Maybe we should call it "Fox News" instead of Iran?

My guess is no. Most of the conservatives on this site don't have any ideas. Imagine trying to have a conversation with Southern Man in such a setting, or webbway. They'd say something bigoted or racist, and you'd stare at them like they're idiots. Then SM would say something completely retarded then *shrug*.

You can't have a conversation with some people. I think you're under the illusion that they're not really as retarded as they sound, but I'm convinced they are.

you may be right:clink:
TRANSLATION: We pinheads can't actually argue against Dixie, because he makes too much sense, and there really IS no good excuse for Obama's gradual 'evolution' into condemnation... so we are going to resort to doing what we do best, and bitch about the "neocons" some more, while bashing on the right. Please forgive us for running away from the thread topic, we just couldn't take being PWNED by Dixie anymore!

All one has to do is actually follow the chronology of the posts to see what a pathetic, self deluded blowhard you are. Case in point [ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Maybe we should call it "Fox News" instead of Iran?[/ame]

You don't dare discuss the FACTS, nor do you dare honestly respond to a simple burdent of proof regarding your assertions and statements. Instead, you parrot your equally ignorant compadres with such catch phrases as "pinhead" and "pwned" in an attempt to puff yourself up. But as the posts show, you're just blowing neocon hot air.....and I ain't just whistl'in Dixie! ;)

Say goodnight gracie, shows over for you!
My liberal friends are so much different than the liberals on this board. We can have conversations and share ideas without wanting to strangle each other. Maybe these liberals are rejects?

Folks, having dealt with Blabba for years on the AOL boards, I can tell you that the only liberals she considers friends are those who do not confront her with facts and logic and prove that she is flat out wrong on an issue. Ask her about her brilliant statement about the 9/11 Commission Report proving fmr. Amb. Wilson a liar.
My guess is no. Most of the conservatives on this site don't have any ideas. Imagine trying to have a conversation with Southern Man in such a setting, or webbway. They'd say something bigoted or racist, and you'd stare at them like they're idiots. Then SM would say something completely retarded then *shrug*.

You can't have a conversation with some people. I think you're under the illusion that they're not really as retarded as they sound, but I'm convinced they are.

And then, you'ld abuse any power that you had and would ruin the entire thing.
Folks, having dealt with Blabba for years on the AOL boards, I can tell you that the only liberals she considers friends are those who do not confront her with facts and logic and prove that she is flat out wrong on an issue. Ask her about her brilliant statement about the 9/11 Commission Report proving fmr. Amb. Wilson a liar.

But with you present, any attempt at conversation would be impossible; because you'ld want to interrupt anyone talking, after they said just a few words, just so you could interject your 2 cents.

Oh-wait, I forgot you weren't reading my posts; HUH, sissie.
But with you present, any attempt at conversation would be impossible; because you'ld want to interrupt anyone talking, after they said just a few words, just so you could interject your 2 cents.

Oh-wait, I forgot you weren't reading my posts; HUH, sissie.

He's lying again. It was the Senate Intelligence Report, not the 9/11 Commission.
He's lying again. It was the Senate Intelligence Report, not the 9/11 Commission.

No Blabba, YOU are the liar! You originally stated that the 9/11 Commission Report proved fmr. Amb. Wilson a liar. When I asked you to provide proof, you just referenced the entire report....when I proved there was no reference to Wilson or Niger or uranium or yellow cake, you BS'ed for 2 weeks before you referenced a BLOGGER who puts forth HIS OPINION by COMPARING THE Senate Intelligence Report with the 9/11 Commission report.

YOU were basing your statement on the supposition and conjecture of a blogger. Of course you overlooked the FACT that the Senate Intelligence report regarding Wilson was proven Wrong by the CIA and Wilson

So get your act together and stop lying.....and tell that moron that I only see his blatherings if someone quotes him, and that since I can't physically stop someone from posting a response, his assertion, like his presence on these boards, is worthless.
All one has to do is actually follow the chronology of the posts to see what a pathetic, self deluded blowhard you are. Case in point Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Maybe we should call it "Fox News" instead of Iran?

You don't dare discuss the FACTS, nor do you dare honestly respond to a simple burdent of proof regarding your assertions and statements. Instead, you parrot your equally ignorant compadres with such catch phrases as "pinhead" and "pwned" in an attempt to puff yourself up. But as the posts show, you're just blowing neocon hot air.....and I ain't just whistl'in Dixie! ;)

Say goodnight gracie, shows over for you!

