Matt Gaetz Warns of 'Bloodshed' from Trump Supporters


You're in for some rude awakenings in the near future, delusional fucktard.
Is that a "YES" on me PM'ing you a picture of my hairy asshole, Matt?

Why, Matt? What rude awakening should I expect?
Representative Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican, warned of potential "violence" and "bloodshed" if efforts to prevent former President Donald Trump from being on 2024 election ballots are successful.

Gaetz, a staunch ally of the former president, discussed these efforts during an interview on the Driveway Liberty Podcast on Wednesday.

"I really worry that that type of action could lead to violence. And I am so wildly opposed to violence. I don't think it's how we should resolve our disputes," the Florida Republican said.

It is a damn shame that America has fallen so far that now we won't even allow a criminal fraudster and sex predator who has already fomented one attempted violent overthrow of the US government to run for president.

Damn shame.

The rule of law is for losers.
Representative Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican, warned of potential "violence" and "bloodshed" if efforts to prevent former President Donald Trump from being on 2024 election ballots are successful.

Gaetz, a staunch ally of the former president, discussed these efforts during an interview on the Driveway Liberty Podcast on Wednesday.

"I really worry that that type of action could lead to violence. And I am so wildly opposed to violence. I don't think it's how we should resolve our disputes," the Florida Republican said.

Guano, the democrats are dragging up the China Virus just in time for the elections, everybody will lock themselves in their basement. You will be fine.
Guano, the democrats are dragging up the China Virus just in time for the elections, everybody will lock themselves in their basement. You will be fine.

Ignore Covid. It is a scam. Do not vaccinate and simply ignore it. It will all work out for you.
Representative Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican, warned of potential "violence" and "bloodshed" if efforts to prevent former President Donald Trump from being on 2024 election ballots are successful.

Gaetz, a staunch ally of the former president, discussed these efforts during an interview on the Driveway Liberty Podcast on Wednesday.

"I really worry that that type of action could lead to violence. And I am so wildly opposed to violence. I don't think it's how we should resolve our disputes," the Florida Republican said.

says the moron who legislates for governments monopoly on violence ROFL
The fact you keep repeating a desire to assfuck other men is very interesting, Matt. There's plenty of evidence that the most homophobic Trumpers are closeted homosexuals.

Is this something you found out about yourself in prison?

Looks like he's into that furry thing too. Weird fucking dude. But if you are a paper plate, don't piss him off.
Representative Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican, warned of potential "violence" and "bloodshed" if efforts to prevent former President Donald Trump from being on 2024 election ballots are successful.

Gaetz, a staunch ally of the former president, discussed these efforts during an interview on the Driveway Liberty Podcast on Wednesday.

"I really worry that that type of action could lead to violence. And I am so wildly opposed to violence. I don't think it's how we should resolve our disputes," the Florida Republican said.

Gee, if you Nazis overthrow the government and outlaw elections, it could lead to decent folk rising up to restore the Republic? What a shocker.
99% of the violence comes from the Regime and their mobs.

Dont let people lie to you.

The philosophy of decent people is that we don't initiate violence.

Outlawing free elections by not allowing major candidates to run IS an act of violence by the Nazis. Responding to the overthrow of the United States Constitution is fully ethical.
The philosophy of decent people is that we don't initiate violence.

Outlawing free elections by not allowing major candidates to run IS an act of violence by the Nazis. Responding to the overthrow of the United States Constitution is fully ethical.
Wife-beating anti-Americans like you, Down Under, are not decent. You need to be treated like you treat women.
Gee, if you Nazis overthrow the government and outlaw elections, it could lead to decent folk rising up to restore the Republic? What a shocker.
I have no doubt your neighbors know exactly the type of person you are and would be happy to cap you in the back of your head to save your family from your violent abuses.
You have no shame. You just make up statistics when you need to buttress a lie. I guess in Russia it must be OK.

You Nazis waged a nearly two-year Kristallnacht with your Brown Shirts Burning, Looting, Murdering and raping from coast to coast.

Let's compare the Kristallnacht with the Reichstag Fire.

The Reichstag Fire lasted 3 hours.
The Kristallnacht lasted 18 months.

The Reichstag Fire was an unarmed protest. ZERO firearms or explosives recovered or documented.
The Kristallnacht was an actual insurrection - men armed with "assault weapons" invaded and held US territory for 10 weeks through force of arms.

The Reichstag Fire had no fires and the damages to buildings was counted in hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The Kristallnacht burned thousands of businesses - many minority owned - to the ground. Brown Shirts burned federal court houses down with the judges and employees still inside. In all, the Kristallnacht did over a TRILLION dollars in damages.

Two people died at the Reichstag Fire - both protesters. One was summarily executed, the other was a drug overdose.
Nine people were shot and killed at CHAZ/CHOP (the actual insurrection) alone. A total of 39 police officers were murdered by the Brown Shirts of the Kristallnacht - including the horrific assassinations of police officers in Texas.

During the Reichstag Fire - no one was raped. Come on, Republicans don't rape people.
At CHAZ/CHOP alone, 19 people were raped by Brown Shirts, including a homeless MAN.

You Nazis want to talk violence? Let's do.
He's just a mentally ill contrarian with no connection to reality. His heroes are con-men like trump and ramaswamy. He calls these con-men "truth-tellers". He roots for Russia and China and against America. So, that's that. No use debating a mental case.

Where your heroes are Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Baby Doc, et al.