Maybe we should call it "Fox News" instead of Iran?

Because I think the crackdown would end the uprising in its early stages and doom them to a longer period in the modern Muslim dark ages.

As I said, the people would appreciate the support of the people in the US, and we should give it. However I believe that this early in the game it is best that our government show restraint in order to deter an early stronger crackdown fueled by the "justification" of foreign "incursion".

It really has nothing to do with "crazy people", it has everything to do with giving those people the best chance to overthrow the yoke of brutal oppression without the negative impact of "justified crackdown" that would happen if the US or Israel stuck their hands into this powder keg.

The point is, they are going to "crack down" eventually anyway! It doesn't matter if we "give them and excuse" or not, if they feel like blaming us, they will do so, whether we deserve it or not! What you are saying doesn't make logical sense... it MIGHT if this were some kind of legitimate regime which had shown signs of moving in a moderate direction or allowing freedom and liberty, but that is NOT the case here.

It occurs to me, the people of Iran have a better chance of overthrowing the regime if they know the US is on their side and has condemned the regime! Telling the regime that we are still perfectly happy to work with them when this is all said and done, is doing NOTHING to help those fighting for freedom in Iran!
The point is, they are going to "crack down" eventually anyway! It doesn't matter if we "give them and excuse" or not, if they feel like blaming us, they will do so, whether we deserve it or not! What you are saying doesn't make logical sense... it MIGHT if this were some kind of legitimate regime which had shown signs of moving in a moderate direction or allowing freedom and liberty, but that is NOT the case here.

It occurs to me, the people of Iran have a better chance of overthrowing the regime if they know the US is on their side and has condemned the regime! Telling the regime that we are still perfectly happy to work with them when this is all said and done, is doing NOTHING to help those fighting for freedom in Iran!

Like Bush I did in Iraq?
That sure worked out well.
We also still do not know how many were killed in the name of democracy in Iraq.
Democracy and elimination of theocratic governments do not happen over night.
We are still working on the theocratic part of our government.

Stop making invalid comparisons between the illegitimate tyrant government oppressively controlling Iran, and our government. It just makes you look like more of an ignorant boob.
Stop making invalid comparisons between the illegitimate tyrant government oppressively controlling Iran, and our government. It just makes you look like more of an ignorant boob.


Thanks for the laugh Dix. Good night fool.
Like Bush I did in Iraq?
That sure worked out well.

Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and stop obsessing with Iraq. I know there is not much difference in the names... Iraq and Iran... and to a pinhead retard like yourself, it probably doesn't matter either way, but honestly moron... this is a completely different situation.
Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and stop obsessing with Iraq. I know there is not much difference in the names... Iraq and Iran... and to a pinhead retard like yourself, it probably doesn't matter either way, but honestly moron... this is a completely different situation.

again...what do you want Obama to do or say that he hasn't already done or said?
Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and stop obsessing with Iraq. I know there is not much difference in the names... Iraq and Iran... and to a pinhead retard like yourself, it probably doesn't matter either way, but honestly moron... this is a completely different situation.

Same basic concept. We encouraged the Kurds, and a LOT of people died, because all we really had was words.

You vastly overstate the positive impact such words could have in this situation, and willfully ignore the negative.
Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and stop obsessing with Iraq. I know there is not much difference in the names... Iraq and Iran... and to a pinhead retard like yourself, it probably doesn't matter either way, but honestly moron... this is a completely different situation.

Some of us learn from mistakes made and some do not.
I thought you were a history major?
The point is, they are going to "crack down" eventually anyway! It doesn't matter if we "give them and excuse" or not, if they feel like blaming us, they will do so, whether we deserve it or not! What you are saying doesn't make logical sense... it MIGHT if this were some kind of legitimate regime which had shown signs of moving in a moderate direction or allowing freedom and liberty, but that is NOT the case here.

It occurs to me, the people of Iran have a better chance of overthrowing the regime if they know the US is on their side and has condemned the regime! Telling the regime that we are still perfectly happy to work with them when this is all said and done, is doing NOTHING to help those fighting for freedom in Iran!
The point is, the longer before the crackdown the better the chance they have of success, there is no reason to set it off early and ensure their doom.
again...what do you want Obama to do or say that he hasn't already done or said?

I've already said what I would like to see from our president. I understand we can't go running off half cocked declaring war on Iran, I haven't called for that. Obama's supposed "strong point" is his ability to give a good speech... so do that! Give a monumental speech in some place synonymous with the fight for freedom... Statue of Liberty... Normandy... Iraq! Make the context of the message about America's support for freedom and democracy in Iran, and condemn the tyrannic oppression currently going on. Lobby the UN to pass economic sanctions, if needed... whatever has to be done! This is too important to sit on our hands and be indifferent about!

So far, all I have heard out of Obama, is mealy-mouth double talk, designed to play both sides of the fence and hedge his bets. It's all about HIS political stature, and nothing more!
The point is, the longer before the crackdown the better the chance they have of success, there is no reason to set it off early and ensure their doom.

