McCain's surge

dummy republicans may nominate him but I'm not voting for an 80 year old for president. he will lose as I predicted.
dummy republicans may nominate him but I'm not voting for an 80 year old for president. he will lose as I predicted.
This lot is going to make it very difficult indeed.

I won't vote for Huckabee, under any circumstance. Another spendthrift religious republican is NOT what this nation needs.
This lot is going to make it very difficult indeed.

I won't vote for Huckabee, under any circumstance. Another spendthrift religious republican is NOT what this nation needs.

Yeah what is sad is that McCain is the best (R) candidate. After years of trashing him the (R) now want me to vote for him. No thanks you convinced me last year that he sucks.
You gotta give it to WRL, he called McCain's Surge well before it happened.

Good Prognistigating.
Yeah what is sad is that McCain is the best (R) candidate. After years of trashing him the (R) now want me to vote for him. No thanks you convinced me last year that he sucks.

In context, especially of this election, it's a bonafide virtue, he truly is beholden to no one. He's an honest broker, principled person, he's a steady hand in any time of crisis, not riding the whims of public opinion. He's a fiscal Conservative, who will wield a veto pen over the Democrats effectively. Do you really want a liberal spending spree, as they control all three branches of government?
Do you really want a liberal spending spree, as they control all three branches of government?

No. Thats the last thing I want. Thats why I was rooting for Kerry in '04, hoping to get gridlock, instead we got a liberal spending orgy with you cheerleading it on the side.

For that reason, I hope a Repubicn wins the WH, or the congress. But neither will happen, so now we'll have the Democrats outspending the Republicans even worse than the Republicans outspend the Democrats!

You ever heard of phyrric victory Larry? Congratultions.
In context, especially of this election, it's a bonafide virtue, he truly is beholden to no one. He's an honest broker, principled person, he's a steady hand in any time of crisis, not riding the whims of public opinion. He's a fiscal Conservative, who will wield a veto pen over the Democrats effectively. Do you really want a liberal spending spree, as they control all three branches of government?

At this point yeah. I think a liberal spending spree would cost less than more dumb wars.

Obama FTW!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes I'm familiar with the phrase, but I don't agree, especially long term. Things will play out very different, two to four more years is all the country can take of General Pelosi and the Dims running a kangaroo Congress. And don't get me wrong I have serious qualms with certain Bush policies. He should have replaced Casey, and probably Rumsfeld a long time ago. He has a tendency not to fire people, but reward loyalty, but with the Washington culture, I can imagine that can be an easy trap to fall, however soon the Democrats won't have the name of George W Bush to invoke anymore, and then what will they say, they either change as we saw with more moderate and even some 'Conservative' sounding Democrats in 2006, or they will fall back down the slope of irrelevance again, they ran an effective smear campaign, whose target date of effectiveness has run it's course, now they have to choose between someone half the country already has a negative opinion of, or a Joe somebody whose name rhymes with Osama. A man who looks 28, has no record, wrote his memoirs at 34, lol, all hype, no substance, and people are paying attention now, hype just won't cut it until the election. Democrats may see a 'rock star' but the country wants a leader, not Jon Bon Jove as Commander and Chief.
Here's to SC picking the most electable Republican tomorrow, and defining this race...
Duncan Hunter will make a fine President! Maybe he will select John as his running mate...or not!

I like Hunter, I really do, but I don't think he's going to win, and the most important goal of any sane person should be the prevention of a Democrat controlled congress, and a Democrat in the White House. John McCain fits the bill the best, and has sound policies. Fiscal Conservative, sane on the war on terror, honorable man, who's a bonified war hero. He has a strong record to stand on, a principled person who will stand up good against, either the waffler Hillery, on principle, or the naive inexperienced Obama, on his ability to be Commander and Chief on day one.
Really... So long as it isn't Huckabee we're doing better than I thought we would.

I agree, I'm not too thrilled about the line up this year, but I know we need a Republican to win badly to prevent total democrat control, and the socialist agenda that will follow. John McCain fits the bill well enough, and has some good pluses. He's an experienced and principled leader. A sound Fiscal Conservative when we need it. I expect many principled fights over spending with McCain's toughness shining through.
I agree, I'm not too thrilled about the line up this year, but I know we need a Republican to win badly to prevent total democrat control, and the socialist agenda that will follow. John McCain fits the bill well enough, and has some good pluses. He's an experienced and principled leader. A sound Fiscal Conservative when we need it. I expect many principled fights over spending with McCain's toughness shining through.
I just don't see many coming out in droves to support McCain. We need somebody exciting, somebody with a message, somebody with a vision, and somebody talking about how we come out of this mess as so many in the US believe we are in. We don't have that. We have a group of normal candidates in a year when we need a Reagan or an Ike.
Yes but what's at stake in this election will get the Republicans out, and a lot more independents will break McCain, and that will be needed to put a Republican over the top.

Exactly. People like you murdered those folks. If you and bastards like you had never been born, you would've never been able to murder the people in the twin towers.