McCain's surge

real classy and mature.

Well the prize is just about won........

John McCain is leading in the SC primaries by a large appears that WRL was on target...John will most likely win the GOP nod...and then win the general whether it is Hillary or Obama...makes no difference at this point!
Way too early to take those seriously. In the last election polls at this early showed Kerry winning handily. It doesn't seem like that took.
Not saying it's the final word, but it's a good selling point...

There are not many candidates we can all agree with 100% of the time, but those differences should not allow us to destroy rational thinking, and give the Democrats total control over government. Liberal socialist policies will bankrupt this nation, we are 9 trillion in debt and only John McCain will recognize this, and pledge to do something about it.
Not saying it's the final word, but it's a good selling point...

There are not many candidates we can all agree with 100% of the time, but those differences should not allow us to destroy rational thinking, and give the Democrats total control over government. Liberal socialist policies will bankrupt this nation, we are 9 trillion in debt and only John McCain will recognize this, and pledge to do something about it.
Shoot, just two months ago it showed him losing by a long-shot and had it that way for the seven months or so preceding. It's just too far away to make any such determination.
Shoot, just two months ago it showed him losing by a long-shot and had it that way for the seven months or so preceding. It's just too far away to make any such determination.

Two months ago not as many people where deciding who to vote for. Republicans will support a strong fiscal conservative, who's sane on the war on terror, and independents will appreciate his record of bipartisan legislation as we're all sick of this partisan bickering that has Congress only being able to agree on the serious issue of steroids in baseball, when we have a 9 trillion dollar debt, foreign nations buying up huge chunks of US Corporations, and T Bills. Foreign nations buying sway over the direction of our economy, a war on terror, a failing economy reduced to shots in the arm do to our blind obedience to free trade with nations who didn't trade freely with us, but hey, steroids in baseball is a serious national issue, cause if those ball players lose their way, America will lose it's way.
I just don't see many coming out in droves to support McCain. We need somebody exciting, somebody with a message, somebody with a vision, and somebody talking about how we come out of this mess as so many in the US believe we are in. We don't have that. We have a group of normal candidates in a year when we need a Reagan or an Ike.

A Regan is the close to the last thing we need right now.
Two months ago not as many people where deciding who to vote for. Republicans will support a strong fiscal conservative, who's sane on the war on terror, and independents will appreciate his record of bipartisan legislation as we're all sick of this partisan bickering that has Congress only being able to agree on the serious issue of steroids in baseball, when we have a 9 trillion dollar debt, foreign nations buying up huge chunks of US Corporations, and T Bills. Foreign nations buying sway over the direction of our economy, a war on terror, a failing economy reduced to shots in the arm do to our blind obedience to free trade with nations who didn't trade freely with us, but hey, steroids in baseball is a serious national issue, cause if those ball players lose their way, America will lose it's way.

The lack of "partisan bickering" is what got us into this mess. Kissing bush's ass was a bad thing.
Right, that's why one of the top Ds is trying to be like him. You are speaking policy, I am speaking politics.

My man G once again takes all you idiots to school. Do your homework fools, then come on and try to challenge my man. Until then, consider yourselves freshmen.
One of my sisters is visiting and she keeps talking about rush's show. I have so far kept from barfing and been nice to her.

Just one more week, perhaps my tolerance and patience will hold out.
Another open primary. Another win for McCain where he lost among Republicans.

USA Today/Gallup

McCain +14.0%

Let's be real, a 'little straight talk' ;)
Nationally he's up among Republicans. There was a large evangelical presence in SC that voted the dream, however unrealistic. McCain is a Fiscal Conservative, and strong on National Security. Republicans will have no problem voting for him, especially when the alternative is runaway socialism.