McCain/Lieberman ???

It would suck to have a guy who has a problem with Conservatives to begin with choosing a D for a running mate.

There is no possible way that McCain should choose Gore's running mate to be his...

Well, if this were any other candidate besides John McCain, I would agree. However, when was the last time you saw McCain do something to appease the Conservative base? Now, when was the last time he pissed off the Conservative base? When is the last time McCain teamed up with a true conservative, and how often does he side with true liberals? How hard is it for McCain to even SAY something to appeal to conservatives, and how easy is it for McCain to join the Global Warming crowd and pander to the Liberals?

Knowing McCain, Gore is probably on the short list behind Lieberman!! At best, if I were a gambling man, I sure wouldn't put much on McCain picking a conservative running mate. That said, Lieberman is probably as close to a Conservative as John could be comfortable with on the ticket. It also allows John to break with the current Administration and neutralize the negative of being Republican this cycle. Plus... Lieberman is big buddies with Sean Hannity, so ironically, it might actually help McCain with the 'Sean' crowd.

Yep, given John's track record, it wouldn't surprise me a bit for him to pick Joe Lieberman. Following the pick, John will issue the following statement to the Conservative base... Dear Friends, Na na na na na, Na na na na!
"I think the idea scares the hell out of the libs"

Lieberman would light a bonfire under the Dem base. There would be dangerous stampedes to the voting booth.

So, no - we're not really scared.

Well, the thing is, the Dem base is split pretty much down the middle. They don't all think like you, a devout liberal pinhead, some of them are moderate to conservative, and their candidate (Hillary) is out of the race. I can't see these people stampeding to the polls to vote for Obama because Lieberman is on the McCain ticket. Maybe I am missing something, but I don't see it.

Think about this for a moment, I know it's tough for you to think, but challenge yourself and try for me....

The kind of voter who is fired up about McCain and loves the guy to death... isn't it also the same type of voter who would have no real problems with Lieberman? They are kind of cut from the same cloth, McCain is consistently to the left of his party, while Lieberman was consistently to the right of his. Both men share a mutual respect for each other, and are loved by Moderates on both sides.

Would such a pick cause outrage in the hard core liberal circles, oh yeah! Would it cause the same outrage in the hard core conservative circles, you bet! That's really all the motivation McCain needs to make the pick, and all Joe needs to accept it.
Hey Duncan be the man....!

Mccain will still look at Romney .....still weighing out the Morman it good...or is it bad? Romney is a crowd pleaser on the Debate floor.

I think its going to be a Governor or someone who is not actively serving, therefore I do not believe he will pick another Sen. Although Rep. Duncan Hunter could be a good way to go... very Conservative.. credible choice.

I believe McCain will reach out to a woman. He's going to want to go after the disgruntled Hillary crowd... choosing a Moderate to Conservative Pro Choice Woman would do it. Kay Bailey anyone?

albeit you are probably correct...maybe Condi to offset the gender /race issues!
The republican base is split as well.

Well yes, but the Extremes of either party, generally do not fare well in the General. The Democrats coined the phrase "run to the middle" and you will find, the candidates who have done that best, have been the winner in November. Hillary was the Democrat candidate who could have best run to the middle, Obama represents the Extreme of your party. McCain is already in the middle, he doesn't need to run to it, in fact, he could probably stand to take a few steps right, but that isn't John.

BB: ...maybe Condi to offset the gender /race issues!

There is a better chance of John picking ME than Condi! :)

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Condi, and I would probably have to vote for McCain with Condi on the ticket. That's precisely why he won't pick her. This is thinking like a Conservative, to think John will pick someone we like or want. We should know by now, the man isn't going to do that. Hell, he will go out of his way to make sure he doesn't do that! God Forbid he should associate himself with us Boot-licking-Bush-kool-aid-drinking-neocon-cheney-loving-bible-toting-gun-carrying-right-wing-pnac-nwo-war-for-oil-CONS! NO WAY! John wants to be The Maverick... not afraid to challenge the right... not affraid to be bold and go against the grain... to show the liberals that he can reach across the aisle and feel their pain too....

I swear man, it's got 'Lieberman VP' written all over it! :cof1:
Dix doesn't seem to realize that the point of co-signing bills is to draw people in from the opposing camp. It wouldn't matter if John Kyl had co-signed McCain's immigration reform bill - the populists are not conservative enough to support it. They would rather have government assist agriculture and other sectors with subsidies (liberal way) than allow for guest workers (conservative way).

McCain appeals to real conservatives, so just STFU Dixie. Remember, back when great conservatives like Robert Taft, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. were in politics, populists like Dixie were voting for people like FDR, Truman, Stevenson and Kennedy.

The only real disagreement I have with McCain on is that stupid M-Feingold Bill. That's about it...
John McCain and Joe Lieberman seem to agree on one issue, the Iraq War and the use of military force in the Middle East. In short, they're both neo-cons. On practically every other issue they seem to disagree.

