McCain/Lieberman ???

I think McCain's running mate should be Don Blankenship. He is a perfect example of what the Republicon party stands for.

Well, unfortunately, McCain already picked a running mate and unsuccessfully made his bid for the presidency in 2008, and I highly doubt he will ever have the opportunity to pick a running mate again, but thanks for the suggestion.
Well, unfortunately, McCain already picked a running mate and unsuccessfully made his bid for the presidency in 2008, and I highly doubt he will ever have the opportunity to pick a running mate again, but thanks for the suggestion.

Then why did you start this silly thread?

Sorry Dixie I couldnt let this lie slide by.
"REAL Conservatives don't believe in Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants!"

"As the nation's attention turns back to the fractured debate over immigration, it might be helpful to remember that in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law. It was sold as a crackdown: There would be tighter security at the Mexican border, and employers would face strict penalties for hiring undocumented workers.

But the bill also made any immigrant who'd entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty — a word not usually associated with the father of modern conservatism..."
I'm talking about consistency and conservative principles here, Dixie. It doesn't matter that Carter was a failure as president - you knew what he stood for, but because he is a southern evangelical, he carried much of the region when he beat Ford. The same goes for elections during the middle of the century as well. This is one reason why I hate the South - you act only out of selfishness and power ploys, rather than out of principle. Populists saw an opportunity for power during the Reagan Revolution and took it.

As John McCain's father told him on his first day at Annapolis - "its all about character, son. That's all its about."

There you go again about the South.:(
Then why did you start this silly thread?

Sorry Dixie I couldnt let this lie slide by.
"REAL Conservatives don't believe in Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants!"

"As the nation's attention turns back to the fractured debate over immigration, it might be helpful to remember that in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law. It was sold as a crackdown: There would be tighter security at the Mexican border, and employers would face strict penalties for hiring undocumented workers.

But the bill also made any immigrant who'd entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty — a word not usually associated with the father of modern conservatism..."

Uhm, check the date. The thread is from before the primaries ended. Jarhead has been digging up ancient threads in an attempt to remind us all of just how retarded he was back then, and apparently still is.

Since you took the time to post something about illegal immigration here, I will respond. We currently have over 10 million illegals here, and at some point, we will have to make a decision on what to do about that. As I see it, we have only 3 options. 1.) Deport them all. 2.) Commit mass genocide 3.) Give them what some will undoubtedly call "amnesty" regardless of how it is structured. Now, I don't see #1 happening, especially since so much hell is being raised by simply asking for their ID. How the hell could we ever deport them all, if we can't even ask for their ID? I also don't see #2 happening, we just don't do mass genocide in this country. That leaves option #3, the most practical and realistic solution. If you want to ridicule me and say that's not "conservative" then so be it, but you've not offered a plan yet.
Then why did you start this silly thread?

Sorry Dixie I couldnt let this lie slide by.
"REAL Conservatives don't believe in Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants!"

"As the nation's attention turns back to the fractured debate over immigration, it might be helpful to remember that in 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law. It was sold as a crackdown: There would be tighter security at the Mexican border, and employers would face strict penalties for hiring undocumented workers.:

Uhm, check the date. The thread is from before the primaries ended. Jarhead has been digging up ancient threads in an attempt to remind us all of just how retarded he was back then, and apparently still is.

Since you took the time to post something about illegal immigration here, I will respond. We currently have over 10 million illegals here, and at some point, we will have to make a decision on what to do about that. As I see it, we have only 3 options. 1.) Deport them all. 2.) Commit mass genocide 3.) Give them what some will undoubtedly call "amnesty" regardless of how it is structured. Now, I don't see #1 happening, especially since so much hell is being raised by simply asking for their ID. How the hell could we ever deport them all, if we can't even ask for their ID? I also don't see #2 happening, we just don't do mass genocide in this country. That leaves option #3, the most practical and realistic solution. If you want to ridicule me and say that's not "conservative" then so be it, but you've not offered a plan yet.

Didn't realize the date.

there's only 1 way to stop illegal workers. Don't hire them. They will go home. Everything else is bullshit.
Didn't realize the date.

there's only 1 way to stop illegal workers. Don't hire them. They will go home. Everything else is bullshit.

If we don't get rid of the federal welfare, they'll keep coming.

One Mexican illegal does at least three times more work than a union worker.

And they don't call in sick.
What do you suppose the chances are, McCain is considering Lieberman as a running mate? I know it sounds odd, but given we are talking about The Maverick, is it impossible? They are certainly aligned somewhat politically, they share the same resolve on Iraq and the WoT, strong on national security, believe in fiscal responsibility of government, and both are to the 'moderate' side of their party.

Lieberman might pull more than a few disgruntled Hillary voters, the more 'conservative' democrats, some of the Jewish vote, and it might be enough to disrupt the Obama Coalition. Joe is also sort of admired and liked by the young crowd, you know, for an old fart. He could make an SNL appearance and lend a little 'hipness' to the McCain campaign. Since he is not a Democrat, but an 'Independent Democrat', it wouldn't be a complete political no-no. It helps McCain distance himself from the republican label, and the "Bush's Third Term" bullcrap.

Joe and John both have this strange underlying 'respect' from members across the political spectrum, you will find Democrats who admire John and Republicans who respect Lieberman.... a rare thing to find in ANY candidate these days. Could this potentially be the 'Moderate Dream Team of 2008?' And would this completely derail the Obama Train? ...It's worth posting a thread about.

Yeah, run them again, by all means, another losing team!