McCain's surge

So in a choice between an aficionado on the Constitution (i really don't know why i capitalised the constitution) and an old chap who is, perhaps, dealing with the after effects of long-term torture by some big bad old yellow men (remember Sin City? Yes? Well, like, that only worse), the obvious choice is the candidate voted "most likely to die in office" by a panel of health experts?

Unless the VP is made clear NOW i don't see how i can make a choice, and i can't even vote, which makes your predicament even more poignant, no?


Sorry, channeling WRL for a second.
Maybe in some off year you can vote for the 'coolest' candidate, but this year it matters, we need a CIC on day one, we need to cut spending now, we need an experienced leader who has a proven steady hand, not some 'rock star'

When is the last time the (R)s actually followed through on their promise to cut spending?

They don't cut spending and they aren't economically conservative. They just say they are and the gullible hicks believe them year after year.
It is a talking point for the Republicans, and unfortunately some don't follow through on it, but with McCain we have a record of fiscal conservatism, that we can rely on. It's not as if John McCain is like Romney and has a liberal record, but is calling himself a Conservative, I look at peoples records, and feel comfortable with John McCain.
60 soon to be 70% of our budget is allocated to mandatory spending, a meager 20% to defense, the problem is obvious, and McCain will do something about it, Democrats simply want to strap a entitlement system set to bankrupt us on the fast track with one of the most fiscally irresponsible entitlement giveaways in nearly a hundred years.
unfortunately, But McCain voted against it...

And seriously how long you guys plan on kicking the guy around. He's not on the ballot you know...
unfortunately, But McCain voted against it...

And seriously how long you guys plan on kicking the guy around. He's not on the ballot you know...

Hmmm probably forever. He deserves it and all of the people that voted for him twice need to be reminded on a daily basis how dumb they are.
McCain has a very good chance at winning. At least according to the current polls he does. Especially if the Dems nominate Hillary.

Yeah Repubs can only win maybe if they nom McCain and if it is against Hillary.

I know I'd vote for him in that case.
sure you'd run from that absurd notion, he's just an inexperienced, young, naive, unprepared to be Commander and Chief, and that's based off facts and his record not racism.
All these things were said by the party elite of John F. Kennedy in 1960. He was too inexperienced, a playboy, too catholic, too this too that. He was elected and he got us through the most harrowing moment in US history since WWII. The guy finesed the Cuban Missle Crisis where some might have started a literal fire storm.

Abe Lincoln had just about the same amount of political experience as Obama and he got us through THE most harrowing experience in our nations history. With and Army and some luck he pulled us through the true American Revolution and we came out the other end intact if not completely unified.

On the day Ronald Reagan took office he had not an ounce of foreign policy experience and I think even his detractors will admit he had a successful run as president in the foriegn policy arena.

Contrast that to the overall presidency of Richard M. Nixon, a man with vast amounts of experience, who ultimately sped up the process of defeat in Vietnam and almost went to prison for his lack of prinicipals.

And the Ultiimate in experience, that being what WRL seems to find one of the MOST important aspects of being president. FDR had lots of experience and bet most Righties in here would have voted for a wet behind the ears rube in ANY election against FDR. But he was the most experienced.

You NEVER know what a person is going to do in the oval office till they get there. Everything you did before gives you some insight but that is about it. When the rubber hits the road and you are CiC then we all know what you can and cannot do.
All these things were said by the party elite of John F. Kennedy in 1960. He was too inexperienced, a playboy, too catholic, too this too that. He was elected and he got us through the most harrowing moment in US history since WWII. The guy finesed the Cuban Missle Crisis where some might have started a literal fire storm.

Abe Lincoln had just about the same amount of political experience as Obama and he got us through THE most harrowing experience in our nations history. With and Army and some luck he pulled us through the true American Revolution and we came out the other end intact if not completely unified.

On the day Ronald Reagan took office he had not an ounce of foreign policy experience and I think even his detractors will admit he had a successful run as president in the foriegn policy arena.

Contrast that to the overall presidency of Richard M. Nixon, a man with vast amounts of experience, who ultimately sped up the process of defeat in Vietnam and almost went to prison for his lack of prinicipals.

And the Ultiimate in experience, that being what WRL seems to find one of the MOST important aspects of being president. FDR had lots of experience and bet most Righties in here would have voted for a wet behind the ears rube in ANY election against FDR. But he was the most experienced.

You NEVER know what a person is going to do in the oval office till they get there. Everything you did before gives you some insight but that is about it. When the rubber hits the road and you are CiC then we all know what you can and cannot do.

Seriously don't compare the one term Senator Obama to JFK, was JFK the most liberal member of the Senate, I think not, would Barrack Obama stand up to Russia like JFK did, I think not.
Seriously don't compare the one term Senator Obama to JFK, was JFK the most liberal member of the Senate, I think not, would Barrack Obama stand up to Russia like JFK did, I think not.

yes you THINK not, but you thought Bush was/is a fantastic choice. So much for your thinnin.
unfortunately, But McCain voted against it...

And seriously how long you guys plan on kicking the guy around. He's not on the ballot you know...
Probably less long that YOU GUYS kick around Bill Clinton. He's not on the ballot either and hasn't been for a while now.