McCain's surge

I think the D party should just sit back and say "Bush" a lot, that will get them a victory and they won't actually have to do anything. That's what I'd like to see. Yeah.

I'm glad they are so certain of victory....

seems to be their strategy...

In a major campaign coup, presidential candidate John McCain just gained the endorsement of one of the most popular political figures in Florida: Gov. Charlie Crist. Crist praised McCain as a ''true American hero'' at the Lincoln Day Dinner here and said he decided to endorse him after ``thinking about it a lot.''

The endorsement from a governor with an approval rating that hovers between 60 and 70 percent could prove to be a crucial factor in persuading the 13 percent of undecided Republicans to vote for McCain on Tuesday.

McCain is tied for first in Florida with Mitt Romney, who pushed hard for Crist's endorsement along with Rudy Giuliani. Mike Huckabee was the only major candidate to not seek a Crist endorsement.

Crist's endorsement comes a day after the high-profile decision by Florida Sen. Mel Martinez to back McCain. In a competitive race that has quartered the political establishment in Florida, the back-to-back nods by the two highest-ranking Republicans in the state gives McCain the aura of a frontrunner...
Anyone else find it a little ironic that, man of faith, Mitt Romneys was rejected by Crist?

These are major last minute endorsements, well timed, and I expect it to push the most electable Republican on to the Convention, and on as Commander and Chief.
Anyone else find it a little ironic that, man of faith, Mitt Romneys was rejected by Crist?


no, elaborate? Other than Romney was campaigning hard for it, but that has not much to do with religion.

In a major campaign coup, presidential candidate John McCain just gained the endorsement of one of the most popular political figures in Florida: Gov. Charlie Crist. Crist praised McCain as a ''true American hero'' at the Lincoln Day Dinner here and said he decided to endorse him after ``thinking about it a lot.''

The endorsement from a governor with an approval rating that hovers between 60 and 70 percent could prove to be a crucial factor in persuading the 13 percent of undecided Republicans to vote for McCain on Tuesday.

McCain is tied for first in Florida with Mitt Romney, who pushed hard for Crist's endorsement along with Rudy Giuliani. Mike Huckabee was the only major candidate to not seek a Crist endorsement.

Crist's endorsement comes a day after the high-profile decision by Florida Sen. Mel Martinez to back McCain. In a competitive race that has quartered the political establishment in Florida, the back-to-back nods by the two highest-ranking Republicans in the state gives McCain the aura of a frontrunner...

Does McCain have the balls to choose a VP who is wildly popular, single rumored to be Gay and refuses to address his sexuality?
McCain does have the Republican nomination sewed up, unless something profound happens. I am glad, because it ensures we will have a reasonable president who does not play games with something as basic as the defination of tourture.
McCain does have the Republican nomination sewed up, unless something profound happens. I am glad, because it ensures we will have a reasonable president who does not play games with something as basic as the defination of tourture.

John McCain's a straight shooter, that and his ability to be Commander and Chief on day one, and the honor and character he showed refusing to return home from a Vietcong POW camp because other soldiers had been there longer, has earned him my vote.
McCain does have the Republican nomination sewed up, unless something profound happens. I am glad, because it ensures we will have a reasonable president who does not play games with something as basic as the defination of tourture.

I commend him for that.

But this guy wants a bigger war with Iraq, and to start a new war with Iran.

His "straight talk express" is going to kill a lot of people.
Today will determine if WRL was right for once in his life. If McCain wins FL. It is all over but the crying. I actually hope WRL is right lol. Never thought I'd say that.
McCain does have the Republican nomination sewed up, unless something profound happens. I am glad, because it ensures we will have a reasonable president who does not play games with something as basic as the defination of tourture.

It's a real shame that he caved to Bush on that one too.
John McCain's a straight shooter, that and his ability to be Commander and Chief on day one, and the honor and character he showed refusing to return home from a Vietcong POW camp because other soldiers had been there longer, has earned him my vote.

While something like that may earn someone my respect, my vote goes to someone who promotes polities and programs that I belive will move the nation forward in a posative fashon. For example, I respect McCain and feel he is an honorable person, I seriously doubt I will be voting for him.
McCain will stright talk us directly into misery!

Stright talk in the wrong direction is harmfull not helpfull!
While something like that may earn someone my respect, my vote goes to someone who promotes polities and programs that I belive will move the nation forward in a posative fashon. For example, I respect McCain and feel he is an honorable person, I seriously doubt I will be voting for him.

It's a sad day when people have to debate whether to vote for the honest man, or the partisan...
It's a sad day when people have to debate whether to vote for the honest man, or the partisan...

I agree.

McCain is honest about wanting more wars, more death, and more carnage. Honesty is the best policy I guess.
I'm buying a barbecue, and having an invasion day party if you want to come, we'll serve head on a plate, human liver, tongue, OH, and the door prize is John McCain's necklaces of ear's FROM Vietnam!!!
give me a break man...

this race has become a contest between another Clinton, or a man possibly qualified to manage the 7/11 around the corner, and a true war hero, a fiscal Conservative, and a principled man.
give me a break man...

this race has become a contest between another Clinton, or a man possibly qualified to manage the 7/11 around the corner, and a true war hero, a fiscal Conservative, and a principled man.

let me guess....Obama is only qualified to run a 7/11 because his name and because he is black? I'm sure you won't admit it but it is pretty transparent.