Let me clue you in Damo.... they have ZERO chance of success if the US isn't even going to lend them moral support! Do you honestly think what they are doing will eventually effect the regime and force them to go along with freedom and democracy? What the fuck are you smoking these days, because I want some of that shit!
So far, all I have heard out of Obama, is mealy-mouth double talk, designed to play both sides of the fence and hedge his bets. It's all about HIS political stature, and nothing more!

buyt you admit that you haven't bothered to even listen to his press conference.

get back to me when you have spent as much time listening as you have blathering.
"Let me clue you in Damo.... they have ZERO chance of success if the US isn't even going to lend them moral support! "

I love this.

Are words going to magically shield them from bullets? What planet do you reside on?

Moral support....their last chance!
How the hell does "moral support" help Iranians? The fact that the kind of "moral support" you're calling for would hurt the pro-democracy movement for reasons already stated (reasons clearly above your ability to understand).
Same basic concept. We encouraged the Kurds, and a LOT of people died, because all we really had was words.

You vastly overstate the positive impact such words could have in this situation, and willfully ignore the negative.
Bush I also encouraged the shiites in southern Iraq.... same bloody outcome.
How the hell does "moral support" help Iranians? The fact that the kind of "moral support" you're calling for would hurt the pro-democracy movement for reasons already stated (reasons clearly above your ability to understand).

No, that is the SHIT you keep repeating as if it is some kind of fact, but that is not the truth!

Yes, it's above my ability to understand how supporting freedom and democracy and condemning tyranny and oppression is the WRONG thing to do... why the fuck don't you explain it to me?
How the hell does "moral support" help Iranians? The fact that the kind of "moral support" you're calling for would hurt the pro-democracy movement for reasons already stated (reasons clearly above your ability to understand).

I really don't know. When you can get in the heads of the mullahs, good luck then, you'd be as f'd up as them. Just know that once BO said 'condemned' the asshole said, another 5 days...
"Let me clue you in Damo.... they have ZERO chance of success if the US isn't even going to lend them moral support! "

I love this.

Are words going to magically shield them from bullets? What planet do you reside on?

Moral support....their last chance!

I live on the planet where logic says, if you don't stand up to tyranny and oppression it will rule the day, and if you don't encourage and support freedom and liberty, it will not prevail. You live on the planet where logic dictates we must appease tyrant regimes so The Obama can show the world how cordial he is, and usher in a new age of American diplomacy. If that means throwing freedom and liberty under the bus, it's not a problem on your planet!
BS... our patriotism was called into question all the time.

get used to it.


I guess this gives you the basis for your sermon, this coming Sunday.

"How a preacher can be an asshole; but still lead his flock"
But then, to you it's just a job.
Yeah, I stole it from Rush... sue me! It's still a brilliant point worth making.

Obama seems to have no problems condemning Fox News, and the left routinely does it, so perhaps we need to all start referring to the Islamic tyrant regime in Iran as "Fox News" instead, so that pinheads can muster up enough courage to speak out in condemnation?

It amazes me, liberals have no problems condemning Christian radicals, and those who are wacko religious extremists in the US, they won't even allow this nation to remain true to founding Christian principles. But they will literally bend over and grab their ankles for a tyrant Islamic fanatic!

They talk about wanting to keep the doors of diplomacy open to these people, but can you ever recall them wanting to keep the doors of diplomacy open to the religious right in this country? And it's not like the moral majority's objections to gay marriage and partial-birth abortion are comparable to the views of radical Islamists. Forget 'gay marriage' they execute you for being homosexual! Forget 'partial-birth abortion' they condemn women to death by stoning if they have sex outside of marriage!

Still, liberals want to believe we are better off legitimizing and trying to negotiate with people who are insane. The whole entire premise and preface for this tepid US response to what is happening in Iran, is retarded from the core! You are choosing to abandon support for the principles of freedom and democracy, in the hopes of being able to "work with" an illegitimate radical religious fundamentalist tyrant regime in Iran!

I keep hearing this "argument" that US support for freedom and democracy, will embolden the radicals, play into their hands, allow them to make the focus about US and not what is really going on. This is all hogwash, because it is based on the flawed logic that these people are sane, legitimate, or trustworthy! Unless the US sent support troops in to help the regime put down the protesters, we are going to be blamed for siding with the protesters! Do you people not understand that? It doesn't matter what our position is, extremists are going to point to the Great Satan no matter what!

This is a moment in history where America needs to stand strong for freedom and democracy, and make that statement in no uncertain terms. It is true that Obama can't do much as far as 'actions' go, but many seem to think he's pretty good with a speech, as long as the teleprompter is working, so he should do what he does best and give a speech. In some symbolic place of freedom and liberty, and speaking to "those who seek freedom and democracy" in the region. It is indeed a "tear down this wall" moment, and a time where leadership really matters. Too bad we are lacking that!

STILL waiting to hear what you and The Supreme Leader would have Obama say, in your own words please. Also, for comparison's sake, please clue us in on what the bush reaction was to the Tienenmen Square uprising. Certainly, since you are so vociferous about Obama's mishandling of Iran, you would be able to further your point by enlightening those of us here with your balanced comparison of right(bush) and wrong(Obama) in similar situations.