Maybe we should call it "Fox News" instead of Iran?

My god, you wreak of pinheadedness! First, you quote yourself... then you defend the indefensible because it's Obama... then you resort to quoting Shakespeare! Could it BE more obvious?

It has taken this president two weeks and three press conferences to muster the courage to say he "condemns" the actions of the Iranian government. It should have been said the FIRST time, but Obama had to see the results of his indifferent attitude and realize this wasn't good for his poll numbers. Our only saving grace might be, that Obama loves himself more than he hates standing up for freedom and democracy.

So, let's get this straight. He used the wrong words in the first press conference but now that he says "condemned" it's OK? The problem was semantics? What did McCain say ? My friend, it is even more "sound and fury", signifying nothing.
The problem in Iran belongs to the Iranians, they'll handle it if they want to without US force, without Rush's GOP drooling all over themselves for political points and without you dutifully slouching along.
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More lies and distortions from The One! The FIRST press conference, he said he was "deeply concerned" and that was it! The SECOND press conference, he altered that... he was "troubled" and "moved" by what he saw! It took THREE press conferences for Obama to CONDEMN what he should have from the start!

Major Garrett nailed his ass on it. Thanks for the video!

Once again our willfully ignorant neocon parrot maintains his insipid stubborness.....calling the President a liar when he cannot logically or factually prove when and what he lied about.

Bottom line: Obama responding accordingly as events unfolded....he was responding to the events....not unlike neocon braying jackasses who have maintained empty rhetoric DESPITE the situation.

Garrett shut his mouth because unlike you, he had an 8th of a brain to realize that he couldn't fault the chronology that Obama laid forth, and would look stupid in doing so.

I also note that FINALLY YOU HAVE STATED WHAT YOU WANTED OBAMA TO SAY. It only took you what, a week or so? Could it be that in your blissful ignorance you found strength in Garretts' question? Well chuckles, following your assinine advice would have given the Supreme leader and Ahmadinejad EXACTLY what they wanted. Instead, they had to resort to blaming England....AND ALL THE WHILE YOU DO NOT HAVE THE IRANIAN PEOPLE TWEETING THE BULLSHIT YOU AND YOUR NEOCON PUNDITS/POLITICIANS ARE SAYING. In fact, Iranians here in the USA with relatives in Iran have gone on record applauding Obama. So in effect, they make a fool out of you and your cohorts.

Laugh that one off, chuckles.
In fact, Iranians here in the USA with relatives in Iran have gone on record applauding Obama.

Ironic...quite a few Muslims show a lot of affection for Obama.....

then I'm not too surprised about that only confirms my suspicions...:321:
Ironic...quite a few Muslims show a lot of affection for Obama.....

then I'm not too surprised about that only confirms my suspicions...:321:

What suspicions are those, bravo?

Don't be shy; you don't need to sugarcoat it for us...
Once again our willfully ignorant neocon parrot maintains his insipid stubborness.....calling the President a liar when he cannot logically or factually prove when and what he lied about.

Parrot? When I am the only one screaming anything other than the left wing notion that we don't need to stand up too forcefully for freedom and liberty? I think "parrot" is a funny damn name to be calling ME, especially given what you routinely contribute, fresh from the mouths of Daily Kos and Olbermann. You CAN logically prove what the president said, it is written in the text of all 3 press conferences, go read them! I didn't misstate anything, I nailed it on the money, and once again you are reduced to looking like an idiot, trying to make me prove he didn't say something he didn't say!

Bottom line: Obama responding accordingly as events unfolded....he was responding to the events....not unlike neocon braying jackasses who have maintained empty rhetoric DESPITE the situation.

No, there has been only ONE event... a corrupt and illegitimate election! What has followed is protesting in the streets of Iran by people who want free and fair democratic elections! Obama responded to the EVENT in a tacit, conciliatory way, and bolstered the point that his administration still looked forward to negotiating with the illegitimate government of Iran! As people began to die in the streets, and the public outcry started driving Obama's poll numbers down, he ratcheted up his tone, the second press conference was a little more harsh and critical, and when it became obvious to even the most retarded idiots on the planet (the French) that decent civilized people should condemn this shit... Obama finally did!

Garrett shut his mouth because unlike you, he had an 8th of a brain to realize that he couldn't fault the chronology that Obama laid forth, and would look stupid in doing so.

No, Garrett shut his mouth because he was a reporter at a press conference, and that is how it's done! You ASK a question.... the president ANSWERS... then they move on... haven't you seen these before? Garrett doesn't get the chance to ask follow up questions. What I saw Obama give as an answer, reminds me of what we see here everyday, a willing suspension of disbelief, and spin that I don't even think he bought as he was saying it.

