Marjorie Taylor Greene's ugly accusation points to a dangerous trend in the GOP

Well Christiefanny,

Firstly, Mitt Romney is one of the slimiest and creepiest RINOS in Congress, whatever degenerate sexual behaviour he was/is involved in would not surprise me - he probably bones his pet dog and nails rats to his bedroom walls for a giggle.

As to Marjorie getting uoset by the 3 moron Republican Senators who voted for KBK, I sympathise entirely. If you had a better understanding of the politics in your own country you would know that KBJ was backed by Soros-funded "dark money" far-left pressure groups (like "Democracy Alliance", to mention just one of many) and the Arabella Corporation in DC which is worth 1.4 Billion dollars and and would have spent some serious coin boosting KBJ as a nominee for the Supreme Court. You would also know that the Supreme Court is one of the most important institutions in America. America cannot afford to have frothing-at-the mouth, political zealots like Judge Jackson as Justices. It cannot afford to have a person who is a devious, lying, anti-white racist Marxist (i.e. a CRT ideologue), an extreme abortionist; an LGBTQ activist; an individual with a record of handing lenient sentences to persons found guilty of serious CHILD PORNOGRAPHY OFFENCES, a woman who when asked by Senator Ted Cruz: ""Do you believe that people have Natural Rights?", replied: "I do not hold a position on whether individuals posses Natural Right. (Because you will not know what Natural Rights are, Christiesfanny, let me quickly tell you that they are founded in Natural Law philosophy and that the Declaration of Independence is wholly based on the notion of Natural Rights; and the US Constitution represents the implementation of the Natural Rights approach in the DOI. What you will know is that the US Consitution represents the supreme law of the land in America, and that the role of a SCOTUS justice is to interpret the Constitution.

IF KBJ doesn't have a position on whether Natural Rights exist, it basically means she has no faith in the Constitution - it's just a piece of paper to her; one that's neither here nor there (she probably would think twice about using it to wipe her fat, Black ass if the toilet paper had run out !). This, in itself is yet more good reason why she should, never, ever have been nominated to sit as a justice on the Supreme Court.

Finally, getting back to Marjorie Taylor Greene. I like her because she isn't afraid to call out Democrat corruption, dirty tricks, lies, collusion and cover-ups, and my word, isn't there is a s**T-load that to be called out. MTG's not afraid to tell it like it is, and that puts lots of Democrat noses out of joint. She did make some mistakes when she first came to Capitol Hill; but she she publicly apologised for them and admitted she'd screwed up. Since them , her judgement has been sound, but she's still a feisty girls. and doesn't pull any punches when she's got some Democrat rat in her sights. On a personal note, I think she's pretty sexy, because I like Blondes and I like her style - I reckon she'd go off like a rocket (if you know what I mean) so if MTG ever offered me a quickie, I be into it like a rat up a drainpipe !!;););)


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

Well Dachsieweenie, "rights" is a man-made construct defined as "legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory.

"Natural rights" is defined as "
those that are not defined or dependent on the laws or customs of any particular culture, tradition, rules, or government, and so are universal and inalienable (they cannot be repealed by human laws, though one can forfeit their enforcement through one’s actions, such as by violating someone else’s rights)." Locke considered "natural rights" to be life, liberty and property;" our founders said "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Also it says
"that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights…." What if you don't believe in a Creator, Dachsieweenie? What if this was just one of those "gotcha" questions Cruz and the others tried to trip her up with?

Your slur about Jackson's physical appearance was unnecessary. Especially given that you think MTG (alias Voldemort) is attractive. I guess there's no accounting for taste. However you could have a chance with her because she is a cheater.

Note the red words in my reply. They point to a CTFEO™ (if you know what I mean.)

I shudder imagining living in a district that would elect that repugnant, repulsive pig.

One sane person living there would want to literally kill all of his/her neighbors, no?
I shudder imagining living in a district that would elect that repugnant, repulsive pig.

One sane person living there would want to literally kill all of his/her neighbors, no?

Yes because as we all know Boston is quite famous for its squeaky clean and totally sane politicians :rolleyes: From out of the rat infested tenements they came from.....:laugh:
Just like you are waiting for Hillary to be jailed.

Im not. She already received the absolute worst punishment she could ever imagine. She had it all planned....the house was packed....She was ready to PARRRRRRRRRTY!!! And then,.......she had the presidency ripped right out of her shrivled up puss filled little hands live in front of the whole planet never to have another shot again! No Hillary, will NEVER be President. :cool:



Im not. She already received the absolute worst punishment she could ever imagine. She had it all planned....the house was packed....She was ready to PARRRRRRRRRTY!!! And then,.......she had the presidency ripped right out of her shrivled up puss filled little hands live in front of the whole planet never to have another shot again! No Hillary, will NEVER be President. :cool:

Think she even cares? She's richer than Trump.


Red hat...........Blonde hair. Yep.....Trump bent her over BUT GOOD! Look at her,...the poor old girl is out on her feet! :laugh: