspiracy theory by falsely accusing her colleagues of being "pro-pedophile," the country has a problem -- and her party has an urgent obligation to fix it.
Georgia's Marjorie Taylor Greene is no stranger to outlandish, offensive and frankly bizarre behavior. And on Monday, she did it again, tweeting, "Murkowski, Collins, and Romney are pro-pedophile" because "they just voted for #KBJ" -- a reference to Ketanji Brown Jackson, a federal judge set to become the next Supreme Court justice, and three moderate Republican senators who say they will vote to confirm her.

The accusation is an ugly one, but Greene isn't the only Republican to make it -- or at least to imply it. During Jackson's confirmation hearings, several Republicans twisted her record and obscured the facts to suggest that she was soft on pedophiles. And now, with her tweet, Greene has put her own party members in QAnon's sights. It's so absurd it could be funny if it weren't so dangerous, and if so many elected Republicans weren't so willing to play ball with brain-wormed conspiracy theorists whose ideas only further destabilize American democracy and have already led to repeated violence.

The GOP needs to take responsibility for their party members. It's abhorrent that a sitting congresswoman can accuse her colleagues of being "pro-pedophile" with few consequences. This is a repeated pattern of egregious behavior and damaging lies from Greene, and it's far beyond time that Republican leadership stepped in."

Green is a typical deranged mad woman that represents the mental integrity of about 98% of the repuke insurgency that belongs at a insane asylum prison. This instead of being a tyrannical menace on Congress and society and as a atrocious waste of taxpayer money at paying these repukes to do nothing but be a terrible, criminally seditious and destructive liability.