Maybe we should call it "Fox News" instead of Iran?

Yeah, I stole it from Rush... sue me! It's still a brilliant point worth making.

Obama seems to have no problems condemning Fox News, and the left routinely does it, so perhaps we need to all start referring to the Islamic tyrant regime in Iran as "Fox News" instead, so that pinheads can muster up enough courage to speak out in condemnation?

It amazes me, liberals have no problems condemning Christian radicals, and those who are wacko religious extremists in the US, they won't even allow this nation to remain true to founding Christian principles. But they will literally bend over and grab their ankles for a tyrant Islamic fanatic!

They talk about wanting to keep the doors of diplomacy open to these people, but can you ever recall them wanting to keep the doors of diplomacy open to the religious right in this country? And it's not like the moral majority's objections to gay marriage and partial-birth abortion are comparable to the views of radical Islamists. Forget 'gay marriage' they execute you for being homosexual! Forget 'partial-birth abortion' they condemn women to death by stoning if they have sex outside of marriage!

Still, liberals want to believe we are better off legitimizing and trying to negotiate with people who are insane. The whole entire premise and preface for this tepid US response to what is happening in Iran, is retarded from the core! You are choosing to abandon support for the principles of freedom and democracy, in the hopes of being able to "work with" an illegitimate radical religious fundamentalist tyrant regime in Iran!

I keep hearing this "argument" that US support for freedom and democracy, will embolden the radicals, play into their hands, allow them to make the focus about US and not what is really going on. This is all hogwash, because it is based on the flawed logic that these people are sane, legitimate, or trustworthy! Unless the US sent support troops in to help the regime put down the protesters, we are going to be blamed for siding with the protesters! Do you people not understand that? It doesn't matter what our position is, extremists are going to point to the Great Satan no matter what!

This is a moment in history where America needs to stand strong for freedom and democracy, and make that statement in no uncertain terms. It is true that Obama can't do much as far as 'actions' go, but many seem to think he's pretty good with a speech, as long as the teleprompter is working, so he should do what he does best and give a speech. In some symbolic place of freedom and liberty, and speaking to "those who seek freedom and democracy" in the region. It is indeed a "tear down this wall" moment, and a time where leadership really matters. Too bad we are lacking that!
Give it a rest. It's really not going to make a difference what Obama says or doesn't say, though most intelligent people understand the reasoning behind not saying much beyond what he has already said.

"Tear down that wall" didn't tear down that wall. Simple economics did.

You've just found something you can harp on, so you are doing what you do best.
give it a rest translated...

How dare you criticize the Dear Leader..He knows all and will save the world yet, you wait and see....:cof1:
give it a rest translated...

How dare you criticize the Dear Leader..He knows all and will save the world yet, you wait and see....:cof1:

Exactly! It's like they are saying... We can't afford to stand up for freedom and democracy now, it may jeopardize our standing with the radical tyrants! Let's just all fantasize that Obama will be able to reason with a madman and keep him from developing the nukes he wants to do something insane! That seems to be a better idea to them, instead of standing up in a unified voice with the protesters against the tyranny and suffocation of freedom!
Exactly! It's like they are saying... We can't afford to stand up for freedom and democracy now, it may jeopardize our standing with the radical tyrants! Let's just all fantasize that Obama will be able to reason with a madman and keep him from developing the nukes he wants to do something insane! That seems to be a better idea to them, instead of standing up in a unified voice with the protesters against the tyranny and suffocation of freedom!

and that unified voice ought to be spoken by the president of the united states and good patriotic citizens ought to stand behind him now so that the world sees that he DOES speak with one unified voice.
I remember when President Bush was in office, the rallying cry was-- Dissent was Patriotic..

I guess that doesn't mean the same when a Democrat is in office...

Now Dissent is called,unpatriotic, whining, dumb, stupid, give it a rest, etc, etc...
and that unified voice ought to be spoken by the president of the united states and good patriotic citizens ought to stand behind him now so that the world sees that he DOES speak with one unified voice.

Oh yeah, like all the patriotic left-wingers who stood behind President Bush, you betcha...:rolleyes:

we will not be silenced no matter how much intimidation is dished out...
Oh yeah, like all the patriotic left-wingers who stood behind President Bush....:rolleyes:

but hey...weren't all the patriotic right wingers demanding that we do so? weren't all those right wingers questioning our patriotism when we didn't?
but hey...weren't all the patriotic right wingers demanding that we do so? weren't all those right wingers questioning our patriotism when we didn't?

nope, we weren't demanding anything from the lefties, because we knew it wouldn't do any good, why bother..
but hey...weren't all the patriotic right wingers demanding that we do so? weren't all those right wingers questioning our patriotism when we didn't?

and needless to say, you didn't. Don't ask anything beyond what you did. Personally it seems like Obama is on the road to road kill. Seriously, I'm not happy about that, wish he does bad enough to get some opposition in there, but not looking like US is weak, but that IS what is happening. You know it too.
Democrats have moved to the right, and the right has moved into a mental institution. Bill Maher got it right.
and needless to say, you didn't. Don't ask anything beyond what you did. Personally it seems like Obama is on the road to road kill. Seriously, I'm not happy about that, wish he does bad enough to get some opposition in there, but not looking like US is weak, but that IS what is happening. You know it too.

We don't look weak. If Obama came out like Dixie would like him to, we'd be the current regime's perfect patsy.

The right has never understood that. Bush did exactly what OBL wanted him to after 9/11. Why do they keep falling for the same bait?
We don't look weak. If Obama came out like Dixie would like him to, we'd be the current regime's perfect patsy.

The right has never understood that. Bush did exactly what OBL wanted him to after 9/11. Why do they keep falling for the same bait?

Cause they are armchair warriors?
Thinking makes their head hurt.
We don't look weak. If Obama came out like Dixie would like him to, we'd be the current regime's perfect patsy.

The right has never understood that. Bush did exactly what OBL wanted him to after 9/11. Why do they keep falling for the same bait?

Please explain the logic of your idiocy here, because I clearly don't understand how our support for freedom and democracy HELPS their cause any at all. And I certainly do see how appeasing them, lending legitimacy to their tyrant regimes, and remaining silent while they subvert democracy, is not doing a thing to HURT them.

You claim they will scream it's all our fault if we speak out... but they are already doing that, and will continue to do that! It doesn't matter what we say or who we support, they will still maintain the US is behind the pro-democracy movement! And guess what? We SHOULD be behind it! It's what most civilized decent people want! What the fuck is wrong with being for freedom and democracy, and why are we so ashamed to take that stance?