Marjorie Taylor Greene's ugly accusation points to a dangerous trend in the GOP

WTF does a degenerate, son of criminals bogan living in a fucking trailer home in Australia know about any US politician much less Mitt Romney, a former Republican nominee for President?.

What have you been nominated for Dachshund? The Best trailer park dog fucker?...or just the Drunkest trailer park dog fucker?

Well FUNKle

Being a darkie there's only one aspect of American politics you'd be expert in; namely, how to milk the Welfare State to the MAX. So you can buy as many Woke Ibram X. Freckle (a "Freckle" is an ass-hole in Aussie slang) "Anti-Racist" books as you can carry back to your tent on your skate board. ;);):laugh:


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
It is dummy. I was politicking to help you get the pivot man status back from little Dutchie. I dunno though,......he seems to have a pretty good grip on the job. :|

I remember when real conservatives could make real political points. I did not always agree, but they were always thought provoking. Stone is not a real conservative.
I remember when real conservatives could make real political points. I did not always agree, but they were always thought provoking. Stone is not a real conservative.

I remember when real liberals could make real political points. I did not always agree, but they were sometimes thought provoking. Walt is not a real liberal,.... he is something much worse.
I remember when real liberals could make real political points. I did not always agree, but they were sometimes thought provoking. Walt is not a real liberal,.... he is something much worse.

I remember when conservatives weren't trolls. Stone is a troll.
Jackson's lax treatment of pedophiles isn't pro-pedophile?

Turn off the RWNJ media already and clear your head.

"A group of retired federal judges -- including two Republican appointees -- told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday night that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's record on child pornography sentencing is "entirely consistent" with the records of other judges across the country, rejecting criticism from Missouri GOP Sen. Josh Hawley and others...

...Jackson's sentences in five of the seven cases that had been singled out by Hawley were the same as or greater than the US probation office recommended."

Fact Check: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's record on crime
People tend not to fight very hard on the appellate appointments. This was also true of Kavanaugh. Harry Reid was unique in his recognition that appellate judges become viable future SCOTUS nominees, which is why he filibustered Estrada and Rogers Brown.

That being said, they should have definitely gone after her record when she was appointed to the DC Circuit. If you can easily undermine a nominee on such grounds, without having to make up allegations of gang rape, you really don't have a lot to lose.

Here's some info that explains a lot about the RWs' antagonism to Jackson.

"Beyond criminal law, progressives doubtless rallied to Brown Jackson’s camp in part due to some of the judicial opinions she issued as a federal district judge (she’s served on the appeals court only since last summer). From her D.C. trial court perch, Brown Jackson often served as a one-woman “resistance” to President Trump’s agenda, including on core Democratic Party concerns like labor unionization and immigration. Consider:

In American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO v. Trump, in 2018, Judge Brown Jackson slapped down significant portions of three Trump executive orders involving federal government bargaining with labor unions. (She also ruled in favor of public-sector unions in her first published opinion on the D.C. Circuit earlier this month.)

In Make the Road New York v. McAleenan, in 2019, Judge Brown Jackson enjoined the Trump administration’s Department of Homeland Security from implementing its plan to expedite removal of illegal aliens who had arrived in the country within the last two years.

In Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S. House of Representatives v. McGahn, also in 2019, Judge Brown Jackson ruled that the Democrat-controlled Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives could compel former Trump counsel Don McGahn to testify about White House conversations. Her opinion contains pithy statements like “Presidents are not kings” and “The United States of America has a government of laws and not of men.”
I dont remember when liberals were for ANY Christian church. Now any other religion is just fine in their book though. Funny how that works huh?

What a silly cliche about liberals.

Over 90% of the country believes in God. Plenty o' libbies in there.

Your posts are not well considered today.
Yes I know its a fail for libtards. By only bashing the Christian church while never saying a thing about the other religions it lets everyone know what their true misguided intentions are.

Fail again.

Who's bashing Christian church? Plenty of people bash other religions as well, but they aren't the majority here in America.
Well FUNKle

Being a darkie there's only one aspect of American politics you'd be expert in; namely, how to milk the Welfare State to the MAX. So you can buy as many Woke Ibram X. Freckle (a "Freckle" is an ass-hole in Aussie slang) "Anti-Racist" books as you can carry back to your tent on your skate board. ;);):laugh:


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
Sweet Jesus, Dogboy, you're an even dumber bogan than I thought. Do the other bogans laugh and point at you as "the dumb one"? :laugh:

Thanks for proving your ignorance. I prefer fucking morons like you underestimate Americans. It's why you will always be second-rate.
Yes I know its a fail for libtards. By only bashing the Christian church while never saying a thing about the other religions it lets everyone know what their true misguided intentions are.

Get a fucking clue, Fat boy; it's not the Muslims or the Jews trying to ensure all women are in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

Now think real hard, dumbass, and figure out what religion in America is pushing that agenda.
Turn off the RWNJ media already and clear your head.

"A group of retired federal judges -- including two Republican appointees -- told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday night that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's record on child pornography sentencing is "entirely consistent" with the records of other judges across the country, rejecting criticism from Missouri GOP Sen. Josh Hawley and others...

...Jackson's sentences in five of the seven cases that had been singled out by Hawley were the same as or greater than the US probation office recommended."

Fact Check: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's record on crime

The Trumpers looooove the Big Lie no matter who they hurt.