McCain Acknowledges He May Lose Arizona


450 sir.

You can count on it.

LOL.... ok.... gentlemans wager....

Anything over 370 and each day we are both on line, I will make sure to proclaim....." BAC is the guru, the master, knows all, sees all, predicts all. His knowledge surpasses all. He is the King of prognosticators!"

Something to that effect.

Anything under 310.... you do the same in reverse.

If it falls in between... tie.
LOL.... ok.... gentlemans wager....

Anything over 370 and each day we are both on line, I will make sure to proclaim....." BAC is the guru, the master, knows all, sees all, predicts all. His knowledge surpasses all. He is the King of prognosticators!"

Something to that effect.

Anything under 310.... you do the same in reverse.

If it falls in between... tie.


BAC is the guru .. I like that. :)

No just mouthing the words, I want you to say it conviction.

Its good to see that you have this kind of faith in America ... you think of it as a color blind Country ..

No, I'm not a fool, and only a fool would belive American society is color-blind.

Nor do I even want a color-blind society. We don't have to pretend to be blind to our differences to respect each other, appreciate our differences, and recognize we're all in this together.

The recognition that we are all in this together is why Obama is the democratic nominee and why he will win in November.

The fact that he's black matters far less than the fact that his policies represent change from the devastation of republican failures.
Jeez .. you are dumb.

I'm not citing any polls.


Read this really really slow ...


I'm betting you're still confused.

No you're NOT fuckwit...

The poll was done by a THIRD party, Bennett, Petts & Normington. The article mentions McCain acknowledgment of this poll. You go out of your way to give us a SPECIFIC link to this poll, and include it as your own additional citation. Considering that you are on record as of a few days ago stating that polls this early are USELESS I am perplexed as to why you give any credence to this article in the first place.

Why is that? You condescening prick?? Could it be because you are a hypocrite?
lol yeah, we are super racist that's why we are likely electing a black president.

What amazes me more than anything about these discussions and why I appreciate them so much is that its the living proof of how immature conservative right-wing thought truly is. Seriously, you amaze me.

If you believe there is any shred of logic in what you posted, then you have self-identified yourself as the fool I spoke of in the very post you responded to.

The problem for you is that if you knew that, you would have never posted that stupid shit in the first place.
No you're NOT fuckwit...

The poll was done by a THIRD party, Bennett, Petts & Normington. The article mentions McCain acknowledgment of this poll. You go out of your way to give us a SPECIFIC link to this poll, and include it as your own additional citation. Considering that you are on record as of a few days ago stating that polls this early are USELESS I am perplexed as to why you give any credence to this article in the first place.

Why is that? You condescening prick?? Could it be because you are a hypocrite?

I like your posts.

Is there ANY possibility that you could post here more .. or at least look for my posts specifically. I want you all to myself.

Ignore all the other people here with brains .. put their asses on IA .. pay attention to my posts exclusively.

What makes you so inviting and .. alluring .. is that you're not only dumb as a rock, but you have such passion for your rock dumbness.

Yes, I said and still say that polls this early are useless.

But I'm not citing the poll .. and I put who I am citing in really big words for the kindergarteners ..

AND guess what rocky, how do you think the McCain campaign ascertained, decided, or figured out that Arizona was going to be a swing state? What evidence did they use? Could their own internal polling be consistent with all the other polling?

Go read the definition of "acknowledgement" and "swing state" .. which I've already posted .. and if you still don't get it .. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Oh yeah, that "fuckwit" and "prick" thingie .. keep that comin' will you. Is that all you got .. some fucking Generation X metrosexual girlie slang?

C'mon rockhead, you can do better than that. :)
BAC you're the one that is a dumb as a rock. If you think polls this early are useless THEN WHY POST THIS FUCKING ARTICLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

1) Why do you care what the mccain campaign thinks about arizona when their logic is based on something that is to you is "useless" this early?

2) Why do you go out of your way to post the poll in this thread (which btw I never claimed the mccain campaign based their logic off of anything else) when you don't find value in polls?

If you weren't a hypocrite, you would have read this article, and said to yourself, "well this doesn't matter cause the mccain campaign is basing this off of something useless." However, you're a hypocrite and like polls when it supports your idealolgy.
What amazes me more than anything about these discussions and why I appreciate them so much is that its the living proof of how immature conservative right-wing thought truly is. Seriously, you amaze me.

