Matthew 6:5

Since I have no other evidence other than your similar behavior compared to evince, I'll reserve judgment. Have a blessed day.
Does that mean you believe there is no universal truth in human morality?

Hmm, probably not. Different cultures have different values. Example: Most of us find the thought of incest to be abhorrent. Yet in some cultures (like ancient Egypt for one), sex between siblings was not only okay, but expected in the royal families. Most Catholics believe that "mercy killing" is a mortal sin, along with abortion. Many other people do not. Euthanasia is even legal in some places, like Oregon.

In short, I think there are universal truths such as 2+2=4 and certain behaviors are best for the continuation and advancement of the species. I believe people are products of both their genetics and their culture. I also believe, even within the limitations of human genetics where we are all 99.5-99.9% genetically identical, that there is an infinite variety of human thought due to free will. Music is like that; musical notes are finite. The number of combinations of those notes is nearly infinite. Mankind is pretty good at writing music.

We're also, unfortunately, very good at justifying harmful actions.
I replied before you had a chance to edit your post.

If my husband developed cancer or some other terminal condition that would cause the rest of his days to be unending torment, with his permission I would help him journey on to the next realm. Secular law would most likely charge me with murder. I would be okay with that, as I did what was right in MY soul. If someone's deity wants to condemn me to their Hell then for that, go for it. As a nurse I am charged with preserving life, but also with preserving health and well-being. Sometimes those two can clash, like in your example. Euthanasia is one of those areas. If the person who is suffering is of sound enough mind to make the choice to end their life, IMO there is no crime nor sin there either against that individual or against whoever grants them surcease. If I were called to be a juror in such a case, I most likely would not vote to convict.

I believe most Christian traditions consider the ethics of suicide to be completely situational.

There are Christian females who were revered as Martyrs of the faith because they committed suicide to avoid rape, or because they refused to be forced to submit to the Roman pagan gods. It seems pretty clear there can be justified or virtuous suicides in the Christian tradition
We are talking about what we believe here
You blew a gasket when I told you what I believe and began lying about what I said
I have all rights to defend my beliefs from the LIES you are saying about my beliefs
Is your brain broken?

Awesome! I loooooove tolerant, open-minded liberals seeking diversity in their views. Please post some more.
Awesome! I loooooove tolerant, open-minded liberals seeking diversity in their views. Please post some more.

I'm curious. What is your issue with evince? She's already said multiple times that she is not religious, and that she believes that organized religions are evil. She is NOT saying that those who belong to religious are necessarily evil.
In fact Jesus was one of the world great philosophers

I have said that repeatedly in the lifetime of this site

I said it on this thread

Yet you lie about what I said

Why are you doing that?

I confirm that you have an established record of showing the utmost esteem for the moral philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth.

On the flipside, I maintain that science does not give us access to ultimate truth or objective knowlege. As powerful as science is, scientific knowlege is always provisional. And the knowedge it provides is entirely mechanistic. Which is fine for anyone who wants to believe all of reality and all truth can be explained by material matter and energy associated with leptons, fermions, and bosons.
I'm curious. What is your issue with evince? She's already said multiple times that she is not religious, and that she believes that organized religions are evil. She is NOT saying that those who belong to religious are necessarily evil.

I in fact have never said any religion was evil

I dislike Organizing religion because evil people can climb right to the top and Use that structure to harm mankind for personal or political gain

History proves that over and over in All organized religions

I can’t figure out what spurns this poster lies and hate for me
I'm curious. What is your issue with evince? She's already said multiple times that she is not religious, and that she believes that organized religions are evil. She is NOT saying that those who belong to religious are necessarily evil.

She also loves to bully instead of discuss different points of view. This is evidenced by the fact most threads, even after she was thought dead, banned her and only her from threads by multiple members of this forum. I recognized her name (and confused it with Desh) but do not recall what forum it came up.

Second example; you and I have discussed this topic several times but remained civil about it each and every time. How long did it take evince before she was posting like below? Have you or I ever done so to each other before? No. That's the difference. That's my issue with evince, Legion, the Teflon Don sock puppet army and anyone like them.

We are talking about what we believe here
You blew a gasket when I told you what I believe and began lying about what I said
I have all rights to defend my beliefs from the LIES you are saying about my beliefs
Is your brain broken?
Your religion!
Do you have no religion?
Are you admitting you have no idea what my "claimed religion" is or even if I have one? If so, then that means the offer is closed by your admission of error in accusation.

Did I misunderstand your answer? If so, please state my "claimed religion" and name your charity.
I confirm that you have an established record of showing the utmost esteem for the moral philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth.

On the flipside, I maintain that science does not give us access to ultimate truth or objective knowlege. As powerful as science is, scientific knowlege is always provisional. And the knowedge it provides is entirely mechanistic. Which is fine for anyone who wants to believe all of reality and all truth can be explained by material matter and energy associated with leptons, fermions, and bosons.

Science can explain more than physical facts

The science of human behavior for example

Old myths cant explain anything

They merely suggest at ideas

And those old myths even contradict each other depending on the religions you look at

Facts are the best path to truth

Not old myths
Are you admitting you have no idea what my "claimed religion" is or even if I have one? If so, then that means the offer is closed by your admission of error in accusation.

Did I misunderstand your answer? If so, please state my "claimed religion" and name your charity.

I never claimed you were of any certain religion

So quit pretending that will erase your lies about what I said
She also loves to bully instead of discuss different points of view. This is evidenced by the fact most threads, even after she was thought dead, banned her and only her from threads by multiple members of this forum. I recognized her name (and confused it with Desh) but do not recall what forum it came up.

Second example; you and I have discussed this topic several times but remained civil about it each and every time. How long did it take evince before she was posting like below? Have you or I ever done so to each other before? No. That's the difference. That's my issue with evince, Legion, the Teflon Don sock puppet army and anyone like them.

I am Desh

I was originally deshrubinator

As in de shrub (bush 43) inator

People shortened it to desh

With bush gone I changed my name

To evince