Yes, we can follow the chronology and see where my position has been consistent, I have said all along, the president needs to speak forcefully and condemn what is happening in Iran. You koolaid-drenched worshipers have made every excuse in the book for why he hasn't taken such measures, and in the meantime, he has issued a THIRD press conference to express outrage and condemn what is happening in Iran. So apparently, Obama finally came around to agreeing with me, and you people are still pretending that hasn't happened.

Now this begs the question, if it was the right thing to do in this most recent press conference, why wasn't it the right thing to do before, why were we getting this mealy-mouthed tepid response, and excuse after excuse for why he couldn't come out and say he condemned it? Obviously, that was a total load of horse shit, because he finally DID come out and condemn it. The point is, it shouldn't take us two weeks of vocal public outrage, to compel our president into standing up for freedom, democracy, and basic human rights. It shouldn't take seeing how the poll numbers are moving, to LEAD!
No Blabba, YOU are the liar! You originally stated that the 9/11 Commission Report proved fmr. Amb. Wilson a liar. When I asked you to provide proof, you just referenced the entire report....when I proved there was no reference to Wilson or Niger or uranium or yellow cake, you BS'ed for 2 weeks before you referenced a BLOGGER who puts forth HIS OPINION by COMPARING THE Senate Intelligence Report with the 9/11 Commission report.

YOU were basing your statement on the supposition and conjecture of a blogger. Of course you overlooked the FACT that the Senate Intelligence report regarding Wilson was proven Wrong by the CIA and Wilson

So get your act together and stop lying.....and tell that moron that I only see his blatherings if someone quotes him, and that since I can't physically stop someone from posting a response, his assertion, like his presence on these boards, is worthless.

Oh, sissie; you're just pissed because I mentioned that you're nothing but a pathetic wallflower, trying desperately for attention, and it turned out to be correct.
Yes, we can follow the chronology and see where my position has been consistent, I have said all along, the president needs to speak forcefully and condemn what is happening in Iran. You are a liar....that and either you can't read or are fully delusional. I and at least one other poster asked you REPEATEDLY to tell us all what YOU wanted Obama EXACTLY to say. Even in your exchanges with Damo, you BS'ed for days. Generalized BS won't cut it, not now or then. You criticized Obama, yet you don't offer any substitute....until recently. The posts show this, so your lying to the contrary is just a waste of space and time. You koolaid-drenched worshipers have made every excuse in the book for why he hasn't taken such measures, What measures, you braying fool? We don't have formal relations with Iran as it is. Are you suggesting a surrogate action via the UN? Hmmm, wouldn't that play right into the mullahs hand, who are claiming their actions are legitmate because of CIA/USA backed intervention? See, unlike you...Obama is smart enough to know the history of the situation he's dealing with. Now that Iran has gone postal, Obama has a better advantage point on the international stage. and in the meantime, he has issued a THIRD press conference to express outrage and condemn what is happening in Iran. So apparently, Obama finally came around to agreeing with me, and you people are still pretending that hasn't happened. No genius you're just (again) ignoring the chain of events and how America's history with Iran dictated how the current President responds. You're just a willfully ignorant neocon parrot squawking the same lines over, and over and over....your little parrot brain unable and unwilling to accept any other fact.

Now this begs the question, if it was the right thing to do in this most recent press conference, why wasn't it the right thing to do before, why were we getting this mealy-mouthed tepid response, and excuse after excuse for why he couldn't come out and say he condemned it? Obviously, that was a total load of horse shit, because he finally DID come out and condemn it. What begs the question is that are you really this dense? I and others have explained this six ways to Sunday...the President explained it to that little Fox News drudge in no-uncertain-terms. Obviously, you just don't want to deal with reality because you can't logically or factually refute what the President said to the Fox News drone. The point is, it shouldn't take us two weeks of vocal public outrage, to compel our president into standing up for freedom, democracy, and basic human rights. It shouldn't take seeing how the poll numbers are moving, to LEAD!

The point is the neocon cabal doesn't offer jack shit but a rehash of the Shrub's rhetoric that has caused the majority of the problems that we as a country are now dealing with. Obama played the Iran situation skillfully, knowing the history of US/Iran relations and responding to events as they unfolded...which DID NOT give Ahmadinejad and the Supreme leader the sound bites they needed to bolster their propaganda. Whether you accept this or not is irrelevent...because your FoxNews boy voiced your brayings, and got schooled into silence.

The point is that YOU kept repeating this lie about "polls", yet you produced none in accordance with your assertions. In short, you're just another frustrated willfully ignorant neocon parrot squawking away. Carry on.