If you believe there is any shred of logic in what you posted, then you have self-identified yourself as the fool I spoke of in the very post you responded to.

The problem for you is that if you knew that, you would have never posted that stupid shit in the first place.

There is obviously still racism in this country. That's one of the reasons why I used the adjective "super" because I knew you would freak out.

Despite the entrenched racism in our society, the fact that we will likely elect a black president surely has to at least be a testimony to how much racism has dwindled.
There is obviously still racism in this country. That's one of the reasons why I used the adjective "super" because I knew you would freak out.

Despite the entrenched racism in our society, the fact that we will likely elect a black president surely has to at least be a testimony to how much racism has dwindled.

Here's the part that you aren't smart enough to figure out.

.. only a fool would belive American society is color-blind.

You agreed with that .. then you argued against it. That would be stupid.

Post where I said America is a "super racist" society .. in fact, post where I said America was racist at all. What I said was America is not color-blind .. and basically, only a fool would argue against .. which you agreed with .. then argued against.

I also said that his race is less important than the failed direction this country is on .. in essence saying that although racism exists, it's not the overriding factor.

I also said that I'm not interested in a "color-blind" pretend society.

You sir are rock dumb .. see if you can even explain what the fuck your argument is.
BAC you're the one that is a dumb as a rock. If you think polls this early are useless THEN WHY POST THIS FUCKING ARTICLE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

1) Why do you care what the mccain campaign thinks about arizona when their logic is based on something that is to you is "useless" this early?

2) Why do you go out of your way to post the poll in this thread (which btw I never claimed the mccain campaign based their logic off of anything else) when you don't find value in polls?

If you weren't a hypocrite, you would have read this article, and said to yourself, "well this doesn't matter cause the mccain campaign is basing this off of something useless." However, you're a hypocrite and like polls when it supports your idealolgy.

Obviously big letters don't help you and it's just too difficult to draw you stick figures in crayon for you to figure it out.

But, for you .. one more time .. because you are such fun.

1) Why do you care what the mccain campaign thinks about arizona when their logic is based on something that is to you is "useless" this early?

Because I'm smarter than you rocky, and I know the McCain campaign uses more than just polling, including their own internal polling, to decide where to put their resources .. particularly in their own state. Those other factors went into their decision to call Arizona, their own state, a swing state.

Tell me you're too dumb to know what those other factors are and I'll tell you what they are.

2) Why do you go out of your way to post the poll in this thread (which btw I never claimed the mccain campaign based their logic off of anything else) when you don't find value in polls?

You never claimed it, because you never thought about it .. and much to your surprise, they do indeed factor in more than just polls.

Because one of the uses for early polls is sticking it in your oppositions eye .. which I like doing .. that's why I posted the poll.

AND, I NEVER said I don't find value in polls .. post where I said that ..

I said I don't find value in too early polls. Too early as in polls reflecting the general election while the primary was still going on. Scroll back and post where I said anything different.

Emotion you're good at.

Logic.. not your best quality .. but that's what makes you special.
I know the McCain campaign uses more than just polling, including their own internal polling,

Explain how this comment is not retarded. Would you like to explain how they gather and observe information?

AND, I NEVER said I don't find value in polls .. post where I said that ..

It's clear in the context of this argument and my repeated posts over this forum that I have been talking about early polls.
Explain how this comment is not retarded. Would you like to explain how they gather and observe information?

The comment isn't retarded, but it is certainly retarded to post part of a sentence then ask me to explain it.

Here's the full context .. I know the McCain campaign uses more than just polling, including their own internal polling, to decide where to put their resources .. particularly in their own state.

It means that more factors than just polling, including their own polling, goes into their decision making.

Here's a clue .. the press. Tell me you're too dumb to figure this out and I'll explain in great detail .. and as a bonus prize I'll explain other factors that go into the decision.

It's clear in the context of this argument and my repeated posts over this forum that I have been talking about early polls.

I'm not real sure what you're talking about other than trying to pin me about "useless polls." Did you scroll back and see where I related "useless polls" to too early polls .. polls taken of the general while the primary was still going on? Is the primary still going on?

Give it up sir .. find a real argument and come see me again.

Bring more passion .. it kinda' waned once you realized you stepped in your own shit.