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Nothing is wrong with Sowell. He is a conservative which is not going to endear him to the left and he is a black conservative which causes him to be rated even lower.

What's wrong with the professor who wrote the Philidelphia Inquirer article, whom you dismissed out of hand because he was "left-leaning" and a professor?

Nothing is wrong with him. He is a liberal which is not going to endear him him to the right, and he is in academia, which causes him to be rated even lower.
I think that if you want to find out what some think is "wrong" about Sowell, you can look to Phylis Schafly. A woman who takes "credit" for squashing the ERA amendment, and who made an entire career out of telling women to stay home and take care of their husbands, while she was making a lot of money by having a high-powered career.

And if you think that a high-powered career woman making her bones on telling other women that it's immoral to do what she is doing, doesn't engender a little more contempt than your run-of-the-mill moron spouting the same nonsense, you don't understand too much about human nature.
I think that if you want to find out what some think is "wrong" about Sowell, you can look to Phylis Schafly. A woman who takes "credit" for squashing the ERA amendment, and who made an entire career out of telling women to stay home and take care of their husbands, while she was making a lot of money by having a high-powered career.

And if you think that a high-powered career woman making her bones on telling other women that it's immoral to do what she is doing, doesn't engender a little more contempt than your run-of-the-mill moron spouting the same nonsense, you don't understand too much about human nature.

Can you tie that knot? On more than one issue, I mean the souls of both.
Can you tie that knot? On more than one issue, I mean the souls of both.

I'm not black. But I am a woman. I know how I feel about Schafly. I don't imagine I'd feel any more generous towards a man whom I felt was denigrating the very ideology that he himself simply had to benefit from. Had to have. There is always a special vitriol saved for those who we perceive to be traitors, or those we perceive to be bowing and scraping for the approval of those whom we feel have oppressed us. Whether it be the male power structure for women, or the white power structure for blacks.
Fuck you!

The fact that he is black has nothing to do with my distaste with his idiotic ideas.

Well thank you Desh but I wrote that to Darla and if you read several of Darla's following posts she explains why she feels he is a traitor to his race which places him below a white conservative. Feel free to tell Darla to fuck off as well. It can be quite fun.
you are senile, because being gay had nothing to do with his post or mine. He went to USC... I was slamming both you and his school at the same time.
And you are stupit if you think I did not know that and was just aggravating you. Quite successfully I maight add :)
Well thank you Desh but I wrote that to Darla and if you read several of Darla's following posts she explains why she feels he is a traitor to his race which places him below a white conservative. Feel free to tell Darla to fuck off as well. It can be quite fun.

Yeah too bad you don't have the balls to try it!
And I did not precisely state that he was a traitor to his race. It's a bit more nuanced than that, but I do understand that anything more complex than "me good, you bad" is hard for Republicans to grasp, so don't worry Cawacko, I don't hold it against you.
What's wrong with the professor who wrote the Philidelphia Inquirer article, whom you dismissed out of hand because he was "left-leaning" and a professor?

Nothing is wrong with him. He is a liberal which is not going to endear him him to the right, and he is in academia, which causes him to be rated even lower.

And don't forget to keep running from this post Cawacko! Really, it's just embarrassing how often I kick your ass around here! I am starting to feel bad about it. Maybe I need to join a support group.
And I did not precisely state that he was a traitor to his race. It's a bit more nuanced than that, but I do understand that anything more complex than "me good, you bad" is hard for Republicans to grasp, so don't worry Cawacko, I don't hold it against you.

Well since your quote is right there for Desh to see I thought I'd give her the benefit of the doubt that should would read it herself and know what you were saying instead of me paraphrasing your nuanced position to her.

However you are bad and I don't mean in Michael Jackson type way.
I guess you must have done it when I wasn't around to see it, which wouldn't surprise me?

Yeah right! I have told you several times during conversation and I remember because I am fired up about something if I say it.
Well since your quote is right there for Desh to see I thought I'd give her the benefit of the doubt that should would read it herself and know what you were saying instead of me paraphrasing your nuanced position to her.

However you are bad and I don't mean in Michael Jackson type way.

LOL You're fun Cawacko.