As for the rest of your hateful rant, it doesn't deserve response, it speaks for it's own stupidity and ignorance.
Ironic...quite a few Muslims show a lot of affection for Obama.....

then I'm not too surprised about that only confirms my suspicions...:321:

You do realize that by your bigoted insinuation you blatantly contradict your party's leadership on the public they are applauding the Iranians who are standing up to the mullahs. So if we are to go on your post here, you don't give a damn about people being killed by a oppressive regime....therefore any criticism you aim at Obama on this subject is totally bogus.

See, you're such an ignorant lout that you don't even realize how you contradict yourself. That's the problem with willfully ignorant neocons such as yourself.....your knee jerk responses are often belied by your own internal hatreds.

But what else can we expect from a person who takes an out of context quote from me in order to spew venom every time they post? Carry on with your false bravado!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Once again our willfully ignorant neocon parrot maintains his insipid stubborness.....calling the President a liar when he cannot logically or factually prove when and what he lied about.

Parrot? When I am the only one screaming anything other than the left wing notion that we don't need to stand up too forcefully for freedom and liberty? I think "parrot" is a funny damn name to be calling ME, especially given what you routinely contribute, fresh from the mouths of Daily Kos and Olbermann. You CAN logically prove what the president said, it is written in the text of all 3 press conferences, go read them! I didn't misstate anything, I nailed it on the money, and once again you are reduced to looking like an idiot, trying to make me prove he didn't say something he didn't say!

Wipe the spittle off the screen, genius. YOU claimed the President lied here. PROVE IT, TELL US WHAT HE LIED ABOUT IN THIS INSTANCE. The only thing you "nailed" is demonstrating anger born of ignorant frustration. I call you a neocon parrot because the convoluted BS you spew can be found in similar form in the broadcast of Limbaugh or Levine or Beck or Hannity. As they have been logically and factually proven to be consisten liars on ALL subjects, that puts you in bad company. As for the Daily Kos and Olberman....the Daily Kos uses valid documents and quotes that dopes like you can't refute...and I don't have cable, so I'm not too familiar with Olberman beyond one or two YouTube views. Once again, you demonstrate what a braying ass you are.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Bottom line: Obama responding accordingly as events unfolded....he was responding to the events....not unlike neocon braying jackasses who have maintained empty rhetoric DESPITE the situation.

No, there has been only ONE event... a corrupt and illegitimate election! Again you demonstrate the sheer insipid stubborness of the willfully ignorant neocon parrot. You had a series of events that lead up to the shooting of the woman, and before that you had crackdowns that lead to public beatings and shootings. So spare us all this lame ass attempt to circumnavigate reality for the sake of trying to prop up some neocon anti-Obama propaganda. What has followed is protesting in the streets of Iran by people who want free and fair democratic elections! Obama responded to the EVENT in a tacit, conciliatory way, Okay genius, please provide the quote from Obama where he was CONCILIATORY towards an illegal election and subsequent regime crackdown. Spare us the bullshit, and meet a simple burden of proof. If you can't, then you are a liar and bolstered the point that his administration still looked forward to negotiating with the illegitimate government of Iran! He stated that if and when Iran got it's act together with regards to how it treated it's people (among other things) that talks towards formal relations could take place. Stop lying. As people began to die in the streets, and the public outcry started driving Obama's poll numbers down, he ratcheted up his tone, the second press conference was a little more harsh and critical, and when it became obvious to even the most retarded idiots on the planet (the French) that decent civilized people should condemn this shit... Obama finally did!
And of course, you can provide these valid "polls" that paralleled Obama's responses? If you can't, then YOU ARE LYING. Hint: the brayings of McCain, Limbaugh, Hannity or Gingrich are NOT polls.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Garrett shut his mouth because unlike you, he had an 8th of a brain to realize that he couldn't fault the chronology that Obama laid forth, and would look stupid in doing so.

No, Garrett shut his mouth because he was a reporter at a press conference, and that is how it's done! You ASK a question.... the president ANSWERS... then they move on... haven't you seen these before? Garrett doesn't get the chance to ask follow up questions. What I saw Obama give as an answer, reminds me of what we see here everyday, a willing suspension of disbelief, and spin that I don't even think he bought as he was saying it.

Did you happen to notice that other reporters quickly asked follow-up questions, and some got answers before the conference end? That's how it works, genius. Your boy got his shot, and got shot down because he knew that anything else would have been rightly perceived as stubborn neocon sour grapes. He couldn't refute Obama's review of and every other neocon parrot just do only what your little brains allow.....continue to squawk the same old lines despite new information.