The real trouble with this idea is that the one issue they are in agreement on is the one issue on which the American people disagree with the two of them and the two of them are closely wedded to the policies of the Bush, who isn't polling particularly well these days.

I'm not saying it won't happen, but if it does it's pretty much an assured Obama victory.
... the one issue on which the American people disagree with the two of them...

I don't think America's opinion is monolithic. In fact, I don't think a republican anti-war candidate or VP pick would make it very far. YOU may disagree with them on Iraq, and your trumped up liberal polls may tell you a 'majority' agree with you, but I think it is still fairly well split down party lines on Iraq. In any event, it is a far cry from the whole of America opposed to Iraq.
I don't think America's opinion is monolithic. In fact, I don't think a republican anti-war candidate or VP pick would make it very far. YOU may disagree with them on Iraq, and your trumped up liberal polls may tell you a 'majority' agree with you, but I think it is still fairly well split down party lines on Iraq. In any event, it is a far cry from the whole of America opposed to Iraq.

Sorry, the vast majority of Americans disagree with McLibercain on Iraq.


And I'm not suggesting that McCain pick a Republican that disagrees with his Iraq war vision (the pickings would be slim). All I am saying is that it would probably be better for McCain to pick a VP candidate that agrees with him on more than one issue.
Dix doesn't seem to realize that the point of co-signing bills is to draw people in from the opposing camp. It wouldn't matter if John Kyl had co-signed McCain's immigration reform bill - the populists are not conservative enough to support it. They would rather have government assist agriculture and other sectors with subsidies (liberal way) than allow for guest workers (conservative way).

McCain appeals to real conservatives, so just STFU Dixie. Remember, back when great conservatives like Robert Taft, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. were in politics, populists like Dixie were voting for people like FDR, Truman, Stevenson and Kennedy.

The only real disagreement I have with McCain on is that stupid M-Feingold Bill. That's about it...

REAL Conservatives don't believe in Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants! I don't remember Robert Taft or Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. they were before my time. I almost said I wouldn't have voted for FDR, because I certainly wouldn't vote for his policies today, but considering the nation was in a different circumstance, and with a completely different set of problems, I might have supported FDR back then, it's hard to say. None of it matters anyway, we don't vote in retrospect, if we did, I never would have voted for Carter!

Trust me, when this campaign heats up, John is going to find out what a flaming NEOCON he really is, and the last thing he will need is a "more conservative" running mate. John probably hates the "right-winger" label about as much as Vietnamese food! Probably makes him have flashbacks or something. The last thing he is comfortable with, is tying himself to the right wing of his party. About the only Republican he can withstand association with this cycle, is Lindsey Graham. But Lieberman? Weeeellll... Joe isn't REALLY a Democrat, just like John isn't really a republican... they share a mutual 'moderateness.' He would be most comfortable on the campaign trail with Joe, he would be completely unteathered from the current administration, and the right wing pariahs who are sure to be the prime target of a liberal anti-war candidate. In short, Joe isn't baggage, he solves a problem, and there is potential to steal democratic votes like no other pick could do.

Like I said... Moderate Dream Team!
Sorry, the vast majority of Americans disagree with McLibercain on Iraq.


And I'm not suggesting that McCain pick a Republican that disagrees with his Iraq war vision (the pickings would be slim). All I am saying is that it would probably be better for McCain to pick a VP candidate that agrees with him on more than one issue.

No, I still don't agree with your statement, you don't know what a vast majority of Americans think. You have a sample poll, which is only a few Americans.

As for what McCain and Leiberman agree on, I would think two moderates could probably find more commonality than any other combination. Being they are "moderate" and all, you see?
I'm talking about consistency and conservative principles here, Dixie. It doesn't matter that Carter was a failure as president - you knew what he stood for, but because he is a southern evangelical, he carried much of the region when he beat Ford. The same goes for elections during the middle of the century as well. This is one reason why I hate the South - you act only out of selfishness and power ploys, rather than out of principle. Populists saw an opportunity for power during the Reagan Revolution and took it.

As John McCain's father told him on his first day at Annapolis - "its all about character, son. That's all its about."
I'm talking about consistency and conservative principles here, Dixie. It doesn't matter that Carter was a failure as president - you knew what he stood for, but because he is a southern evangelical, he carried much of the region when he beat Ford. The same goes for elections during the middle of the century as well. This is one reason why I hate the South - you act only out of selfishness and power ploys, rather than out of principle. Populists saw an opportunity for power during the Reagan Revolution and took it.

As John McCain's father told him on his first day at Annapolis - "its all about character, son. That's all its about."

Well, it is about character, I agree with you there. As for Carter, he appealed to Southerners because he was a peanut farmer from Georgia, and we could relate to him as one of us. Social conservatives are not confined to the southern evangelicals, they are a strong coalition and in most every election, both candidates will attempt to woo them. All the presidents we've elected the past 60 years, were social conservative picks. Including Clinton, who was the closest thing to an alternative.