As for the rest of your hateful rant, it doesn't deserve response, it speaks for it's own stupidity and ignorance.

Translation: our confederate flag waving friend here can't stand reality, and therefore just relies on the same old BS to try and cover his folly. Pity him.
Translation: our confederate flag waving friend here can't stand reality, and therefore just relies on the same old BS to try and cover his folly. Pity him.

Fear and hatred drivin people are always pitiful. But they are generally to big of a pain in the butt to pity. at least in my personal opinion.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Translation: our confederate flag waving friend here can't stand reality, and therefore just relies on the same old BS to try and cover his folly. Pity him.

Fear and hatred drivin people are always pitiful. But they are generally to big of a pain in the butt to pity. at least in my personal opinion.

Well, look at the leadership they embrace.....Cheney running around yelling the sky is falling because Obama is in office, Gingrich doing a similar dance. Of course, the last 8 years was a paradise with all the right moves, and all our problems started 6 months ago.:rolleyes:
Translation: our confederate flag waving friend here can't stand reality, and therefore just relies on the same old BS to try and cover his folly. Pity him.

Fear and hatred drivin people are always pitiful. But they are generally to big of a pain in the butt to pity. at least in my personal opinion.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Translation: our confederate flag waving friend here can't stand reality, and therefore just relies on the same old BS to try and cover his folly. Pity him.

Well, look at the leadership they embrace.....Cheney running around yelling the sky is falling because Obama is in office, Gingrich doing a similar dance. Of course, the last 8 years was a paradise with all the right moves, and all our problems started 6 months ago.:rolleyes:

TRANSLATION: We pinheads can't actually argue against Dixie, because he makes too much sense, and there really IS no good excuse for Obama's gradual 'evolution' into condemnation... so we are going to resort to doing what we do best, and bitch about the "neocons" some more, while bashing on the right. Please forgive us for running away from the thread topic, we just couldn't take being PWNED by Dixie anymore!
The really sad part is that Dixie actually believes...

He is not just a politico spouting rhetoric for political gain, knowing while saying it that it is merely empty rhetoric.

Dixie believes that crap!
usidiot doesn't really "spew" anything...
he just regurgitates what he hears from other spewers.


I do not cowtow fully to either side. I also think that most all politicians and politics in general sucks.

I was against Iraq from the beginning.

I was against the Tarp.

I am for reasonable gun ownership.

I am for Gay "marriage" although why any man would want to have sex with another man is beyond me.

I am for fiscal responsibility.

I actually support personal responsibility for actions.
This it's not my fault whining just makes me want to pinch off some heads.

I was/am against the corporate bailouts.

I am for legalizing pot.

I am for the death penalty for certain crimes and with DNA evidence especially.

I am also in favor of taking care of our lands for the next generations.

Sound like a partisan hack to you?
Why am I even asking your opinion anyway?
Your opinions have mostly all been proven to be in error.
So go ahead and think of me as a partisan hack if you want to.
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usidiot doesn't really "spew" anything...
he just regurgitates what he hears from other spewers.

My liberal friends are so much different than the liberals on this board. We can have conversations and share ideas without wanting to strangle each other. Maybe these liberals are rejects?
My liberal friends are so much different than the liberals on this board. We can have conversations and share ideas without wanting to strangle each other. Maybe these liberals are rejects?

or maybe there is something magic and special about face to face conversations with all the inflections of voice and all the body language and all the eye contact that softens and humanizes that communication? My guess is that, if this crowd were to meet in some non-threatening social setting with comfortable seating and a warm ambience, that we would be able to share ideas without wanting to strangle one another... or at least, if this crowd were somehow able to have had such a meeting before our hearts had all been hardened by this impersonal medium.
Maybe Dixies "liberal friends" just recognize he is retarded and can't help himself and take that into account?
or maybe there is something magic and special about face to face conversations with all the inflections of voice and all the body language and all the eye contact that softens and humanizes that communication? My guess is that, if this crowd were to meet in some non-threatening social setting with comfortable seating and a warm ambience, that we would be able to share ideas without wanting to strangle one another... or at least, if this crowd were somehow able to have had such a meeting before our hearts had all been hardened by this impersonal medium.

My guess is no. Most of the conservatives on this site don't have any ideas. Imagine trying to have a conversation with Southern Man in such a setting, or webbway. They'd say something bigoted or racist, and you'd stare at them like they're idiots. Then SM would say something completely retarded then *shrug*.

You can't have a conversation with some people. I think you're under the illusion that they're not really as retarded as they sound, but I'm convinced they are.