Reagan was a rare moment in history where the right man came along for the job at the right time.... like Lincoln, FDR, JFK... we needed his leadership to face what was ahead, we needed to listen and hear what he had to say. Populist? Yes, but there is nothing necisarrily wrong with being a populist. Isn't that generally who we find to be the "most popular" candidates? Doesn't every politician want to be a Populist to some degree?

Ironically, I think Lieberman also helps McCain in the "southern evangelic" area, because of Lieberman's religious conviction. Not that being a Jew is like being a Baptist, but there is a certain cross-denomination connection made, which is something McCain seems to be missing, compared to a Huckabee or Romney. Speaking of Romney, he may have already been promised the spot as a condition for suspending his campaign. I am not 'convinced' it will be Lieberman, but it wouldn't surprise me either.
How, exactly did we need JFK? I wasn't aware that incompetence was grounds for a stronger America... Furthermore, allowing people to come into work in your country, migrate through the regions, make money and return home is not "amnesty." Only a stupid Southerner could be so ignorant as to believe that. The problem is that current guest worker laws are so lousy/expensive, it is cheaper for farmers to hire illegal migrant workers rather than legal guest-workers. Or do you want to pay $20/oz for a bag of apples? Remember, it is calculated that only like 2% of illegal immigrants come into America from Mexico to settle down in a city and mess with the infrastructure. The McCain-Kennedy Bill would have built the fence and stepped up security to keep them out. Later on, we would hopefully come up with a new Bracero Program to make guest workers legal, cheap and efficient...
What do you suppose the chances are, McCain is considering Lieberman as a running mate? I know it sounds odd, but given we are talking about The Maverick, is it impossible? They are certainly aligned somewhat politically, they share the same resolve on Iraq and the WoT, strong on national security, believe in fiscal responsibility of government, and both are to the 'moderate' side of their party.

Lieberman might pull more than a few disgruntled Hillary voters, the more 'conservative' democrats, some of the Jewish vote, and it might be enough to disrupt the Obama Coalition. Joe is also sort of admired and liked by the young crowd, you know, for an old fart. He could make an SNL appearance and lend a little 'hipness' to the McCain campaign. Since he is not a Democrat, but an 'Independent Democrat', it wouldn't be a complete political no-no. It helps McCain distance himself from the republican label, and the "Bush's Third Term" bullcrap.

Joe and John both have this strange underlying 'respect' from members across the political spectrum, you will find Democrats who admire John and Republicans who respect Lieberman.... a rare thing to find in ANY candidate these days. Could this potentially be the 'Moderate Dream Team of 2008?' And would this completely derail the Obama Train? ...It's worth posting a thread about.


It sounds as plausable as an Obama/Powel ticket.
REAL Conservatives don't believe in Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants! I don't remember Robert Taft or Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. they were before my time. I almost said I wouldn't have voted for FDR, because I certainly wouldn't vote for his policies today, but considering the nation was in a different circumstance, and with a completely different set of problems, I might have supported FDR back then, it's hard to say. None of it matters anyway, we don't vote in retrospect, if we did, I never would have voted for Carter!

Trust me, when this campaign heats up, John is going to find out what a flaming NEOCON he really is, and the last thing he will need is a "more conservative" running mate. John probably hates the "right-winger" label about as much as Vietnamese food! Probably makes him have flashbacks or something. The last thing he is comfortable with, is tying himself to the right wing of his party. About the only Republican he can withstand association with this cycle, is Lindsey Graham. But Lieberman? Weeeellll... Joe isn't REALLY a Democrat, just like John isn't really a republican... they share a mutual 'moderateness.' He would be most comfortable on the campaign trail with Joe, he would be completely unteathered from the current administration, and the right wing pariahs who are sure to be the prime target of a liberal anti-war candidate. In short, Joe isn't baggage, he solves a problem, and there is potential to steal democratic votes like no other pick could do.

Like I said... Moderate Dream Team!

Remember things like this when Dixie makes predictions...
Remember things like this when Dixie makes predictions...

Actually, those of us who don't suffer from mental retardation like you apparently do, recognize this, not as a 'prediction' but more of a water-cooler variety 'speculation' ...there is a huge difference. If you read carefully, you will see that I was correct about McCain being uncomfortable with conservatives, although he surprised me by nominating Palin, he essentially had her bound and gagged from the get-go, and never allowed her to bring forth the conservative message she could have delivered so well.
Remember things like this when Dixie makes predictions...

You're an idiot, a lot of prominent politicos were speculating on a McCain-Lieberman ticket. Not too many people saw the Palin pick coming, but as I listened to the right pundits, I had her, Jindal, and Pawlenty as the top three picks. When people asked me at the clubs fair at my college who I thought McCain would pick, and I named Palin (they forgot the other names I ventured), they came up to me right after he announced showering me with praise about what a political guru I was. :cof1:
I think McCain's running mate should be Don Blankenship. He is a perfect example of what the Republicon party stands for.